I would like to add a magnesium supplement to my diet. I already take vitamin C and D prescribed by my doctor. The only magnesium tablets I have found so far also contain vitamin C & D and I do not want to double up my dosage. Does anyone have any advice please.
Magnesium supplement: I would like to... - Bone Health and O...
Magnesium supplement

Hi buddyholly
At the moment I am taking NutriAdvanced Magnesium Glycinate. high strength magnesium, ordered on line.
You can find magnesium ony tablets in Holland and Barrett and also on Ebay or Amazon!
Hi magnesium is good for everything...if you are in the UK...Look for for the Solgar brand...Holland & Battatt stock it..I get the one suitable for Vegans it's more kinder to your stomach...I take two 400 mg tablets a day one morning and evening..also a good fish oil..again for stomach reason I buy Pradaxa brand two a day..you can't go wrong with those..
I eat green veg at least twice a week for the magnesium content because my system can't tolerate the magnesium tablets. Also take organic milled seeds ( as advised by dietician) such as flaxseed ( another name for Linseed) plus Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Trying soaking in bathtub with Epsom salts once in a while - magnesium is absorbed through the skin and you thereby avoid digestion problems all too common with magnesium supplements. Loads of magnesium in plants. I heard recently that magnesium is to plants what iron is to animals!
I've been taking Solgar Ultimate Bone Support, which has magnesium along with Vit D, Calcium, Boron ... But since taking these, my digestion has worsened. I think it may be the different type of calcium, although it's supposed to be better absorbed by the body. I'm thinking I may have to go back to the AdCal the doctor gives me and take individual supplements of the other things. At least that way I will be able to work out what's upsetting my tum!
There's lots of advice on different sorts of magnesium in specific support groups on facebook. Its worth checking out because they do vary. I've been taking magnesium citrate for years, but apparently that's not a good one, and magnesium glycinate is much better. I'm transitioning now.
That is what I have learned, Prudanced, that Magnesium Glycinate is the way to go!
Yes, although 2 days in I'm finding my tummy a bit loose in the mornings. Have you found this too? Maybe it's just co-incidence.
Hi I take magnesium. Two 400mg a day....I buy the Solgar one for Vegans as it's much kinder on your tummy...if you are in the uk you can buy from Holland and Barratt otherwise on line.
I take magnesium orotate which is better absorbed by the body, apparently!! and Calcium orotate.