I’m on Losartan 12.5mg and have been experiencing annoying pins and needles. Mainly in one arm but also in the other hand and also feet. It seems to get worse in the evening and waking me at night. Anyone else had similar on Bp meds? Thanks
Bp meds (Losartan) and pins/needles a... - High Blood Pressu...
Bp meds (Losartan) and pins/needles and tingling

for me, the pins and needles was sorted out by an osteopath to massage neck and spine.
Pins and needles and muscle cramps can be a signal of a change in potassium levels when taking Losartan. I would get your electrolytes checked by the gp if I were you. You need kidney function checked regularly when you are taking this class of drug. Hope that helps.
Hello im989, its possible the pins and needles are due to the tablets effects on your body, and figster is correct you need the kidney funnction checked but most GPs only do blood checks for kidneys once a year. Even when you are ill many many things are only once every 12 months because of staff time limits unless you have illness flare and have to go to hospital. Take care and don't be afraid to ask your GP.
Yes most BPmeds cause tingling. Take Co Enzyme 10 and Magnesium as well