since renewing my prescription ghe dude affects are worse feel anxious and neck pain. What brands of losartan do people prefer
losartan: since renewing my... - High Blood Pressu...

Hi Ninja,
I prefer Teva brand. If you think the change in brand is causing problems, you should contact the pharmacy who dispensed them and ask for the brand you had previously. Also, contact your GP surgery and ask them to state the brand you prefer on your printed prescription in future.
I can only speak for myself but I have experienced side effects from brand changes so I prefer to stick to my preferred generic brand.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. Let us know how you get on.
thank you I’ve just started them and I have acute muscle joint and leg psin started after 3 weeks I just wonder what brands to try I tried Milan znd my heart was pounding
Hi ninja1
I was put on losaron 100mg Teva last year in march.
It helped reduce my blood pressure.
But last 2 months the pharmacy changed the brand to Milpharm and my blood pressure shot up. I could think why at the time I went to see the health practitioner ( as I haven't seen my doctor since before the pandemic) but he does review my records. He added 5mg of amlodopine. I feel I wouldn't have had to take an additional tablet if the brand was not changed. It definitely impacted my health.
I will be making sure in the future to get the right brand. I think pharmacies change the brands due to prices and put medication in white boxes. I usually get neck pain when my blood pressure is elevated.
Goodluck, I hope your blood pressure gets under control.
The brand I have been prescribed is Sandoz ltd in Surrey and it gives me muscle pain very severe at the begining but it seems to be going down now and I guess dosage will make a difference too. The ideas on here sound good to me best wishes
thank you I’m finding the pain unbearable my kidney is very painful and I have extreme muscle pain
ninja1 I think you need a doctors advice, Kidney s can go wrong and cause high blood pressure or vice versa . Or go to your A&E department if the pain is bad it could be a kidney stone even . One symptom of Kidney disease is muscle pain too only tests by your doctor can decide if it is the tablets or an illness. Don't delay question the deterrioration in your health.