Have been doing low carb to reduce blood pressure but it's not working. Going to try it with the 5 2 diet. Any one tried this. Would love to get off the meds
Low carb 5 2 diet for high bp - High Blood Pressu...
Low carb 5 2 diet for high bp

I lost 6kilos with the 5-2 over three months. Had some slipups along the way but I just go back and start again. Although I had to come off this diet I have only increased by 1kilo so I count myself lucky. It did not do anything for my BP but I do find extra excise does. Even just 25 minutes a day on my stationary bike. I am 72 years old and eat 100 cal a day and before the 5-2 struggled with my weight. I am still overweight but Rome was not built in a day so I just keep trying.
Good luck!
I am 77 and unable to exercise after breaking both ankles which has left me with arthritis, although I do go swimming once a week.
I had no luck with 5;2 because I got so very hungry in the evenings, so I am trying to stick to 50g carbohydrate a day. I think this may be to low for me as I keep yearning for sweets - again in the evenings.
People have suggested I find something to take me out and away from available food at this time of day, but there's a limit to the number of times you can 'go out' seven days a week!
Ahh exDancer how I relate to your dilemma, at almost 76 I also stay in more than I used to and food seems to be continually on my mind especially the availability of it indoors. I have to pace myself and have rest days in-between going out. Another challenge as we age and my eight is definitely affected in the wrong direction.
Have you tried a high quality chromium to help with the cravings? It works wonders for me in the afternoon when "hangry" can set in....I tried a number of products in vain, but this one (recommended by naturopath) worked and has helped me tone up and prevent overeating as my blood sugar no longer crashes: pharmanord.com/us-products/...
can chromium cause problems with the kidneys and liver. how much are you taking.
just 100mcg tablet, but it's a high absorption. I am not seeing any evidence in clinical trials showing complications or added stress on kidneys and liver. And honestly, if I am cutting down on candy intake in the afternoon, I am easing up on the system as a whole.
Exercise, Mediterranean diet and CoQ10 has done wonders for my family. There is a meta analysis on CoQ10 and BP that shows if you use a solid, pharmaceutical-grade product, it has a great effect on not only BP, but also overall cardioprotection: q10facts.com/high-blood-pre...
Tried it. Hasn't worked for me
If you don't mind me asking, what brands did you use and what dose?
I use costcos. 100mg
I don't see Costco's as much more than value for your money. You should try a brand that is actually working on giving you a product that is absorbable and just like what your body produces. Not all products are the same....
which one would you recommend
I was recommended Bio-Quinone Gold by my naturopathic doc. I take 2x100mg a day and I feel the difference. My doc gave me a code for 15% discount online. You can see if the code works for you too: xywellness. Just go to their homepage: pharmanord.com
Thanks. Too expensive for me.
I totally understand.
I take very few, but high-quality supplements. I like knowing they are safe and that they work. I have wasted too much money on below average products that don't work in my life time. At this point in my life, if I can't feel the effect of what I take, then it is pointless to take it.
I'd love to exercise - tell me how to do it on two wrecked feet that ache all the time and make even walking an agony - and I'd do it.
I shall investigate chromium and Q10 and let you know, but first I have to get to the shops.
I've read a lot about CoQ10 now and done the homework on its trials, it sounds good, just what I'm looking for. The problem is my GP isn't very open minded about anything other than prescription meds. Do you know if it's ok to take with BP meds? I've been cutting down on my amlodipine and would like eventually to stop altogether.
That's a tough situation. I wouldn't take meds and start something that naturally lowers my bp without coordinating with my gp/any doc. My doc is fairly open to discussing studies with me because that carries clinical significance and the products are pharmaceutical-grade. Maybe consider a second opinion from a different doc?! Do you have more than one doc at the practice?
What you use to naturally lower by. On meds but want to come off them
Coenzyme Q10 is quite interesting. I discovered a fascinating fact about this on a YouTube video: if lots of chlorophyll rich foods are eaten and the skin is exposed to the sun, the body actually makes Coenzyme Q10 by itself.
I think the YouTube channel is Nutrition Facts.
My reply should have read 2 - 5minutes a day and a 1000 cal. Must be my keyboard or my fingers are not working right!
I did the 800 diet lost over a stone in 8 weeks but it was very tough! My blood pressure and blood sugar went down but it’s hard to maintain and I put half the weight back on over next 6 months even watching what I ate. Have tried the 5-2 but it’s not enough for me I have to practically eat nothing to loose weight! We’re all different so give it a try ☺️