I have just been diagnosed with high bp and was prescribed with felodipine but is it safe to take feloglobin (iron tablets) as well?
High bp with feloglobin: I have just... - High Blood Pressu...
High bp with feloglobin

Read the side effects carefully as about 6 months ago, I took a very low dose of medicine for my BP plus another medicine for a completely different problem and discovered after a few months of taking the two that my liver was badly affected.
When taking iron tablets, one has to check the liver functions anyway.
meds for high BP do seem to come with rather a lot of potential side effects, some of them creep up on you over many months so keep watch on how you're feeling - elated, depressed, lethargic, hungry, gaining weight, coughing at night ........
My BP is lower but my heart is beating faster...I get a lot of leg cramps ..taking Chlorthalidone which leaves low potassium..and dehydration...my mouth is always dry...so the side effects are scary