I was diagnosed pre-hypertensive at 30 with my readings 136/89.
I am 35 now and have tried to control it with exercise and good diet and had 24 hrs bp monitor last year and everything was perfectly fine. I am not on any medication for bp.
But with this lockdown stress mine is shooting up again.
To me frequent highs like 146/98 seems like worrying number. Specially high diastolics (90+) bother me.
Spoken to GPs couple of times about it and they have reassured it’s nothing to be worried about in a short run and will be checked post lockdown by 24 hrs BP monitor. I am just trying to calm my nerves. All my blood reports and medical history is excellent but it’s this anxiety of high BP that gets me worrying. I know it doesn’t help to fixate on numbers but just can’t help specially when I have chest pains - which is again nothing to be worried about according to GPs( based on all blood reports). Probably gastric related.
Can anyone share some pointers on dealing with such situation. How to trust your body and be positive.