Please introduce yourself to the comm... - High Blood Pressu...

High Blood Pressure Support

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Please introduce yourself to the community!

22 Replies

Why not leave a short comment below and introduce yourselves. Give as much or as little information as you like. Feel free to ask your own questions here:

22 Replies
Smiley881 profile image

Hello my name is Smiley881.I hope to be able to share my experience of High Blood Pressure and what I do to control it.This is not meant to be medical advice.Its just want I do.At the moment all I can do is just take the medication the Dr.Prescribed and nothing else.

in reply to Smiley881

Hi Smiley! Many thanks for your comment - you're the first who came here and joined this new community!

We're interested in knowing more about your experience and control methods.. Would you like to share it with the community here:


bowler profile image

Hi my name is bowler.     

I have hypertension,  I also have stage 3 kidney disease, so I have to keep my blood pressure in control by taking medication.

Sniffer8 profile image

Hi I'm Sniffer8

I commenced Ramipril in 2007 and Amlodipine about a year later.  I wonder how many others take these anti hypertensives?  They are standard prescriptions.  I think they cause fatigue and tiredness and wonder what others think.

bowler profile image
bowler in reply to Sniffer8

After trying many blood pressure meds, [ which  gave me side effects,] I am now on  Ramipril and bisoprolol, so far so good, but they do make me tired.     After taking the tablets my  blood pressure drops to around 112/55/pulse 52  but  as the day wears on the fatigue gets less, but my blood pressure  rises,    I take my Ramipril in the morning and the bisoprolol at night. I did this myself to spread the pills out, as I also take prednisolone       [ a  steroid]    in the morning for Giant Cell Arteritis  

Thyroidmeg profile image
Thyroidmeg in reply to Sniffer8

I'm in Rampril and initially they worked but when I upped from 5mg to 10 there was no change . I've no side effects tho it's hard to tell as thyroid makes me tired . Might need a second pill like you wish I didn't need any !:(

I also take Ramipril and Amlodipine and have fatigue but I also have a very rare blood disorder ( MPN ). Which is classified as blood cancer 

philaustin profile image

Hi, Phil here. Diagnosed with high blood pressure 6 years ago at 60 while they were trying to find out what was causing a stack of medical problems that turned out to be coeliac disease. Not sure which is worse. Both have had a big effect on my life and it isn't nice.  Might have been better not to find out about the high blood pressure.

Hi, My name is 20Voices and I have been on blood pressure medication for about 6 months, but my doctor had been monitoring my BP for over 16 years. I monitor it myself at home as I get different reading from when in the surgery. The need for blood pressure tablets seems to have come with me battling against anxiety and depression as well as getting divorce. I believe stress has been a real contributor to me having high blood pressure.

Maxyz3 profile image
Maxyz3 in reply to


I was diagnosed with hypertension in 1998 & was prescribed Bisoprolol. Ramipril was added but I had to stop that because it caused a dry cough, a known side effect.  Bendroflumethiazide was added instead.  Some years later, Losartan was added too.

I have a rare autoimmune disease & am on a cocktail of drugs, which can increase my blood pressure &, equally, can reduce it.  I am currently taking Mycophenolate Mofetil & have stopped the  Losartan because my blood pressure has dropped.  Tapering Prednisolone also helped to reduce my blood pressure.

Recently, a friend told me about a trial being held, comparing/monitoring evening dosing of bp meds & conventional morning dosing.

if anyone is interested in signing up.

Yorkie66 profile image

Hi I am Yorkie66 - A 67 year old male. I have had Hypertension for maybe 20 years kept under control with Ramipril until recently. I think stress, losing my wife to cancer 7 years ago and weight gain caused my BP to rise. My GP increased the Ramipril dosage but the side effects, tiredness, itchiness, headache, mental fog etc all increased. My GP is now trying Candesarten 8mg which seems to be working in terms of BP but has the same side effects plus back pain and stiffness which can be quite bad at times. My GP has said his priority is to keep my BP down and suggests we will just have to manage the side effects - more medication. I know I have to tackle the underlying problems of stress and weight myself if I am to be able to reduce the meds and the side effects.

Morgan profile image
Morgan in reply to Yorkie66

Hi, I have been on 32mg Candesarten for many years with no side effects so am suprised you find this. Am also on Bendroflumethiazide and Doxazozin. Stiffness is on and off but at 63 I put that down to my age. I lost 3 stone a couple of years ago and kept it off by keeping off sugar and increasing exercise. I joined a Walking for Health group which is a great way to exercise and make friends.

Hi Agora, thanks for your question. I'm afraid I can't advise you regarding this and I think your doctor is the one who can give you the right answer. 

However, you can start a new discussion with other members how they act in similar situations by writing a new post on this community!

All the best

Angeliiis profile image

Hi I'm angeliiis. I'm a 46 yr old female and have been diagnosed with hypertension. I have been prescribed various meds but had side effects so now on candersartan but recentl blood pressure out of control and now up to 32mg per day. The thing is I'm about 3 stones overweight and have joined slimming world and followed plan to the letter but don't seem to be losing anything. I'm very despondent because 16 years ago I lost weight with slimming world and now can't seem to. The only thing different is the no meds but everyone is saying

Morgan profile image
Morgan in reply to Angeliiis

Hi dont despair of losing weight. I tried the 5/2 diet and was amazed it worked and then was told to cut our sugar so replaced most things with natural sweeteners. (check your yoghurts, some are loaded with sugar). Over the last 2/3 years I have lost and kept off 3 stone. I am 63 and joined some Health walking groups twice a week plus do Tai Chi, a complete change of lifestyle after an office job. Zumba was great for a few years but set off vertigo eventually.

Angeliiis profile image

Sorry.... Posted before I'd finished! Only thing different is age and this medication. Has anyone had this problem ?

soulcrow profile image

Hi I,m 50 just been to have my well man examination found out I had very high blood pressure,also had my cholesterol taken it was perfect and my healthy fats in my blood were spot on.My BMI was a little high but my doctor said it doesn't take into account body type ie muslcular or large boned ect....the biggest shock I got was traces of blood in my urine,the nurse said I could have a water infection!! could this be the cause of my high blood pressure reading???

DaveyL profile image


Only recently been told I have HB, the doc put me on on one x 10Mg of Lisinopril per day and I am in to my second week on recording my readings. I have an apt for bloods n test etc on 6 June with Docs revisit on 13 June.

My readings are all above 140 / 100 so far, highest being 167/108, though this mornings was 135/107.

I am not sure what's priority in terms of coming in below the normal range of 110-120 / 70-80 as I have read just one number is all it needs to be classed as very HB?

Anyway, that's me, I am 50 and although I had started jogging again, the doc told me to stop until I see him on 13 June :-(

pcpamela profile image

hello my name is pcpamela , have high blood pressure- taking medication;

when I take my blood pressure sometimes if it is a high reading I will do it again straight away. I have found the second reading is lower every time, my query which reading is the correct one.

bluebell136 profile image

hi ,my name is valerie ,im from burnley in england, and wondered if this is an american site ,, as no one eve seems to reply , all the sites ive responded to seem to be abandoned i can never get a response its really disappointing , .. after a few months ,, can someone cheers blubell136

DCarrier profile image

Hi I'm DJ I have lived with HBP almost 30 years; was diagnosed when I was 35 and I am now 63. I am on 4 different medications, and from reading that I have been doing lately everyone seems to cause some other type of problem, i.e. kidney, diabetes. What are you supposed to do? It becomes frustrating. I need to lose weight, which I'm doing, but have the meds done their damage and I'm fighting a losing battle. Again frustrated! My vent is over lol.

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