I am 51 years old male, and for many years my blood pressure had been controlled by 100mg of Losartan (ACE Inhibitor) but my GP changed my meds this year adding Amlodipine (calcium channel blocker), firstly 5mg and now 10mg. My blood pressure now averages around 117/75. Before (just on Losartan) it was closer to 150/90. I had a hypertensive episode at Christmas ending up in A&E when my blood pressure reached almost 260/120 hence the change.
However, the amlodipine especially since it was increased to 10mg is making me feel nauseous and lightheaded and/or dizzy. A few years back I was solely on Amlodipine but had the very similar symptoms and eventually after a referral, a cardiologist recommended I switched from Amlodipine to Losartan as he thought this was causing the problem.
Does anyone have any experience of alternatives to amlodipine? Presumably you can't take two different forms of ACE Inhibitor if you are at the limit on one particular drug? I think Beta blockers might be a no go as my resting pulse is generally in the mid to high 50s which is quite low I think given I am not an athlete.