I have OAB but recently realised I was also "leaking" urine. Also realised that I was constipated - a condition entirely foreign to me. When I had a "decent" bowel movement the pressure in bladder eased. which made me think there might be a connection as all relevant bits in the same area. Any connection?
Does constipation affect bladder control? - Bladder Health UK
Does constipation affect bladder control?

I've just seen a nurse today for over active bladder and yes if you're constipated it can make OAB worse. I don't suffer with constipation but that was in the info I got today. Lots of water can help 😊
Thanks for reply, constipation is a new experience for me and I'm realising that it is more troublesome than I had thought. I'm drinking loads of water now and also find prunes in juice effective!
Do tor’s are always telling me how bowels affect the bladder and vice Versa... if your constipation is really bothering you try laxido orange or lactulose to get things going good luck
Also a full bowel and/or straining at stool can cause other problems too. Can have a weakening affect on pelvic floor, might cause or contribute to a prolapse, Rectocele; as well as put pressure on the bladder, causing need to void before filling.
Thanks, I'm only just finding out what probs. a full bowel would cause! Who would have thought?
Yes. The key to good general health !!! Drink plenty of water and keep bowels moving!
Seriously though, I had a serious, underlying life-threatening undiagnosed condition which causes constipation (amongst many other problems) because it slows down the metabolism and nothing works properly.
I didn't know my bowels were full.
Now have several rather nasty conditions including Intussuception (which is very rare & a nightmare) ; Rectocele, Diverticular disease ; prolapse, mixed urine incontinence. Plus many other conditions. But I'm OK!
I have a fibroid outside the womb which never showed up on the regular pelvic Ultrasound. Didn't know till had the Internal (Transvaginal ) Ultrasound 6 years ago. So I doubt a fibroid helped ! Probably made things worse.
You'll know what to do to treat constipation and keep bowels healthy now? ( I'm not a lover of prunes but yes, an excellent remedy )
Absolutely! It is best to avoid constipation with bladder issues because it can cause worsening issues.