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British Heart Foundation

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All posts for July 2022

Pacemaker risky

I wonder if anyone else out there has had a double mastectomy? I qualify for a ...

Prednisone and Angina

Hello all, I read online a woman refractory to the meds was given 30 mg of Pred...
DJ3271 profile image

mild left atrium dilated

Hi Looking for help and advice I was diagnosed with AF in May and stayed in ho...
NLGA profile image
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75 mg daily Clopidogrel, bloodshot eyes

Hi Have continued to take these for many years after 2 HA's and consultant when...
einhorn profile image

HF and exercise

Hi. Sine HF diagnosis have lost a lot of confidence re physical exercise. This ...
Seaguller profile image

Afib and seizure

Just wondering if anybody here with Afib has had a seizure before? Thanks, B
BeeBee79 profile image

BoJo's Medical

Taken from another forum. Fortunately I olst weight not height!) : Boris Joh...
Heythrop51 profile image

Is it normal to not meet your cardiologist?

Hi everyone , In February I had a operation for a 17mm x7mm kidney stone . Afte...
Millie19735 profile image

dronederone and heart failure

Hi everyone, has anyone found their EF has gone down after starting Dronederone....
Mollykin profile image

Very cold with chest pain.

I'm in Australia, we are mid winter, sorry for all those struggling with the h...
MONIREN profile image

There are honkytonk pianos and there are out of tune pianos.

This morning I took a cab to visit a lady celebrating her 90th birthday. Jenny ...
Greenthorn profile image

cholesterol injections

I’ve just had a telephone consultation with a lipid doctor and he has said I’m t...
Kimberly07 profile image

Second heart attack fear.

Hi , I had a heart attack a few weeks ago. The discharge notes say: Non-st eleva...
Oaks6 profile image

24hr monitor

Does anyone know how long after having a 24hr monitor will the results be back h...
Trevornick profile image

left bundle branch block

What are the causes of left bundle branch block and how serious is it?
Rosehal profile image

28 years old with a diagnosis

hey all, I have recently been told I have a diagnosis of dialated cardiomyopa...
Missjaay profile image

Heat hurting heart?

hey heart friends, Is anyone finding this heat is hurting them (for those in U...
LJM15 profile image

Attendance allowance

Put in for attendance allowance and was awarded high rate from Sept review in 20...
boredom profile image

Feeling Down

we’ll feeling a bit down and deflated today. Finished Cardio Rehab yesterday eve...
Gilling45 profile image

Private Cardiology

Has anyone paid for a private cardiologist assessment/appointment? Could you le...
tor3 profile image

Low pulse new blood pressure under control

New my blood pressure is down to around 125/86 to 140 my pulse is sometimes down...
woodbon profile image

post surgery bras

Hello I was out shopping with my wife this morning and noticed that M&S now...
Beatles1956 profile image

tips and tricks for the upcoming hot weather

hello as I am new this this heart stuff, and not experienced full summer with sa...
Hidden profile image

4 weeks post quadruple cabg info please

Hi all I can’t believe it’s exactly 4 weeks ago at this exact time I went into w...
Jako999 profile image

blood pressure?

I know I have a bee in my bonnet about blood pressure but when I went to hospit...
Hidden profile image

hi would anybody tell me if they have heart condition and diabetes type 2 just about to start a second diabetes tablet and worried

I’m worried about the meds clashing I’ve already had big reaction to ranolazine ...
Misslowd profile image

lifestyle change

6 weeks into my new lifestyle change and the results are good I've gone from...


I had a pacemaker/defib fitted Monday and immediately placed on Amiodorone. The...

Angina Diagnosis, hospital diagnosis

Hi, My husband has seen his dr, been given blood tests and has suspected angi...

Fasting glucose

I was diagnosed with coronary heart disease on 28th June. I have 69-65 % luminal...
german14 profile image