we’ll feeling a bit down and deflated today. Finished Cardio Rehab yesterday everything is fine. All signed off, now feel cast aside no more rehab, no cardiologist follow up just back to Go. Is this normal, it just seems a little upsetting that no one is watching over me now. Any thoughts would be appreciated
Feeling Down: we’ll feeling a bit down... - British Heart Fou...
Feeling Down

Just a thought but while you had this I wonder if it felt like a bit like a security blanket and then all of a sudden it has gone
I know with other things I have felt that way and then felt really low
Of course those classes you will also miss
But it is a massive positive that you have come so far they have signed you of now even though I know it has left you feeling deflated
You still have your GP not sure how good they are and you still have us to even though not sure if that thought has made you feel any better
But we are always here if you need to talk x

You are probably right, it was a security blanket, it’s just a bit scary when you haven’t got the support there. The gp is so so but it is nice to know there are people on here that are willing to listen thank you for your continued support. 😀
I know that feeling it was once when I had Counselling and when it stopped I felt so afraid knowing I had that call coming every week all of a sudden it was gone and I felt so alone
You have done so well , I know you can move forward now even though it will feel strange for a while
The Rehab Nurses I am sure if you had something you wanted to ask they would still take your call ?
Let us know how you get on x
The good news is you have been signed off, so the system presumably considers you are able to resume a 'normal' life as best you can. So follow the advice you were given about such things as diet and exercise, and take the meds, but be mindful of any side effects which may need GP review. But above all rejoice that you are still here and enjoy life taking each day as it comes, and build on that going forward. 👍

You are luckier than me. My rehab stopped half way through with lockdown, and apart from a leaflet I have had nothing since.
Good morning. Would it be worthwhile checking if there is any heart groups in your area that meet up and support each other. There's no harm in asking. Perhaps British heart group may be able to help. Brian
As usual you are bang on.
The only one thing I would add (and hopefully this is not too late) is if Gilling45 is able to turn up at the gym when the rehab people are there, then they ask if they could do a exercise plan for them based on their conditions.
The other thing is ask the heart rehab if they could speak to the gym about any possible deals.
They got me a 1/3 a month off which I though would last about 3 months but 9 months has still not gone up.
Dear Gilling45
Totally understand exactly what your feeling and so will many on this site.
That is not to say that these feelings are not personal to you, because they are, no amount of being told that your not alone at feeling this way will lift you from this dip that you have slipped into, for its there for a reason.
I likened it to grief and all the stages that you have to pass through to regain some form of normality. I say normality because as you already know you will never be that person again and have a good chance now of being a better one { I mean physically }
So you have been signed off? That is just one part of this recovery stage, you will have medication and check ups for the rest of your life and if your anything like me, have a new friend { grumpy } my local pharmacist.
Its reflection time, time to put the pieces together, time to realise what you have accomplished, time to think about you and what you want/need as you move forward, slowly softly take small steps and I promise you that you will get there……..where there is, only you can say.
Take care and please let us help you into your next stage and any others until you don't need us anymore.
You are in my thoughts

Thank you for your supportive words. Yes medication, I have changed my diet, packed up smoking and started more exercise. I suppose it’s daunting not have any back up but appreciate your kind thoughts
Other than cardiac rehab no one watched over me the whole time, it's 6 months since the op and not a single doctor or consultant has examined me since I left hospital one week after a quad bypass. It's the new world
Set yourself some new goals rehab wise and keep working at your fitness
I didn’t get much support from the cardiac team other than a phone call the first 4 weeks I think - and was signed off cardiologist week 6 , I did feel concerned that there was no one watching over me anymore , it was very much just get on with it ... I asked friends to come with me on walks , especially when I started going uphill , I’d lost all my confidence . My first visits to the pool I had to take someone with me , which was a bit silly as I was safe there with life guards ! It’s a very strange feeling , I’m usually such a confident person but this is still challenging me - I’m single , used to go out walking a lot alone , still don’t feel happy doing long walks . We’ll get there though with help and encouragement from friends family and on here .
I completely agree with what everyone has said. I haven't spoken to cardiology since my HA in March - have had a few scans since leaving hospital but no results! Recently had a letter from my consultant for a telephone call but not until the end of October! I think we are supposed to just get on with it but it's hard when you're anxious and not sure what if everything is ok.I find this group extremely supportive and even if I don't post much and do take comfort in reading others stories and knowing that we are all going through the same thing.
I finished my Phase 3 rehab recently and have joined a Phase 4 group run locally. Perhaps there is a class in your area you could join? The lady running our group is lovely, as is everyone that attends - I feel it has really helped with my anxiety.
Really hope you find a group locally that can support you.
I feel, having this group to turn to helps a lot Gilling and I found it being signed off from everything this year and was feeling a little 'deflated' like yourself. We can all offer each other support and help when we need it and it's always good to read other people's queries - I've read answers to questions that had concerned me that I never even thought to ask! I think that once all the initial frenzy of operations, ill-health, doctors appoints etc. etc are all completed we're sort of left wondering "what next?" But we're never on our own and, in this group, although we're all different, we've all been through similar times and understand a lot about what other people are feeling. It's time now to set your own pace and get back to your new normal. I'm off back to work part-time on Monday - five months to the day of my triple bypass - so we'll see where that takes me! Keep well and keep in touch. Carol
Thank you. I am back in full time work and have been for 3 months it does make it harder to exercise as I am so tired when I get home but am really trying
I was wondering about when I'll find time to exercise too Gilling, once back to work full-time, especially in winter. Don't fancy taking my walks in the dark and, as you say, It'll be tiring after a full day at workalso ! Once back full-time it'll be for four full days a week so at least I'll have Friday off. I'm lucky in that my job is only around 3 miles away from me so at least travel-time isn't an issue. Will just have to see how it goes. x
It is difficult to fit in exercising with work, most classes are during the working day so not possible to attend. I live about 2 miles from work so was considering walking there and back. So might give that a try but not when winter strikes. Good luck with your recovery
It's like the stabilisers on your bike when you are small and just learning! There comes a time when someone says you are ready to take off on your own! It's scary that, but what a wonderful feeling when you find that your ARE able to keep going! There are still people around to help with anxieties, -on the BHF website too, so use them when you need to and don't be afraid to ask for help and guidance-everyone has your best interests at the end of the day!
Quite normal! After I went for my 6 week check with my surgeon post-AVR he said he didn’t need to see me again and panic immediately set in! I argued I didn’t want to be signed off 🤣 but to no avail. Funny isn’t it, we all can’t wait to get back to normal but there is some fear attached to being told you can cope on your own now 😱 In time it wore off and each day brought me more confidence as I realised I was able to do more. Be kind to yourself, all will be well. Sue 🙏
As others have said, there are a few such follow-up clubs to be found if you're lucky to live near one.
I am fortunate in belonging to a local club started by individuals, who, having completed their own phase 3's decided to to hire a small venue and continue with their own course.
Using the simplest of equipment, and affiliated to the BHF, the club membership increased to about 60, and although sessions (warm-up, exercises, cool-down) only last an hour, we still find time for tea and biscuits afterwards.
No joining fees, just £2.50 per session.
I'm sorry this may not help you personally, but it shows what can be done by individuals.
Check with the BHF in your locality, there may be something similar near you.
Had to fight to get mine..they didn't want to offer it to me...but now have done 5 weeks of an 8 week course. I expect you are feeling you are going to miss the people there who were all in the same boat and the staff giving encouragement as well as the routine of going.It is also an incentive to go because at home we lack motivation to carry on.Joining a gym per se would not be the same unless they had weekly fitness classes at a beginners level but paying their prices for a once a week session is off-putting!
It used to be that you could continue exercise at the hospital after rehab course had been completed. But each hospital is different and times have changed, it used to be a couple of dollars. But you had the reassurance that it was same people there. Ask around, there might be something in your area. Take care. Moni
I didn't even get rehab; they said i wouldn't be able to do it ( Wheelchair user) and didn't even let me try so chucked out straight after heart attack.. I just had to get on with living.
Hi Gilling45, you will be just fine. I had no rehab or cardiologist whatsoever due to the usual reply of 'covid restrictions etc'. I only had a nurse from bhf phone now and again but that was for the first year. Two and a half years later, I have called her a couple of times and she has always been very reassuring and informative and helped me get appointments if needed.. I would suggest you do the same getting a contact established with bhf and you will feel you have someone to call with any concerns. Take care...
I had my HA during covid so no rehab at all. It was a full year before I even saw a cardio nurse. Definitely felt cast aside.