I had a triple heart bypass and aortic valve replacement and am on bisoprolol,atorvastatin and. Lanzapozole . I have experienced hair loss for the past couple of months but it has recently got worse. I have an appointment with the pharmacist of my GP practise and would like to be able to tell her if others have had the same problem.My operation was in September 2024.
Hair Loss: I had a triple heart bypass... - British Heart Fou...
Hair Loss

Hello, your op wasn't that long ago, have you thought that it might be the trauma of having a big operation could be the culprit. Just because you have been fixed physically, mentally it takes it toll.
I take the meds you mention and have been a few years now and I have not noticed any hair loss it could be as Franks-Nan says the trauma of the op and will settle down but talking to your Pharmacy is a sensible thing to do
I hope the rest of your recovery is going well
Let us know how you get on x
Had a telephone consultation with the pharmacist and she said that both medications can cause hair loss but only in rare cases. She is starting with the statins and changing me to another medication to see if that helps. If not she will try changing bisoprolol.
You should probably request blood tests for Vitamin B12 , Folate , Full Blood Count , Ferritin/ Iron and Vitamin D.You can request these if you are on certain medications, including statins, PPIs and cardiac meds that can affect your stomach acid and can reduce how much if these nutrients you absorb from your food even if it's healthy.
You can request these , according to NICE guidelines , every 12 months on these medications to prevent nutrient Insufficiency or Deficiency partially connected to taking essential meds. Because you are still in recovery your overall health and nutrient levels may have also reduced if you lost your appetite and because of the extra demands healing causes.
Make sure you drink enough before blood tests and if you already take a multivitamin don't take it for 4 days to a week before the test so it is accurate.
Request a copy of the tests rather than just being told they are normal because very low or borderline normal results are still a sign of Insufficiency , and Insufficiency still causes different mild symptoms including hair loss , fatigue , joint pain , muscle weakness among other things.
Symptoms of nutrient deficiency, no matter how well you eat , can be overlooked but incredibly common after an illness , surgery , recovery and while taking long term medications. But the solution to the symptoms and preventing them is pretty simple.
If you are below mid range in nutrient tests change your diet to include more foods with the things you need . You could try an oral supplement, but using a mouth spray or sublingual active supplement after meals are more likely to help because they aren't absorbed in the stomach but in the mouth.
A nutrient rich diet with soluble fibre and the recommended water per day is vital when you take essential medications that can affect stomach acid levels.
If the above nutrients tests are all in mud normal range , you may need to request the GP to check your Calcium levels and do a Thyroid Panel.
I had bypass surgery, 7 months ago and exactly the same thing happened. It dose seem to have stopped now but I have had my 6 month bloods done and have been told my vitamin B levels are very low. So im putting it down to a combination of that and the body recovering from surgery.
Same valve changed and same meds for the last 3.5 years plus a few more, no hair loss here
I have an appointment with my GP next week to discuss stopping bisoprolol due to several side effects - hair loss being one. But I have been taking this drug for 9 years. Perhaps discuss reducing the dose you are taking as you are still in recovery from a major op.
Hello,I have experiemced the same thing!! Ihad my double cabg 2 years ago and had extremely thick hair. Suddenly I noticed alot coming put when I brushed it. I spoke to my cardiologist and he explained that it was mostly due to the trauma of the operation. It can also affect your sight, taste and smell, and lots of other things too. I don't thi like.my hair will ever be the same as it was. It's still very thick at the back but thinner at the sides.
Hi, I had a quadruple by pass and a replacement heart valve Nov'21. I haven't had hair loos as such only when I shampoo my hair. Medication Pantoprazole 20mg Aspirin 75 mg Bisoprolol 2.5. You might need some vitamin tablets. It took me about twelve month to recover. Slowly slowly. You might feel better when we get a little sunshine. Keep smiling🙂
Hi - were you ar any point in ICU? I attended a six week course recently- laid on by ICU staff including consultants and they went through the after effects of being an ICU patient. e.g delirium, hair loss and many, many more.
Yes after my op I was in intensive care for 2-3 days. No mention of any side effects . I had very poor mood for several weeks,crying spells and feeling depressed. Did a course of cardiac rehabilitation exercises and the was very beneficial.
This course was different. Started of as a pilot at Victoria Hospital, in Kirkcaldy. They were hoping for it to be adopted by the NHS. It was a great course. Before my heart attack I was admitted to a wonderful hospital in Barcelona. I was delirious for almost 2 weeks with all sorts going wrong, I was in ICU for two weeks and ultimately had a NSTEMI. So I particularly picked up on the side effects. My hair loss began almost two months after I got home. I would say it resolved about three months later. But the hair loss and delirium were highlighted in detail for ICU patients.
Hi, The day after my operation, I was back in theatre I lost three pints of blood. I had it won't be a week at a time a leak. Didn't know anything about it. I was in hospital a week. There's a retired specialist lives near me. He said, it won't be a week at a time it will be a month at a time. To feel your on the road to recovery. Don't be picking heavy things up. You might be able to take something for your hair. Make sure first. You'll get there. The worst is over. xx
And you worry about your HAIRLOSS ?
good wishes,
I have experienced some hair loss every day since I had a mechanical mitral valve inserted. In 2017 the valve was repaired but was unsuccessfully. I was put on warfarin, bisoprolol, ramipril and atorvastatin. I experienced hair loss. 20 or 30 hairs coming off every day after a shower) in 2021 I asked to change from warfarin to Edoxaban and the hair loss stopped. Last year I had the new valve inserted and went back on warfarin and the other meds so I suspect that the hair loss is being caused by the warfarin although Bisoprolol can cause this as well. You should speak to your GP about this
Hi. I had my operation in september ie same as you. I am also taking the same medication you mentioned. Yes, I am also losing hair. I blame Lanzaprasole but I have't spoken to my gp yet. I am more concerned about my bp.
my cardiologist told me that bisoprolol causes hair loss as that is what I have been experiencing since I was put on it following my HA in 2020. He said it is the rolls Royce of that type of drug and to see if I could tolerate it before changing it. I continue to take it, but take zinc supplements to help the hair loss.
I usually post for my husband but felt this had some relevance to me. I am on a drug for arthritis and have experienced hair thinning and loss. This too is a rare side affect. My consultant has increased the folic acid tablet I took once a week to six days a week. Taking folic acid may help for you. Worth asking.