Morning all, I was diagnosed with AF last year while I was in hospital, I lost my husband in march last year and the very next day fell off one step broke my leg very badly and had to have surgery, and this was when I got diagnosed. I was put on blood thinners and beta blockers and beta blockers, but the beta blockers started to cause my hair to come out, I also have high BP so the GP stopped it and also one of my BP medication and changed it to a capsule which was good for BP and also slows heart rate, Is there anything else I should be doing, do you not have to see a consultant for AF, I actually don’t know much about this. And wondered if anyone could advise me. Thankyou
andrea: Morning all, I was diagnosed... - British Heart Fou...
You should be referred to cardiologist to see why in AF?? I was told in permanent af at a&e, after echogram they found have large hole in my heart from birth that didn't know! I too lost my husband and then all this happened- horrible isn't it
I assume that you'd had no symptoms prior to being diagnosed with afib ? I was diagnosed nearly six years ago during a routine medical, I was asked if I experienced chest pain or breathlessness , which I hadnt; I saw a cardiologist the next day and further tests revealed a leaky mitral valve but whether this had caused the afib isn't known. I really think you should ask to be referred to a cardiologist if only for your piece of mind. It might be worth speaking to the bhf nurses. I should point out I live in Cyprus where things progress more quickly but to a smaller population and less pressure on health services.
Thankyou for this information really appreciate it, I think had it for sometime but very intermittent, and it’s not there all the time every day but nevertheless it is there , also quite bad breathlessness, which stops me going out a lot as worse outside when walking, I have just started inhaling Himalayan salt, and think helping me, early days yet but my gp was told by the hospital and he did nothing, I was on injections from hospital it was blood thinners, but not for AF as in hospital waiting for surgery on very bad break in leg, I took for 100 days as not mobile for several months and when they stopped my gp put me on thinners but in tablet form, and last October moved house and new gp not said anything about a referral, so o was not to sure about if it was necessary, but I will speak with nurses and depending on what they say speak to gp but probably 2 years before seeing a cardiologist here, how do I contact the nurses, thankyou so much for your help with further information.