Hi i,m on a low dose of bisoprolol 1.25 even thou its cold at the moment just wondering if anyone else has been suffering from cold feet and lower legs, wondering if bisoprolol cause these effects ?
cold effects on lower legs: Hi i,m on a... - British Heart Fou...
cold effects on lower legs

I’m also on 1.25mg Bisoprolol, and still adjusting to too low blood pressure as a consequence. I don’t know which of the 5 medications I was started on 8 weeks ago is responsible, but I often feel cold. Frequently cold hands and feet, but sometimes full arms and legs are freezing. I think most likely culprits are beta-blocker or ACE inhibitor (or both), as they both drop blood pressure. And the colder weather doesn’t help!
I wrap up warm, wear gloves and warm socks - and am actually sat on the sofa at the moment under a blanket with a fleece hat on as I wait for the worst of the morning beta-blocker dose to wear off.
Stay warm!
Goodmorning. You are so right about beta blockers. I experience cold hands and had to wear gloves..My feet and legs wasn't to bad to tell the truth.. This type of medication has effect on blood pressure for sure, I started to feel lightheaded after about 90 minutes. I took my blood pressure once when I had this kind of feeling and I found out it was 87/56....I was on propranolol at the time then got changed over to Bisoprolol and it did exactly the same thing, I would ask your doctor if there is anything else you could try apart from beta blockers. Good luck
jayjay10000, did you go back to propranolol? If so, did it help any with anxiety?
A few of us here were wondering a few weeks ago if switching from bisoprolol to propranolol had any positive effects on anxiety levels (as the non-cardiac-specific beta blockers are also used for generalised anxiety disorder and panic attacks). The hope was that one could potentially kill two birds with one stone, but no one had any experiences to report of going that direction.
Hi there..From my experience, Propranolol does not help with anxiety, if anything it made things much worse, Propranolol supposed to help to carm the heart from palpitations, but in most cases with me, I still experience fast heart rate and fluttering..A lot people on here can not take Beta blockers at all..I went back to my doctors for help over my heart health,thinking I was going to be trying another medication but iam not on anything anymore. My advice is make appointment with your doctors and explain that you have been suffering from Anxiety issues and what kind of help can you get for this
Bummer. I get pretty good anxiety relief from my SSRI, but a top-up wouldn't have gone amiss....
To jayjay10000:-
You should not be offering advice on which medicines someone should or should not take.
Anyone advised by their doctor to stop taking a beta blocker should do so in a carefully controlled manner. Stopping abruptly can be very dangerous.
From the Patient Information Leaflet for bisoprolol:-
“Never stop taking Bisoprolol fumarate unless your doctor tells you to do so. Otherwise your condition could become much worse.”
To mobyfool:-
I take bisoprolol and I suffer from cold hands and feet, especially at rest. When moving about it takes 10 minutes or so of fairly brisk exercise before the extremities warm up. Another annoying side effect is an almost constant runny nose (a consistency more like tears).
Hey I have never given advice on taking medication, I was asking about cold legs and feet and weather if taking bisoprolol was anyone else was having the same feelings, so get your facts right.
I have a consistent runny nose from carvedilol. No allergy pill or spray helps. Definitely not enjoyable. I'm 100 times healthier than I was a couple months ago,so I'll deal with it. Lol
For several years, I used propranolol for anxiety related to specific events -- mainly public speaking engagements and certain social events. I would take a very small dose about 45 minutes before taking the stage. It was amazingly helpful for specific events. It wore off within about 3 hours and I was generally sleepy and with a headache at that point.
I have been taking bisoprolol because when I went to see the cardiologist my heart was racing due to anxiety. It has helped stop my heart racing, which helps me be less anxious, but I wouldn't say it deals with whatever is actually causing the anxiety - so I'm still anxious I just have less physical symptoms with it.
Hi, I now take my bisoprolol at night as I hated the morning effects. I feel much better and sleep well.
I was originally prescribed 5mg of Bisoprolol daily, but it made me exhausted because my heart rate was too low. It was lowered to 1.25mg daily and I was told by my Cardiac Nurse to take it before I went to bed. This has made a massive difference and works for me. But I have noticed that I feel the cold a lot more since I have been on all the heart medication.
The cardiologist insisted I take Bisoprolol in the morning when I asked about taking it later, so I apparently just have to put up with the low blood pressure effects.
You don't have too put up with low blood pressure effects at all, please talk with your doctor to find out if there is anything else you could take
Doesn’t bother me nor my dive buddy. We’re both, coincidentally, on the same dose and spent some time Scuba diving in Antarctica with no problems.
Although I get cold hands and feet, when I was on bisoprolol it made it 100% worse and my consultant said it was a good medication but had bad side effects,I was able to come off it
My ankles and feet used to feel freezing cold when i first went on bisoprolol but it got better over time. I bought some new slippers that covered my ankles as well as feet and thick hiking socks for when i was wearing shoes and boots
I’m on 1.25 mg Bisoprolol daily and have not noticed those symptoms at all, but then I’m very sensitive to cold anyway , have been all my life and Bisoprolol hasn’t worsened that sensitivity. The same as the warfarin I now take that hasn’t worsened the sensitivity either
Yes! I couldn’t tolerate it…my legs became not just freezing, but very painful and yet numb. It was so so bad I couldn’t safely walk. GP agreed to a lower dose after a few months. Still bad symptoms. Finally gave up. Much the same happened to me with other BBs.
Completely normal and comes from heart meds, I thought it was the blood thinner. Get a Teddy Bear Blanket (£10) from Dunelm and it will be the best £10 you spend as it is light and quickly warms your feet, hands & legs.
hi. I really suffer when it’s cold since cardiac meds. My toes are terrible to the point that I sometimes get chillblanes I’ve tried loads of different socks and find two pairs with Marino wool my best help If anyone has any tips for warm shoes and warm slippers for ladies I’d appreciate them Keep warm everyone x
I have suffered with cold feet and legs all my life due to my neurological condition. Like I said yesterday to a poster could you wear thermal socks and long John's under under trousers. I read years ago it's better to wear thin layers than I thick one and it's very important to keep your organs warm so thermal vests and long sleeved tops . I usually have 4 layers on on my top half and I can't wear socks so being a woman wearing 20 denier tights under my trousers in the summer and 40 in the winter . Plus thick scarf near my mouth so I don't breath in cold air through my mouth and hat and gloves . Do you do any exercises as doing them helps keep your blood flowing to all parts of your body and warms you up. I do.a sit fit class once a week and daily exercises at home and have static pedals which I do 300 rotations everyday to keep my legs working .
No idea if this helps
I am on a low dose of Bisoprolol . I waken around 6am. I lie in my cosy bed til the freezing burning sensation in my upper arms chest and upper back half an hour after wakening forces me to get up. GP tells me it would take a detective to discover which of my 11 pills is responsible. This last week has been almost intolerable. Sympathy to all who suffer with similar symptoms!
YES. Immediately reversed when meds changed ( For non connected reasons
Best wishes. PLH
No medical expertise.!
Yes, I am sure that I feel colder on Bisoprolol and my fingers go white at times. Spend the winter double wrapped with thermals, tights and socks and sit under a heated throw 😁
I,m starting to try wearing thicker clothing, have to see how things go.
A known side effect of Bisoprolol is cold hands and/or feet. I get cold feet a lot more than I used to before surgery, keeping moving helps a lot.
Cold extremities is a standard side effect of beta blockers, unforutnatley:
I too have cold lower legs, which i've not really ever seen listed. But I'm other drugs such as ACE inihibitor.
My feet are nearly always cold due to the blood pressure meds I take. At one time, when my BP was very high and the meds equally so, my hands were so cold at times my fingers were white and painful, similar to Raynaud's. Only solution is to wrap up warm, even in the house if necessary.
yep. Since my heart attacks and stents I’ve suffered cold hands, lower legs and feet. I noticed it first in a supermarket the first summer my hands went white and I had to go back to the car and put the blowers on, looked a bit mad in July! Anyway I now have thermal socks, sheepskin ankle boot slippers, a Lakeland heated throw, sheepskin mittens and a long shearling coat. My husband bought me hand warmers that I charge up before I go out. I’m on 2.5 mg Bisoprolol. Best wishes Lorna
hi, I started on 1.25mg of bisoprolol, am now up to 10mg a day but haven’t noticed feeling cold at all.
My first AFib med was Bisoprolol and it hit my extremities really hard as I have Raynaud's. It wasn't showing on my health record else they wouldn't have put me on that course of meds.
Hi, I take 1.25mg of bisoprolol and it does make my reynauds worse so if it needs increasing at anytime the cardiologist told me I’d need to go on to Diltiazem instead.
I've always got cold legs from my mid shin down and I'm on Bisoprolol too so very interested too
I find a heat pad (rectangle of cloth filled with wheat) is the BEST thing! Put it in the microwave for 2-3 mins and hug it for half an hour ! 9x6” is a good size. I get a small bag of wheat from a farmer’s supply store.
I am also on 1.25 Bisoprolol & my feet, hands, ears & nose are all blue & constantly cold. Hands & feet are the worst, & it's when I'm inside as well as outside. Consultant said it was due to the blood going to the heart instead of the extremities.
I am on 1.25mg bisoprolol and get Icy extremities (feet, ankles and calves, hands nose and ears). This happens even when central heating is on and my home is warm!
I have some soft sole sheepskin slippers that I wear in bed during the winter months.
Moving and walking indoors helps.
I am on 2.5 mg of bisoprolol and when I first started I noticed that I felt the cold more than I used to. It is almost 3 years now and I am glad to hear that this is a common side effect.
Have been on propranolol 10mg for 2 yrs. I also experience cold hands and feet with pins and needle sensations. I exercise to get back warmth.
im on 1.25 *2 in a day , also warfarin. Fingers and lower legs are always cold.
I take a beta blocker , metoprolol, and have icy feet and lower legs on/off at times,,,especially winter time,,,never had this before afib and it’s meds,,,add Eliquis and here I am,,,I’ve learned to love fuzzy socks 24/7!!
A very common side effect of this drug. I have freezing feet and toes all year round.
Following my heart attack 2 years ago, I was put on atorvastatin, aspirin, ticagrelor, ramipril & lanzoprazol. Had some amazing bruises on ticagrelor, but came off that after 6 months. Was taking 2.5 mg of bisoprolol until recently but this was halved after some low heart rate readings (42bpm). Reason given was I was more active. I still suffer from cold feet however and my resting heart rate is still on the low side (49 bpm). I do cardio rehab once a week and walk. I find that fluffy bed socks help with the cold feet at night and sheepskin boots on winter days. I feel well most of the time, but often wake in the mornings feeling awful- slight nausea and generally feeling unwell . It takes about an hour some days to pull myself together. On the plus side I’m still active and able to enjoy life at 75. I think lockdowns during the pandemic played a part in my heart attack as exercise was difficult also mother had angina and although I never smoked, inhaling the smoke of others in an office setting before the indoor smoking rules came into being.
Feeling of cold and/or numbness in hands and feet is a common side effect of Bisoprolol. It can affect up to 1 in 10.
This is mentioned in the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) that is in the box with the tablets. Under the Heading Possible Side Effects.
I have been taking Bisoprolol for 6 years and understand your problem. I wear woollen gloves and keep as active as possible. Keeping active boosts the circulation and helps to alleviate the problem
Wow been taking Bisoprolol for 6 years and also have these problems never associated them with the tablets put it down to old age so thanks for the information.
I’m on bisoprolo was feeling lightheaded cold and no motivation doctor told me take it at night I’m much better now
Hi There I can certainly empathise on this - I have been diagnosed with vasospastic disease (my heart event was apparently due to vasospasm rather than arteriosclerosis) and my circulation to my legs and feet are very affected by the cold (this started prior to my acute event and worse now)-I too am on a very low dose of bisoprolol but found my pins and needles / numbness and horrid cramps were an issue before I started on bisoprolol. It may be good to explore this more with your cardiologist / vascular team. Keep us posted and wrap up warm.
Hi mobyfool, I'm not on bisoprolol but my feet are always like a block of ice. Hands, lower legs, nose, and ears are also cold. I've got an electric throw which is fantastic, and I also have a luke warm water bottle to put under my feet. I bought a Teddy Bear bed set and it's so cozy. Keep warm.
Hi mobyfool, I see you have plenty of answers - but yes, I too get very cold feet and some skin numbness in my toes. I generally feel the cold more but this could also be my age. Yes also to the runny nose - I frequently have to wipe my nose as it feels wet a lot of the time. sam-sam32
Yes. I've always had a slowish heart rate so cold feet and toes are part of normal life for me, but my 2 x 2.5mg Bisoprolol definitely initially made it worse but now two years on, my feet and life are back to normal.