Good Morning all
Im about to be put onto Entresto and having collected the prescription it comes with a warning. Anyone had this new drug and how did your feel?
Good Morning all
Im about to be put onto Entresto and having collected the prescription it comes with a warning. Anyone had this new drug and how did your feel?
Hi Gigi
All medication have warnings about side effects, which one are you particularly worried about?
My husband has been on the lowest dose of Entresto for a couple of years, he's just recently been moved up to the middle dose, he hasn't had any problems with it.
Entresto is one of the wonder drugs they give you if your EF (ejection fraction) is below 35. It is known to really help your heart function better and relieve symptoms, though like all meds, it doesn't work for everyone
Hi there,
I started on lowest dose and went up to the max dose after a few months, I did have some side effects during the transitions, felt very lethargic and weak for about a week after each increase, this however did subside and I noticed that I was less out of breath and felt less heavy and was able to do a bit more after week 2 of the dose increases.
Some people can not tolerate increases and stay on lower doses, your cardiologist will find the best fit for you, but IMO the week long negative effects were totally worth how I feel today, hopefully you will be tolerent to max dose too.
All the best
I've been on entresto for 5 years, and it's done more good than bad.
Take it and see if it improves your condition or if you experience any adverse effects and if you do then discuss them with your Doctor.
l was put on the lower dose about 12 weeks ago and like you felt worried after reading the side effects but l have been absolutely fine. X
I was prescribed Entresto after being diagnosed with HF with an EF of 20-25%. Dose was doubled in a fairly short period after and I cant say I had any noticeable side effects.
EF has increased to 50% after a year of treatment.
Probably the combination of medications and lifestyle changes.
Most of the HF nurses ive seen have always made a comment on Entresto being a great medication.
hi Michele, my dad has been on entresto for about 4 years now and it has done wonders for his heart failure. He was 90 yesterday and still going strong. Hope you get on ok with it. As with all drugs there are side effects so I would say follow the doctors advise and go back straight away if you have any issues. All the best, Sam
hi good morning I had heart failure over 4 yrs ago and I was put on the lowest dose and about 6 to 8 weeks I went onto the Ty op dose and have had no problems I also take other meds as well you should be fine my cardio dept @ UHW look after me well as does my GP I have an ECG and blood taken every six months.
This isn’t a new drug. As explained to me by the HF nurse when my cardiologist put me on it: Entresto has been widely used for many many years for T2 diabetes and monitoring of patients through the EU (and UK) indicated that it improved the health of heart patients too. It has, therefore, been repurposed for HF.
I’ve been on it for nearly two years (high dose for most of that time) and had no problems. I walk ±28 miles a week.
Hi Henry I think you may be talking about an SGLT2 inhibitors like Dapaglifoxin which were repurposed as HF drugs. I believe Entresto is only used for HF?
Thanks Bahamasgirl. Yes, I was also changed to Dapa. The HF nurse at the time was not at all motivated so I must have got confused.
When I wanted to discuss using my Apple Watch to monitor my health she circled her face with her finger and said, “You can see from my face that I’m not interested.” Then she signed me over to my GP.
Entresto saved my life. In my experience it took time to adapt to it. Lowered my blood pressure so had to titrate very slowly. Took a few months before I could reach the maximum tolerated dose for me but still not the maximum dose for everyone else. It has controlled my heart failure symptoms beautifully but does take time and perseverance. Best wishes.
I’ve been on it from November 2022 one tablet first then one in the morning and one in the evening then worked up to one in the morning and two in the evening and that’s what I’m staying on. Had no problems except all the heart tablets I’m on cause low BP and I’ve always had low blood pressure any way.
Entresto works very well my only problem was the side effect cough drove me crazy
That sounds a lot. I thought I was on the max dose of a tablet am and pm 97gm tablets?
I have low blood pressure at times, especially an hour after I eat. Do you mind if I ask how low yours gets? Mine is usually fine but after eating is in the 80s/40s for about an hour.
Hello am1875
I have high blood pressure and its not well controlled with this medication. I also take bisoprolol 1.25. Im calling in my morning bp to the HF nurses currently and its between 135/75 - 150/80.
Hi am1875, I’ve stopped looking to see what my blood pressure is I just know I get dizzy when I stand up too quickly or have a hot bath. It has improved a lot since I’ve had the pacemaker defibrillator CRT-D fitted. My EF has improved from EF 32 to EF 49 and I’m having another Echo in a couple of weeks. My cardiologist says I am a super responder so it’s boosted me up a lot as I am a worrier. There will probably be other set backs along the way but I’m trying to stay positive. Taking tablets is part of the process and with the device fitted I feel I’m getting back to normality. It’s a shame there are side effects with tablets but if the end goal is to live a better life I think it’s worth it in the long run. Good luck and hope things improve for all of you soon. Joy
Sorry. I see where I already asked you about your bp. Imagine that. Cheers.
just had another echocardiogram and my ejection fraction pumping of the heart has got even better from originally 32 then was 49 and this time 54!! Still getting dizzy when I stoop down and get up but that’s low blood pressure I’ve never had high blood pressure. He has stopped one of my Entresto tablets at night so I take one in the morning and one at night instead of two now. Hope you are ok. Joy.
I have been on it for two years now. My EF is gone up to 50 (it was 39) and I have had no problems. It does lower your heart rate and as mine was already low I take half a dose in the morning and the other half in the evening. I did get dizzy when I took the full dose in one go.
Entresto is the first medication that is specifically for heart failure and has to now had great results…so I am very pleased.
I hope it works for you too
HI CrazyLif
Thank you so much for the reply - Mine is 40% and I do not have any symptoms but they are determined I should take this med. I am very sensitive to the other meds and have stomach irritation regularly.
Hi, I have taken entressto at the highest dose for the last 4 years. I was pleased when my cardiologist prescribed it with a combination of dapi. Initially I felt great but not so good recently, think this is down to the heart failure and not the drugs. Good luck with it x
All good for me. I had a weird itchy face for a few weeks, in the evenings ,but it soon went away.
I'm on it. It took me a few weeks to get used to. Bit of nausea and light headed spells at first. I feel fine on it now and it has no noticeable side effects for me.
Hi I've been on the lower dose for 6 yrs I even trialled this drug. I couldn’t tolerate 2 twice a day because I kept feeling dizzy. Along with a cocktail of other drugs I was brought back from the brink when my EF fell to 10% 6 yrs ago. It has now risen to 23% as from last year. I currently don’t know what it is and I’m currently trialing another drug.
Hi Deejay. Nice hearing from you. Mind if I ask the trial you are in? All the best.
It’s made a slight difference but not much I’m on 5mg but I don’t know if he will put it any higher. I have an arrhythmia blocking everything so I’m having an ablation next year. Maybe then it might work better. It’s called Verquovo(Vericiguat) It’s not approved by NICE so I have to be monitored and I can only get it from the hospital. I also had to be approved by a panel MDT before I was allowed to start it.
Has Dr. tried to increase your dosage? My bp went down a lot but after awhile not as bad. Cheers.
Hi .Michelle. I have been taking Entresto since January. Started on low dose then middle dose then high dose which I could not tolerate. The high dose brought my BP down too low so I am back on the middle dose which suits me best. Entresto has not improved my ejection fraction though but definitely brings my BP down.
My EF improv ed from 23% to 40% after 18 months on the lowest dose of Entresto, no obvious side effects.
just to echo the other responses it’s a magic drug for ejection fraction in the main. I started on baby dose and now on low dose. About 2 years I think. I did notice low bp and that’s why it took a while to adjust upwards. There is a higher dose but sticking with this dose for now. My e fraction is up and has been a while now. I was really worried at the start but settled in with it ok. I can see a lot of people feel much better on it too but I was quite active before so didn’t suddenly feel like climbing mountains. Just be careful of low bp. Usual advice on that. They tweaked my diuretic down too. Big hugs xx
I have been on it for about a year. Yes, at the start I had problems with some side effects but they did clear up. It's supposed to be a wonder drug or super drug that they prescribe now. I am on the lowest dose, they tried to put me on the middle dose but it didnt agree with me. Give it a go and see how you go, you may have no side effects at all. Good luck
I found entresco made a huge difference .I hope you have the same improvement .
I went from low to middle to high dose and have been for 5 months now. At first on the high dose I felt great and was cycling more than ever. My EF was 36 went down to 26 and then to 49. But the last month or so I feel as if my EF is dropping again as I am starting to go back over I think, worrying, but I still believe in this drug.
I've been on medium dose of Entresto, along with Bisoprolol and Forxiga, for over two years now. Had a few low BP "whiteout" incidents at first but no problems since they lowered my Bisoprolol dose. I still find it hard to walk uphill or stand for long periods but I swim up to 1k five times a week. EF was 38% last year but hoping it's better now. Will find out on Thursday!
My results may be exceptional, but my EF went from 30% to 45% to 60% while on Entresto and Farxiga for about two years. Occasionally light headed upon standing but small price to pay for that kind of improvement.
I've been on it for 4 years never had any problems 97mg twice a day
Hi Gigi70, I've been on the middle dose for almost 2 years now and have no problems at all. Best wishes.
Hi gigi70 am on entresto been on it now over a year am on a high dose as I have considerable heart damage to left ventricular av had no problems with it and it being 1 of the wonder drugs am on then am happy it helps me see how uou get on with it hope it works f9r uou as well 😊
I started to take Entresto when my ejection fraction was 23 after 4months it had risen to 41 and within the first year my ejection fraction was at 54. I feel strong and more confident to stay fit and exercise. I chose not to read any information leaflets, that I needed the medication rendered it a waste of time for me personally. Hope it works for you.
Just stopped taking Entresto, had massive sleep problems using it.
Thank you everyone for your interest and help. I have taken Entresto smallest dose for days. First 3 days by bp went right down. Then today my BP shot right up...............very worried as the HF nurse is not available till Monday now.🤕
hi Gigi
I’ve been in entresto for 18 months after HF with EF of 30 now have EF of 55. It’s a wonder drug
Mi saw the before and after images of my heart the the left ventricle is now it’s normal shape
Minimal side effects for me