Interested to know whether any GPs have advised patients not to take Lansoprazole given that various studies suggest their is a higher risk of dementia for patients who are on long term use of proton pump inhibitors eg Lansoprazole and others?
Lansoprazole links to dementia - British Heart Fou...
Lansoprazole links to dementia

that’s interesting. Can you point me to the relevant study? Or NICE article? As I’ve been on PPI for a long time.
There are quite a few studies but here is just one:
Very similar post here from 2 days ago.
My position is I have been taking PPIs for over 15 years for reflux disease. It keeps my symptoms at bay and has apparently stopped further development of Barretts Oesophagus which I contracted before I started on PPIs. I don't suffer any apparent side effects and am certainly not showing signs of dementia. Taking medication comes with a risk caused by side effects, and that has to be balanced against not taking it. In my case if I stopped PPIs my life would be a misery and I would be in danger of an advancement from Barretts to full Oesophageal cancer, or another form of this disease. I am aware of other medication that can perform the same task as the Lansoprazole I currently take, but that other medication will no doubt come with it's own set of side effects. So I will stick with PPIs. And I have not had a medication review which has suggested I consider Dementia or any other long term side effects, such as Osteoporosis which another member mentioned in the linked thread above. But my medication reviews as far as I can see are more a tick box exercise for my GP surgery assuming they take place at all, all conducted in a very passive manner.