I,ve had a bad yesterday and night kept getting very short little jabs in left hand chest area alright for a while then it comes again ,felt ill during the night , with stomach problems , woke up this morning , felt the feelings in my chest again this morning , they only last for a few seconds , the only problem is i do suffer nerve problems in this area hard to distinguished the differences, don,t know weather to go to A& E and get checked out ,only for them to look at me with blank face and say they can,t find anything and thanks for wasting there time expressions on there faces , i,m just wondering if anyone else has had these problems, if i had any hair on my head i would have pulled it out by now ,just drives me up the bloody wall, i,m on 1.25 of Bisoprolol at the moment , took blood pressure this morning that was 122.
bad day and night : I,ve had a bad... - British Heart Fou...
bad day and night

I suffer with really bad indigestion and I am almost sure some of the meds I am on have caused this or make it worse and I getting all sorts of pains in my chest area including like a little stabbing pain lasts a few seconds and then I burp which is not lady like at all but because I have been suffering like this for so long been checked out and been told this is just me and how my indigestion affects me I try and stay calm and I say try as sometimes I fail in doing so
There is every good chance what you are feeling is nothing but I always believe we know our own bodies the best and if you have any doubts it is better to get checked out and have a few blank faces looking at you than let that put you of
It is a good job then you have no hair as that would be another problem you pulling it out and glad you won't be doing that
I hope it all settles down but if you do feel you need to be checked over don't let anything put you of
Let us know how you get on x
I do suffer with indigestion problems,I suffer from ibs problems, aches in the stomach and acid reflux like yourself have done for a few years,and with the nerve problems in my left shoulder and chest it's hard to tell what,s what.Just wonder if you are allowed omeprazole for the acid reflux,stopped taking it when I was put on bisoprolol, keep meaning to ask the pharmacist, not that I took it everyday.
Seems you have everything the same as me I suffer with IBS acid reflux and have a shoulder issue to
I am on Lanzopral but they seem to have stopped working as well as they did and so my Doctor is swapping me over to omeprazole to see if it works any better so could be a good idea to see if your Doctor will prescribe you a PPI
I do get what you are saying though about having pain in your shoulder then acid reflux but I think deep down we know which is which but our anxiety tries to confuse us even more
One thing and I was only speaking with my Doctor about this on Friday is when my anxiety is worse my shoulder pain ibs and acid reflux always flare up even worse she looked back as I am going through a stressful time to when I was going through one before and said the last time you were complaining it felt this bad was when you were really anxious like you are now so I am not sure if you have been feeling more anxious but something to observe if there is a pattern when you are of feeling these things
I would ask though about the PPI and let us know how you get on x
I agree the more I notice these thing,the more stressed out I get ,affecting me at work,I use to be prescribed naproxen for the pain in shoulder and back,but not allow to take that anymore, which annoyed me because I found this quite good,have to see the pharmacist and see what he says about what painkillers i can take for pain and also the omeprazole, will let you know how I go 🙂
I take Gabapentin for my shoulder pain I find it is quite strong so try and leave it till the evening but it does work however that would have to be prescribed by your Doctor but hopefully the pharmacist will be able to recommend something for you and shall look out for how you get on x
Thanks for that,have to wait until Monday to see the pharmacist and see what they say,but I,ve got a feeling they will say that i,ll need to see the doctor. Woke up this morning with a few minor pains in the shoulder area
it’s very hard to say, and we cannot diagnose here. Maybe phone the cardiac nurses next week? Go to the BHF website for details on their number and open times.
Hi mobyfool, after apologising on my third visit to A&E only to get the all clear I was told by the doctors and nurses 'if you're concerned get to A&E, we'll decide, much rather deal with a false alarm and routine tests than a life saving situation' If in any doubt get to A&E, a delay could have serious consequences.