I had a real bad bout of coughing last night , made my chest very tight and painful I managed to get an actual appointment this morning with an ANP, , on the way there I felt so hot dizzy sick and shaky , some left sided achy chest pain and really felt as if I might pass out , had to really slow down , had to practically stop walking a couple of times . Made it to the surgery , I said how unwell I felt on the way there , he said I had a bit of a temperature and have this virus that’s going round . Just advised to take paracetamol , so I’m now home lying down with a thumping headache . No idea if the guy looked at my medical history but I’m wondering if he put all my symptoms down to anxiety after my regular gp thinks that is the cause of any chest pain I feel . I honestly thought I’d end up at hospital as I felt so unwell when I was walking . Obviously it’s good everything was ok but I don’t feel well .
Update from Fridays post can just a v... - British Heart Fou...
Update from Fridays post can just a virus make me feel so unwell , were my symptoms put down to anxiety 🤔

Viruses are funny little b*ggers. My wife had one quite a few years back after a holiday in France. She was tested for all sorts of things including Lyme's disease and Hepatitis but nothing conclusive. She was off work for over 8 weeks in the end and completely wiped out. Hope you feel better soon.
Whatever this Virus is that is going about does make you feel ill and if you still don't feel any better when it gets to say Thursday I would contact them again but hopefully it will have improved
I know mine has got infected because of what I am bringing up as long as everything stops clear that is a good sign if it changes then again get back to them
I hate it when they make you feel everything is down to your anxiety just because you suffer with anxiety they should still treat you as they would someone they doesn't and I often tell them that
Keep resting and hopefully it will clear up soon but know you are not alone with this there are a few of us seem to be catching it x
Hi Westie, You do sound as if you are feeling yuck. So please do rest up, drink plenty of fluids & take the suggested paracetamol at the recommended intervals & we'll all be sending get well thoughts for a fed days to get you back on your feet again! However do go back to the GP in a day or so if you are not better.
Aw hun so sorry to hear you feel so poorly 💔. Glad you went to the doctors sorry they weren't very sympathetic 😢🥺. Your cough sounds awful hun based on how you said your feeling maybe call 111 😘xx hope you feel better soon ❤️
I had this virus earlier this year and it does make you feel really ill. Mine lasted for over 2 weeks but even then it took time for me to eat properly and even longer to get my full energy back. The Doctor wouldn't give me antibiotics. You will get through this. I am well now. Some people have said this virus was worse for them than covid. Just drink plenty and rest
hi Westie. If it’s the virus that cannot be named, yes it can. I felt absolutely awful for quite a while. Take it very easy and rest. As for the cough, sympathies and empathy!
I may be mistaken but I thought we weren’t supposed to go to a doctor’s surgery if we’re running a fever because of the risk of passing on infections to vulnerable people.
How you feeling hope your able to get plenty of rest x 😘
Thank you for asking , not feeling great tbh , last night I’d started to cook tea when I suddenly felt a bit dizzy , thought it was the start of a migraine , haven’t been able to rest much as yesterday was school sport day then had to take the dogs to the groomers , managed to have a lie down fir an hour in the afternoon .
Aww hun it's hard trying to rest when you have so many responsibilities. 💔Glad you got to rest for an hour that's something. When I get ill it's hard because I am a full time carer so I still have to do everything I think doing dinner when you feel terrible is the worst! X hope you feel better soon hun.
Thank you Yumz, it is so difficult to carry on when you’re feeling unwell , I had the same last night , a headache that starts out of nowhere , not sure if it’s how hot it was in the kitchen . Hope you’re ok , have a good day xx