Entresto & Dapagliflozine : anyone else... - British Heart Fou...

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Entresto & Dapagliflozine

FitB profile image
29 Replies

anyone else on the above medication for discussion?

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FitB profile image
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29 Replies
TheBesty profile image

I'm on the max 97/103mg entresto and 10mg dapaglifozin. Whats up?

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to TheBesty

as I’ve just started on them I just wanted to see if there were anyone with obvious side affects (I know they are all documented) but good to know some by real people … if that makes sense.

TheBesty profile image
TheBesty in reply to FitB

I felt a bit lethargic for a couple of weeks, along with some random acheyness.. Some days are worse than others. When my entresto dose went up again, i had the same symptoms back again but they seemed to last a bit longer, 2-3 weeks.. then highest dose the symptoms were worse and lasted 4-5 weeks before settling down.. I'm fine now, just fades away after a while, or you get used to it. 👍

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to TheBesty

Thank you

Sharpglo profile image
Sharpglo in reply to TheBesty

my box says 24.3 sacubitril, 25.7mg valsartan is yours 97 S and 103 v?

TheBesty profile image
TheBesty in reply to Sharpglo

Yeah - 97mg sacubitril / 103mg valsartan ... Twice a day.

TheBesty profile image

Dapagliflozin I have been on longer, didn't notice any side effects with those

Etzel profile image

I'm on max Entresto but was taken off Dapagliflozin. Entresto gave me intermittent mild dizziness for about 2 weeks after starting, and the same again when going from middle dose to max dose. After that no side effects at all.

Dapagliflozin on the other hand was terrible for me, I had a couple of UTI's culminating in getting one while in hospital where they had me on IV antibiotics for 4 days (to clarify it wasn't the cause of the admittance just happened mid stay). Doctors said what I already knew which is that is also a diabetic treatment and makes you pass sugar when you go to the toilet which creates the infection, so they removed it from my prescription.

Bear in mind this is just me, a lot of people have no issue at all with it and you shouldn't stop it without checking first.

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Etzel

Thanks. Only just started the Dapagliflorize so will see how it goes.

A246 profile image

Been on both for six months now, no problem with dapaglaflzin. Entresto I got dizziness with each dose. But settled now. It made a massive difference to my lifexxx

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to A246

That’s great to hear. Thank you

Silvasava profile image

Entresto drops your BP so usually starts on the low dose and then gradually increase to the higher dose depending how well you tolerate it. Dapagliflozin was originally a diabetic drug so been used for quite a few years. It can cause itching but something like Candestan usually sorts it out. I'm on both and have been on them over 2 years with no issues HTH

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Silvasava

That’s good to hear. Thank you

honeybubs profile image

(Edit - sorry just read it again and you’ve got high bp sorry) just read your profile and you have low blood pressure and I have very low blood pressure and not a fitness instructor like you so watch it closely as the tablets make it drop even more I’m on the same as you Bisoprolol, Entresto and Dapagliflozen and the same age. They’ve said I’ve got to stay on them even though bp drops so they’ve given me a pacemaker defibrillator last year. Write down as many questions as you can think of to ask your cardiologist next time. Hope you go on ok. Joy

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to honeybubs

Thank you. Yes, I have low BP which isn’t helpful. I’ve just started to will follow your advice re the questions. Thank you.

ChristianeL profile image

I’m on both and they saved my life. My Ejection Fraction has massively improved. I had side effects from Entresto with every increase of the dose for two weeks. I had everything from severe dizziness that caused a fall to vomiting. The good news is they’re all gone now. Battle through the first two weeks. It was totally worth it for me.

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to ChristianeL

Good to hear . Thank you

Rayranson profile image

I've been on entresto 4 years never had a problem when I started with mild chest pain last September I was given dapaglifozin the pains had gone after only 2 days I was pleased and amazed...never had any side affects even though I'm on lots of other tablets ..apixaban..eplernone..isosorbide...lanzaprazole..clopidogrel..bisoprolol and atorvastatin quite a cocktail I did feel a bit dizzy at times when the bisoprolo was increased but just for a couple of weeks

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Rayranson

Thank you

Deejay62 profile image

I’ve been on them as part of my heart failure cocktail. I couldn’t tolerate the maximum dose of entresto they wanted to give me. I kept feeling dizzy, more than I feel now, so I have 1 twice a day.

With Dapagliflozin I’ve never had a problem. In fact it helps with my fluid reduction, I’ve been told it gets rid of glucose and salts from the body.

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Deejay62

Thank you. I think I’ve just got to wait and see how it all goes as it’s early days for me.

JCDBARBRIDGE profile image

hi I was prescribed Entresto using morning and evening. After discharge from hospital I continued its use with other meds. I had a “blackout” and fall. My GP suggested stopping the Entresto and reached out to the heart consultant. To be fair my GP did explain he was only making a suggestion but needed expert advice. I spoke with the heart team and they reduced one of my water tablets but continued with the Entresto. I had to watch my weight and water retention. For me what the hear team suggested worked. My weight has not increased and I have not had another black out and or dizzy spell. My GP is super good and by reconnecting his knowledge gaps is , for me, reassuring. Lastly, perhaps like yourself, I have a vast amount of meds which are helping my recovery therefore working with the heart team was the only way to get a holistic perspective on what was best for me. Hope this helps and best wishes going forward

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to JCDBARBRIDGE

Thank you

Eewee profile image

Hi there, yes I am on those two and eplerenone and Bisoprolol too. What's your concern?

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Eewee

Just looking for more info on the drugs … preferably what to expect with side affects.

Stellabell profile image

I have been on Entresto 49/51 for three years and Farxiga for two years now. My ejection fraction has increased from 30% to 45% and now is at 60%. I still experience some dizziness upon standing but it goes away after 15 or 20 seconds. Of course I changed diet slightly and get regular work outs so I can't claim all the progress is from the drugs alone.

FitB profile image
FitB in reply to Stellabell

That’s good to hear thank you

TheBesty profile image
TheBesty in reply to Stellabell

Your EF has gone up to 60%? Thats awesome! Ive made it to 31% from 13%, wonder if I can make it to 45% or 60% too? I'd be buzzin to reach either of those :)

theonethatgotaway1 profile image

Yes entresto is a great drug. Lots of sides for me for a long time. Heart pains literally after taking them. Dizziness. Tired. Etc. Couldn't handle the middle dose and took 2 years for the sides to settle. Had to split the tablet into 4 doses throughout the day. Finally got there and no problems.

Dapa on the other hand I notice severe tiredness after taking this medicine within 30 mins and it'll last several hours. I get real hungry during this time too. Nothing else other than this.

My EF rate hasn't improved since taking dapa over a year ago. My ef did initially increase from 12% up to 44% and back down to 34% where its pretty much settled. This is after using entresto and all the other meds.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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