Anyone have any experience of 'Entresto' (medication, relatively new)? I have been on it for almost a year, and it seem to have made a considerable improvement in my LDEF (left ventricle ejection factor). It would be very interesting to know of other people experiences - good or bad with this medication
Entresto: Anyone have any experience of... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Maxismycat, I've been on Entresto 24/26mg twice daily since the end of 2022. I've not had any problems so far. My EF is 25%, and I have LV impairment and LBBB. Wishing you well. Take care.
I have been on it for a few years, and my EF improved greatly.
I have been on 49/51 Entresto twice a day for the last year. I'm also on lots of other meds as well. My EF has risen from 25 to 35 in that year, probably not solely down to the Entresto. But I've had no ill effects. Regards
Yes, I’ve been on Entresto for around 18 months. Whilst relatively new for heart failure it has been around for many years. I was given a leaflet when my meds were changed which explains that it has been repurposed from a diabetes med based on long term studies throughout Europe. (Studies showed that patients had improved heart health).
Hi I'm on Entrato - 49/51. They was to increase mine to the highest dose but my BP is too low at the moment. Been low since starting on my meds. They're hoping to put them up on my next cardio appointment. I've not had any real problems with it thankfully.
I have been on Entresto for about a year starting on the lowest dose and after 3 months on the highest. My EF has gone from 20% to 40%. I still have AF but I don’t notice it now. I feel the best I have for about 4 years. I’m also taking bisoprolol 10mg, spirolactone, and dapagliflozin
Been on it maybe 18 months now (my cardiac nurse pushed it as a heart wonder drug but she did that with at least two others!!) and I credit it as a major factor in my EF going from 20-25% up to 55-60%. The new valve is obviously (massively) the main factor, along with exercise & diet, but it has definitely played a significant role. Don't let Entresto do all the work but fight to stay on it as long as you can.
I think it’s a very good medication for heart failure, unfortunately I had to stop taking it because it was making my potassium to high.
I understand, frequent blood tests needed I guess, like myself. Thanks for the reply
How often are the recommendations for blood tests while on Entresto as I'm not getting these done by my surgery?
I wish I could answer that, it seems almost random in my case. Having just spent a week in Hospital they took blood every day for so many reasons, prior I guess every few months in my local surgery ( I get called in). I would suggest you use patient access - or talk to your surgery / GP to ask for a test and express your concern?
Hi i was diagnosed with severe heart failure back in 2018 with left side dilated cardiomyopathy with an ef of 31 % and after a few months of tinkering with medication my consultant back then put me on entresto sucubitril and with life style changes etc my ef has improved back up to >55 and 60% so could say they do what they say they will in my case.
Hi, I've been on entresto for over 3 years now. Like you my EF improved significantly, long may it last for both of us.
in taking 24/26 twice daily. Lvef 27% to 38% still not brilliant but improving
I am on entresto 97 twice a day. I have been on full dose for about 6 months and seem to work. But I have not had an Echocardiogram for a long time and that is what I am waiting for. How often are you checked? I find my feet get very cold in bed!
Many thanks for the reply. I Started my Entresto 2 years ago and was checked just two months back (echocardiogram). I was simply called in for that , but if you use 'patient access' prehaps you can apply for a follow up, maybe someone here can add to that? Re cold feet - the new 'winter fuel' fiasco will not help, maybe it's extra wooly socks all round
Hi Rnba, I'm the same with an echo. My last one was beginning of last year and I don't see the consultant until August 2025 when I'm hoping I'll get another one. Because of this, I don't know if my EF has improved but I feel really well. I see my cardiac nurse every 6 months which I'm really happy with as it makes me feel connected if you know what I mean, not just left to get on with things once diagnosed, and I know I can contact her anytime. My feet are always cold too. Take care.
I was at 10-15% EF when diagnosed. I was at 37% 5 months later. I think Entresto saved my life. I’m on the highest dose. I know in two weeks time if it has even further improved.
I’ve been on Entresto for 6 yrs after my EF went to 10%. With other meds it’s now 23%. I take 1 twice a day. They wanted me to be on 2 twice a day but I couldn’t cope with the dizziness and feeling faint.
Thanks for your reply. I am on the lowest dose which was started when I was at 23%, (now 40% as noted above) but having low blood pressure they declined to up the amount. Sorry to hear about the feeling faint episodes. I have actual blackouts, but seemingly not related to my ejection rate (they suspect heart 'electrical' issues, I'm currently wearing an implanted loop recorder to monitor this).