Hi ,got result from 24 hr monitor test, Gp said they noticed a few things over the 24 hr test , but overall nothing had really changed when first diagnosed with At fib, and recommend that nothing to be done at the moment, problem is that test was done 5 weeks ago, told the Gp that since the test i still still get get strange feelings in the chest , since the test, Which the gp kept replying that this never showed up on the test which was 5 weeks ago . Told him that pulse rate seemed low raging from 40 up to 48 some times higher . he said he would rather it be low then high, had a crap day the other day the other day kept noticing my heart beat more prominent , not fast, When sitting down and not a At fib moment, Felt better over the past 24 hrs , just wondering because of the low pulse rate is this the reason i feel these things.
got results for 24 hr test: Hi ,got... - British Heart Fou...
got results for 24 hr test

Glad you got to see your Doctor and they did not seem to have any concerns over the results
I know you keep saying this was done 5 weeks ago and now you feel this and that but I suppose they maybe a time frame if things get worse or continue that the Doctors have to go by or if they kept sending us for tests every 5 weeks or so can you imagine ?
I am not sure as I know you are anxious if you are focusing on everything because I know I do and I notice literally everything if it is just slightly different and I start getting worked up yet maybe if I could stop doing this I would not notice so much
My BP and pulse can be lower sometimes and I have mentioned when it does and got exactly the same reply from my Doctor they would rather it be lower than higher so I try and trust what they say
For now try and get on with life and take it as a positive nothing has really changed and they are not concerned if you still feel the same in a few more weeks you could make another appointment but they may say the same and as you know if you feel anything really is not right you can go to A&E but it sounds all good to me the results and what your Doctor thinks
Glad you finally got the results I hope now you will be able to work on trusting what they say
Let us know how you get on x
Thanks ill take that on board , like i have told you before i do get stressed out and irritable , just need to calm myself down and like you say get on with life and see how things go, over the next few weeks , thanks for the advice does help a lot.🙂
I know you get anxious and stressed like me was only yesterday Doctor told me I was fine over something I was worrying about even put it on my notes what she had told me so she must have been confident have I stopped worrying no I am still worrying over the same thing which I even know it makes things worse yet the anxiety is stronger than sense !
Try though because seriously those results are the best you could have been hoping for and I am sure the Doctor would have done more if they thought it was needed
Weather is better here hope it is where you are and you can get out and distract yourself x
yes i know if i can over come this worry everytime i feel something different in my chest ,i would be a lot better ,feel better and get on with life, funny thing is when i was diagnosed with At fib 2018 it did,t really bother me even when i could feel things happening in my chest, its only these past months when i noticed it more that it has being playing on my mind and stressing me out.🙂
The mind is a very complex hing and no one knows what will trigger it of some are lucky and nothing ever does but then some are not so lucky and the slightest thing can trigger it of and create anxiety
Keep working on it though as it can be reversed if you catch it quick and you are aware what is happening so you can reverse these thoughts maybe need some help in doing so but you can do it x