Morning all
So yet again I'm playing the waiting game after having a holter monitor on for the past 3 days to hopefully find out whats going on and move forward.
During the past 2 years I've had many test and was told I had mild lvh, mild mvp and bradycardia, also visits to A&E once blue lighted from work with a pulse of 30.
Back in March my cardiologist requested I stop taking my meds 1.25mg of bisoprolol as he want to get a clear picture of my resting heart rate on its own meds free so requested a 3 day holter test and said I may need a pacemaker if its still low.
Last Friday I had the monitor fitted and took it back yesterday and during this time had some bouts of bradycardia at 41 bpm, PVCs and my bp was high at 151/103 with headaches and chest pain.
Then yesterday afternoon my heart rate dropped to low 40s making me feel tired with some PVCs again but bp was ok around 128/68 but typically after the monitor was taken off I'm having more episodes which is so frustrating.
Also while using my oxymeter my pulse would be mid 50s/60s then drop to mid 30s/40s the up again and back down in seconds like being on a roller coaster ride and I recently bought a kardiamobile 6L which has caught these episodes even last night with bradycardia.
So I'm now awaiting the test results and if all comes back ok then yes thats great news but also frustrating after being told I had lvh, mvp and bradycardia plus you know your own body and when things aren't right
I await the call.