Hi everyone,
I was put on 1.25 Bisoprolol in March when I had a heart attack and then told to take it twice a day in July when I went into Atrial Flutter after open heart surgery, meaning I'm now on 2.5mg.
My resting heart rate was mostly in the low 60s these last 6 months which I assumed was good. The doctors had said the Bisoprolol would slow my heart rate, giving it a bit of a rest for healing.
In the last couple of weeks, my Fitbit has been showing that my HR is around 80 when I go to bed and stays that way until about 4am when it drops. As a result, my resting HR has now climbed to 70. I know this is within normal range and not to worry (and I'm not paranoid... Much!) but it's a bit unusual for me. I'm back in normal sinus rhythm after a cardioversion.
What's everyone else's resting HR on Bisoprolol?