Hi all, i hope everyone is having a relaxing day especially the mums out there. Sorry I haven't replied to any previous messages I've been busy at work and home etc but I will reply to everyone soon.
So I've have been told by my cardiologist to stop taking bisoprolol immediately as he wants me to have a 3 day heart monitor on so he can get a clear idea of what my resting heart rate is.
While taking 1.25mg bisoprolol it can slow my pulse down to between 34-42 making me feel lightheaded and fatigued etc but since coming off it 5 days ago my heart rate will sit between 46 and 180 while sitting still.
The palpatations and irregular heart rate has returned and I spent 9 hours in A&E on Thursday after my gp checked me over thinking I was in afib only to be discharged with all test being ok.
Seven weeks previously I spent 8 hours in A&E after my pulse dropped to 38 while at work and sent home again all ok but I was on bisoprolol then.
Previously been told I had bradycardia , left ventricular hypertrophy and mild mitral valve regurgitation hence on bisoprolol for the past 2 years.
The cardiologist has said if the 3 day monitor shows a low pulse without being on bisoprolol he will fit me with a pacemaker otherwise if its within range I will have to learn to live with the palpatations and erratic ectop beats etc.
I'm just a bit confused as to what happens next and feel a bit of a fool everytime I turn up at A&E to be told I'm ok!