Morning all,
I've posted on here before with regards to my journey over the last 2 years and the test results and investigations I've had.
I was told I had mild left ventricular hypertrophy (lvh), bradycardia with a resting pulse of 33, mild mitral valve regurgitation (mvp) with pulmonary and tricuspid valve leaking too.
My GP and Cardiologist have been great trying to get to some conclusion on the reasons behind my erratic heart rate, ectopic beats and palpatations and I've had many test done from bloods, ecg ,echo, exercise test, 24 hour monitor, mri scan etc with the results being as mentioned above.
I'm currently on 1.25mg of bisoprolol but I'm experiencing a slow heart rate of around 34 to 42 bpm and my blood pressure is ok at about 120/70 but I'm constantly fatigued and I have daily episodes of feeling lightheaded with a slow pulse and sometimes feeling nauseous while eating.
Recently I've had 3 episodes in work when my heart rate drops suddenly to around 38bpm while I'm working and i become fatigued and lightheaded, then I have terrible shaking moments and nauseous which can last for around an hour or so.
Two weeks ago while at work I had an episode again slow pulse and shakes which resulted in me going to A&E by ambulance to get checked over and my pulse dropped to 30 on route.
After 7 hours I was sent home after everything settled down and told to contact my gp about seeing the cardiologist asap.
Yesterday my gp has requested i have a 24 hour blood pressure monitor test and contacted the cardiologist to see me urgently.
Has anyone had similar experiences? or give us some advice as I'm feeling a bit confused as to what the problem may be or could it all be ok and just the bisoprolol making me feethis way?
Sorry about the long post