Had a 24 hrs heart monitor test 2 weeks ago phoned Gp surgery for results today, haven,t come in yet,was told try in another weeks time,,they might off come in,they said they are taking a lot longer to get the results back,meanwhile I,m struggling to concentrate on work with different feelings in the chest, just wondering how long other people have had to wait
Waiting for heart monitor results - British Heart Fou...
Waiting for heart monitor results

I’m waiting too but only handed back monitor last week.
Previously it has taken a while.
What I've done in past ring the department/ team that does the testing / gave you the monitor and they should be able to give at least a ball park figure of how long. Their number should be on your appt letter.
You may not like the answer but at least you can manage expectations.
Was just thinking about calling about mine when saw your post - I’ve got cardiology appointments in couple of weeks so if results not going to be available no point seeing cardiologist.
Mine was a 7 day so yours might get done quicker. Imagine it varies across the country.
Had the monitor fitted in gp surgery took a couple of minutes by nurse, no phone no,s no paperwork, just handed it back the following day to the receptionist at the surgery, with sheet of paper with recording s of noticing anything different, when I was diagnosed with At fib 2018 I wore monitor for seven days and this was done at hospital
Always had mine at hospital so made an assumption, my bad. No experience of a GP one and how long takes but i’d expect quicker. I don’t trust GP admin myself though from own experience.
Can,t say I,m impressed with them my self, wish I was dealing with hospital, can,t do anything until Gp gets results, was on low dose of bisoprolol ,come of it because it was causing problems ,only been on it for a month, gp wants to see results before deciding what to do next. I was on bisoprolol when I did the test.been off it for 2 weeks Feel like crap somedays
mine was a year before I knew my result, but I went a&e with palpitations and they ordered it for a couple of weeks later didn’t have consultation with cardiologist until a year later.
I’m still waiting, I had a 24 monitor 28 March at Northampton Gereral Hospital. Still waiting…..
Having had quite a few tests, have learned that if bad you'll be contacted immediately,if ok ish you go down the list,I had 48hr test,waited a couple of weeks
I had one of these arranged by hospital. I was told the results would take about 5 weeks. Guessing it's probably different depending on where you are. My mum who is 90 with heart conditions was told she needs a 24 hour check but was then told the waiting list for it is 77 weeks!
It's frustrating isn't it. I think it depends on the hospital. How busy the lab is. If they are fully staffed. Whete you are on the list? e.g. the level of importance. If you feel your symptoms worsening then you could go to A& E if it becomes too much . Hope you get your results soon.
If they havent got back to yet, then the chances are your results are fine. If the hospital find something , they generally call you back fast. I probably had 3-4 letters and appointments from the hospital within 2-3 weeks of an A+E visit. They rang me up and called me back in to the hospital (on a saturday !) within about 6 days of my 48 hour ECG. So, the chances are you're fine.
Think our results took at least 6 weeks to come through to both the GP and the heart failure service.
After a Holter monitor tape is handed in and then processed and printed out, it is then reviewed and interpreted by a cardiologist within a day or two. A description & conclusion should be available to the patient's physician a day later. In my opinion, a delay of weeks is inexcusable and is indicative of a chaotic or overworked and/or inefficient cardiology department.
Hi, my husband waited 6 weeks for his result. Our Gp actually contacted the hospital to get him his result.
I honestly think all they want to do is private and you pay.
I had 24hour monitoring 2 months ago and still no results or feedback... Absolutely appalling service