hello, just wondered if anyone else has/is suffering from this. Drs think it is water retention within a sack lining around lung? Thanks
lower right lung/beneath rib cage pain - British Heart Fou...
lower right lung/beneath rib cage pain

Yes, I got lower pain under my right ribs due to water. This was after I had a heart op. They ended up putting in a chest drain to release. However I am now on water tablets which keeps this at bay. The thing to do is to weigh yourself and you will see how much water you have put on from your normal weight. Even weigh yourself after you take any water tablets and you will see how much fluid you have/had.
You have no idea how grateful I am for your information. I have suffered from this for about 3 years and only told this was likely the cause due to heart cardiomyopathy. Trouble is, I’m taking half a diabetic each day and my kidney doesn’t like it. Some kind of kidney test result is high. That was also an awful problem which wasn’t diagnosed even when I insisted a problem. Thanks again.
Diuretic was the word.
a diuretic is medication which helps your kidneys to get rid of more liquid from you body - but it sounds like your kidneys are having a bit of a problem so the doctors should try different diuretis to find one which will help
you say this is linked to cardiomypathy - cardiomyopathy is altered or damaged heart muscle - when this happens your heart does not pump as well as it should - this can have a variety of effects of you and one of those is that your body holds on to liquid more and it can build up causing swelling in different places like your feet/ankles/legs, around your middle (abdomen) and/or in your lungs
if you have cardiomyopathy there may be a cardiomyopathy specialist nurse at your hospital or GP practice who could help you understand and offer advice - also Cardiomyopathy UK have a phone helpline staffed by specialist nurses during office hours (see their website)