I’ve had increasing pain by my left ribs since having pericarditis and an effusion , I’m into my 9th month with this awful condition , I’ve now noticed that by my left ribs I can feel a swollen area, I’ve found voltarol gel helps with the pain , I’ll be speaking to my gp about it , just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same ?
Left rib pain: I’ve had increasing pain... - British Heart Fou...
Left rib pain

Hello I’ve had to respond to your message I’ve been experiencing left sided intermittent stabbing pain so back in May I went to A&E did not want to put any pressure on the NHS whatsoever but it was pain I had not experienced before as this started I also started with a cough that lasted 3 months but hospital were great ecg x-ray bloods all normal but said for me to have an echo through outpatients as there was slight changes on ecg due to hypertension - had the echo and the nurse practitioner went through the results over the phone there was slight thickening but nothing of any concern had there been they would have referred me to cardiology I was doing ok but caught a bug couple of weeks back and the sharp pains are back it’s a strange thing it lasts seconds but I’m very aware of it now they told me the pain was non-cardiac so not sure what it is I’ve tried voltorol but I find a hot cushion does more for me I do hope it resolves itself for you take care please let us know how you go on 😊
Thank you for your reply , it’s reassuring knowing it’s nothing cardiac related but it still doesn’t help not knowing what is causing the pain. I’m going to try to get a gp appointment to ask about it .
Yes that would be good let me know how you go on with your GP and hope it settles try the hot cushion it does ease it or maybe it’s a distraction 😂😂
I had a ct angiogram today and I needed to be on a heart monitor , it was so painful when she placed the ecg sticker on my left ribs I said a very loud ouch , the radiologist asked what was wrong . Apart from that all went well
Hi Westie just checking how your doing have you had any of your results back yet? And how is the rib pain doing hope your feeling better take care 👍
Hi , I’m still waiting to find out when I’ll see my cardiologist . I still get so much pain that now sometimes is so sharp and stabbing 9 to 10 pain score, I get pain every day , it gets worse as soon as I’m up and moving around doing things at home . My gp has requested I have a blood test and chest X-ray so just waiting to get those done . I do think I should go to a&e when it’s at its worse but it passes so I stay at home .
Hi westie I know exactly what you mean having gone to a&e earlier in the year and having tests and everything‘normal’ I don’t like to bother the gp but there are days when I think to myself should I be ignoring this I will see how it goes but thank you so much for replying to me I’m so sorry your having problems but I don’t feel quite on my own knowing your going through the same take care let me know how you go on 😊xx
It helps knowing that someone else is going through similar health problems , they know how difficult it can be. I try to carry on each day but it’s not easy being in pain every day with no answer to why and still trying to do things at home that shouldn’t be difficult to do. Knowing when to go to A&E is sometimes difficult too especially when like you say they send you home saying nothing is wrong or there’s nothing they can do. Some drs I’ve seen have been so good and thorough in tests , others just fob me off with anxiety or stress . Before I was diagnosed with a heart problem I was told repeatedly by A&E drs it was stress , months later they were proved wrong in their diagnosis and I needed a pacemaker .
It’s worrying isn’t it that you have had to persist to get anywhere and the worst of it is you don’t like having to go to a&e it’s the last thing but sometimes people are left with no alternative- like you I try to carry on hopefully we will get sorted one way or another thanks so much for replying to me such a relief knowing someone is going through the same that said wish you were not of course think I can a least say to myself I’m not going mad!!! 😂take care westie I will of course give you any updates x
Hi westie hope your ok - it’s still there off and on so I will monitor it this week if it’s not getting any better will ring gp and see what they say because I’ve had early in in the year x-ray bloods ecg echocardiogram and everything was fine I’m trying to manage it myself it’s just that it’s been ongoing and I think I said to you they thought (hospital) that it was non-cardiac oh well see how this week goes I’m on child minding duties this week my grandson has just started school so they are phasing in the children that’s why I will give it this week although I’ve got my doubts I would be physically examined even if I do get initially a tel appointment but going to try and stay positive today 😂I think when it gets me down I feel every pain 🙈how are you today have things changed at all? Xx
Hiya , hope your grandson has a lovely first week at school and your pain is manageable at home. I’ve too been told the pain I have isn’t cardiac related which is a relief but doesn’t solve our problem of still being in pain . My gp is quite good at seeing me as they know I’ve had had lots of cardiac problems recently so they prefer to see me to make sure I don’t need to go to hospital . Pain has been a bit less today (Monday ) but now it’s starting up a bit after I’ve hoovered . Still waiting to get a chest X-ray and blood test as requested by my GP . It’s not easy to be positive when you’re in lots of pain , a few days ago my hubby asked why I wasn’t happy and was it because I was in pain? He’s only got to have a bit of an ache and he complains quite a lot . Take care xx
Hi westie think you and I have one of those things that sadly you can’t explain how it feels it’s not the usual suspect of cardiac so what do we do about it well the blood test which I suspect they will do CRP and ESR to look for infection and inflammation there are also cardiac levels to look for as well also the x-ray will show bone Issues have they given you an x-ray form from the surgery? And that you can make your own appointment if not I would chase that up - hope you feel a bit better today I think for me and you it’s a day by day basis just a thought do you take vit D if not start taking them - my grandson thank you has gone into school fine although I know it’s early days so fingers crossed we have a lot of dropping off and picking up through September let me know how you go on push for that appointment for x-ray take care and thank you for getting back to me really appreciate it 😊xx