Hi all just wondered when after heart attack and once you are back home when do you get discharged back to your gp.?
discharge from hospital : Hi all just... - British Heart Fou...
discharge from hospital

Has your Cardiology team determined why you had a heart attack with normal coronary arteries? A myocardial Infarction non obstructive coronary arteries MINOCA.
I live with vasospastic angina one of the possible causes of this type of heart attack and in 11 years I have never been discharged.
Hi thanks for your reply no I haven’t been told why I had my heart attack was just given medication.
Same here andthe discharge letter may as well have been written in klingon. My GP "translated it for me and explained everything. As far as cardiology was concerned it was like "We fixed your plumbing, now go away". AFter about 5 weeks I had a second angiogram t o see if two other blockages needed stents- they didn't and after a few weeks I got an appointment with a rehab nurse. Most people started rehab at the gym but they refused me because I'm in a wheelchair. If you don't get offered rehab, ask your GP to chase it up; it's the best thing you can do.
Hi Kmw. It’s 5 years since my heart attack, and I’m still under the care of my cardiology team, being seen and checked approximately once a year. I have an echo due in October, and a phone consult a month later.
I think it really depends on how you’re doing and whether they’ve sorted you out. My mum had a heart attack and quad bypass about 25 years ago, and was discharged back to the Gp within a couple of years.
I had a HA 2 years ago, stents fitted, home after 3 days and that was it! One cursory phone call 3 months later and nothing more at all!
Well immediately I was released after 6 days I was told to use my GP and that is what you need to use
I had a consultant quick telephone review after 12 weeks. But formally it was at or around the one year point
I was discharged to GP immediately but obviously he had to wait to get my discharge letter before he could do anything. Once that arrived I saw him to get the lketter translated into English from "medispeak" then he dealt with any side effects from tablets plus annual blood test. If he wasn't sure of anything he contacted the cardiologist
Had my HA in April last year was discharged back to the car of the GP beginning of September last year haven't had contact with them since.
Hiya, hope if you or aloved one havehad a HA you are doing ok now.
I had 2 HA's due to virus's attacking my heart. Its 5 nearly 6 years now and Im still under cardiologist.
I have permanent damage to my heart & its enlarged - no treatment can 'fix' it so being monitored & taking meds.