I had knee surgery last week. Discharge letter had a section entitled Resuscitation Status on it (not ordered) which has never been in previous letters. On previous hospital visits prior to diagnosis of vasospastic angina this did not appear on any of my letters. Has anyone else seen this on their hospital documents? My autistic son also has the same thing on his letter following a hospital visit 3 weeks ago but my friends child who has no diagnosis does not have this on their hospital letter. I'm not happy about it at all. Is this some sort of blanket policy from the NHS left over from that time in 2020? Do others have this on their documentation?
Why do i have a Resuscitation status ... - British Heart Fou...
Why do i have a Resuscitation status section on my discharge letter from hospital?

Hello Divasong,
I agree it's upsetting to see such an important issue as your resuscitation status printed on any documentation from the NHS.
I have my resuscitation status on my discharge papers but not on my hospital clinic letters.
I suggest you contact the Patient Advisory Liaison Service PALS of your hospital and raise your concerns with them.
I hope your keeping well and managing in the colder weather.
The cold is a common trigger for those of us living with vasospastic angina.
Let's hope the winter is kind to us.
Resuscitation status being added to documentation may have resulted from a review of procedures at the health trust you are under i've seen documentation heading this direction for some years having been party to letters sent to an elderly relative. It's all down to trusts trying to cover all situations. The number of high profile cases health trusts have found themselves involved in can only have made their legal departments go into overdrive.
You have angina and after knee surgery there is chance of pulmonary embolism so placed in this category Dr Anwar Hussain family medicine specialist
Nobody discussed any of this with me. It has also been put on my child's documentation - he is autistic. Sounds more like a blanket policy to me where if you have special needs or a physical condition you get this attached to your medical record and is a breach of our human rights and discriminating against our disabilities.
I have written on my discharge summaries that I should be fully resuscitated.I have no problem with this as I would want to be resuscitate at the moment.
Are you saying that you and your son have had 'do not resuscitate orders' written on your notes?
If so then this decision has to be discussed with you first.
It says 'no order' under the resuscitation status heading. But the fact that we have this heading/ section when other friends and their children don't have it on theirs makes me cross. I feel its a fallout if Boris Johnson and covid times when people with sen, learning disabilities etc had dnr's put on their medical records without any consultation. That they were second class citizens and shouldn't be saved. As someone who has to continually fight for equality for my child or for any services for my child, including education and health which lots of people take for granted unless you have a child with additional needs, it means I'm on my guard have to question anything like this which mysteriously appears on our records.