Uk heatwave continues and don’t we all know 🥵anyway I’ve been having chest pains every day on walking to the school in the afternoon , it’s my only way of getting there and we only live ten minutes away so a short walk which I’ve been doing for many years ., I do struggle more with the walk since having my pacemaker but since Friday every afternoon I’m getting lots of left sided pain . The last two afternoons I’ve had an unusual heavy feeling in the centre of my chest that moved left slightly then went away , hard to explain fully but felt as if I had a heavy ball in the middle of my chest . It only lasts seconds but the other pains carry on . When it all stops I’m fine , pain doesn’t travel to arms , jaw etc . I’m very reluctant to call gp as they have me down as having health anxiety ., plus to try to get an appointment you have to call at 8am which I had no chance this morning . Thank you for reading this x
My struggle with the heat in uk conti... - British Heart Fou...
My struggle with the heat in uk continues 🥵

On a positive I have been looking at the weather and I know they can change their minds but next week we are so far having rain every day which should help with this heat
Our there any Mums you know that you talk to that you could ask to bring the Children home or if the pass the bottom of the street you would wait there ?
I get so annoyed hearing what the Doctors have you down as having health anxiety I have health anxiety and they like to pass everything of as that and while they are busy doing so I ended up in ICU with double pneumonia and having 3 heart attacks !!!
Now I say to them if I think something is wrong I may have health anxiety but I want checking just like everyone else and they seem to listen more and you should tell them the same
Or if you do think something is wrong though you cannot ignore it and you would have to contact them or 111 but for a lot of us we are and I am to struggling with this heat
Let us know how you get on x
We had some rain today and I cant say I was upset over it!
We got a few drops and that was that
Weather forecast says we have more to come I hope for once they are right
Hope you are having a nice weekend x
Yes I'm having a great weekend so far the third one in our new apartment!
The first weekend I was miserable after moving and had cried but I do feel lots better after having had a good cry though.
Yesterday we had our new bed delivered which was a relief as we had waited ages for it!
Today was a walk out to the local shops and I got some great bargains in Heron Foods which are originally a northern company before they got bought out by B and M and then lunch at a local cafe I have enjoyed visiting and then a drink in one of the nearby pubs which I enjoyed and then back home.
I am glad you have started to settle on your new apartment it can take a while when we move somewhere new
Sounds like you have had a lovely day x
Now time has gone by I do feel that by accident when I got evicted from the other apartment I was done a favour as I was miserable there and I do feel I needed to have got out of the place!
The eviction thing started last July and only finished a couple of weeks back at the end of May!
Thankfully I got out of the place the day before the bailiffs came in to evict!
I've never been a big fan of heat but have holidayed in South of France and Greece without any problems in the past. No idea if it's connected yet but since the recent spell of hot weather started, the first since HA last November I've been struggling with chest pain and dizzyness. Even short walks of a few hundred metres are causing problems. Oh for some rain and a few days of "normal" british summer.
Aw hun definitely go to A&E better to be safe then sorry I know it's hard when they just dismiss you as having health anxiety but given your history they should take you seriously or do 111 online and see what they advice you to do x 😘
I think it’s safe to say that because it seems to be a reoccurring issue, it is best to call 111 and see what they advise despite the health anxiety label. You shouldn’t stop yourself from getting medical attention because of this, just in case there is something going on.
Let us know how you get on if you decide to go x
Thank you to everyone for your replies, advice support and kindness . I was ok this morning walking to the school as it’s slightly cooler but had the sane pain again this afternoon but not as bad as previous days . I keep telling myself I’ll see how goes the next day , plus at that time I have to pick my daughter up so when I feel the pain come on I just have to carry on . It’s not that bad that it stops me from carrying on to the school so I’ve convinced myself it’s nothing to worry over , also knowing that should I seek medical advice that I’ll be told anxiety is the reason . I never knowingly feel worried or anxious . Thanks again , it’s a huge help
i think it would be best if you avoided causing yourself furter pain in this way - are there any friends, neighbours or other school parents nearby who coud pick up you daughter, or at least bring her part of the way so that you walk a shorterdistance? - also try using an umbrella for shade and don't carry her bag or other stuff - keeping your body cool in this heat makes huge extra demands on your heart - think of a fridge when you leave the door open, the cooling mechanism has to work flat out to try to keep the temperarture inside the fridge down, so the pump has to work full time at top speed - you are expecting your heart to do this when you go out in the heat - it can't keep up
Hi, Westie2012,
I’m sorry that you have been having these health concerns. Hot weather has been very difficult for me to deal with since my HA in 2022. As many have stated, some rain could really help. We have had rain on and off for the last 2-3 days, and it has made the temperature much better.
I agree with others on the forum that you might check with other parents at the school about having your daughter walk on the way home with them. You might meet them part way there, or there might be someone who lives close by you. Most people would likely be happy to help!
I too suffer with anxiety, and it is awful! I wanted to cry when I read that you might avoid seeking help for this health problem because of being labeled anxious, or not being taken seriously. I have also had that happen to me, and it is demeaning. I feel that BeKind28 very eloquently expressed this concern, and she spoke about the importance of asking for your rights for proper medical care. Even if we do have anxiety, we still can have real medical problems. It sounds like you do need to check on these symptoms with your doctor, and I hope that you do.
Take care and wishing you cooler temperatures! ❤️
Personally, I think it’s great. We spend 9-10 months moaning about the cold, rain, snow etc and get 8 weeks of what is nice weather. It makes me feel so more positive. I had 3 walks in it yesterday and great!
Is there any way an battery powered mobility scooter would help you to do the school walk more easily?
I would say the same as everyone else got to A&E and get checked out hope you feel better soon 🙂
Do you have a GTN spray you could use before you set off? This heat makes the heart work much harder. Yesterday I only walked into the garden and took one sheet off the washing line and |I| almost fainted as I came in. My pulse was 110.
Hi I have a CRT-D device (pacemaker & Defib) implant and I have a GTN spray. Thankfully never been so bad since by pass to have to use it. But implant and hot weather this summer is causing me to feel very sluggish and heavy chested. Dogs walk has been reduced poor soul.
That's so frustrating isn't it the call at 8am for an appointment thing isn't it?