I live in the uk and we’re having a spell of very hot weather , since Friday when I’ve had to walk to my daughters school in the afternoon when it’s the hottest part of the day I’m getting quite a few sharp left sided chest pains , twice I’ve had a very odd central chest pain that moves left then goes away completely , it’s very noticeable when it happens . I’m also getting pain around my pacemaker after I’ve reached to lift or move something and it’s only since the hot weather started . Just wondered if anyone can relate to the hot weather causing pain to start up.
Uk hot weather and chest pains - British Heart Fou...
Uk hot weather and chest pains

I don't have a pacemaker so I cannot relate to these pains I am sure those that do when they read your your post will be able to but I am struggling in the hot weather with breathing etc
I just wished we could have normal Summers like we used to the weather is one extreme to the other x
Over here on East coast we had weeks of 11C max and sea fog. Then suddenly hits over 25C... Too cold then too hot.
I know it can be unbelievable how it goes to one extreme to another
I hope you are keeping well x
1976 remains our most consistently hottest and sunniest summer. With less pollution we get more sun which heats up the ever expanding urban areas and which then retain their heat overnight so giving a push start to rising temperatures the next day.
Temperatures in rural areas have barely changed in a century. So, too many people and too much urbanisation, rather than climate change..
Let us not forget that 25C as recorded in the shade will actually be more like 45C if actually in the sun. Walking anywhere in those sort of temperatures is likely to cause stress.
I think it would be useful if the weather forecasts gave the shade temperatures (the current practice) together with those experienced in the sun. Heat and pollen and 'stale' air could be affecting Westie.
I would have been 14 in 1976 and I have watched programs on that been the hottest Summer yet I cannot remember it but at 14 should have really
We have a South facing Garden and I have never known a garden get so hot and it heats the house up like a greenhouse and stays that way all day
Thank you for that reply was interesting to read
I hope you have a lovely day x
Just did a check in my garden which is 26C in the shade. My thermometer in the sun is reading 47C which is 116 Fahrenheit. Showing how dangerous it is to walk, let alone exercise in the sun during the heat of the day. The 'Stale air' of the last few weeks of anti cyclonic weather, very high pollen and being out in the hot sun is certainly a recipe that westie and the rest of us need to avoid at present
The Modern climate is quite benign compared with the extremes of the last 2000 years. the cooler and wetter weather from around 1300 probably caused the demise of the Medieval period and coincided with massive storms and flooding after the warmth and stability of the preceding few hundred years. you might enjoy "The Third Horseman" by William Rosen, one of many books which goes into the much more frightening extremes of climate than we generally experience today. I do think the sun is likely stronger in recent decades due to less pollution . Hope you are keeping cool!
You do have quite a bit of knowledge here more than me just knowing it is hot !
I have stayed indoors with the fans on as you say it is not good for people with heart conditions so I have stayed cool x
Just to sign off for today, the thermometer in the sun in the garden is now reading 53C. Probably another degree or two to go. I hope people realise the intense heat is not good for them -especially those with heart problems- yet there are still plenty of people sitting on benches outside the local supermarket soaking it up.
I was only 2 in 1976 so can’t remember how hot it was then , I do suffer from hay fever which is much worse this year now it’s so hot . I agree with what you say about the weather reports and the temperatures . Thank you
Hi, devonian186,
I visited the UK in 1976, and I can recall the heat. I arrived in early August and was there through to the week before Christmas. Of course, I was much, much younger then so the heat didn’t feel quite so bad to me. I think that I remember it still being very warm even in October that year.
Thanks for the lovely memories! 😊
Hi BeKind, thank you so much for your reply . So sorry to hear you’re struggling with the weather , our summers and winters are getting so much more extreme . Take care and hope you will be ok today as it’s another hot one already .
Yes it is another hot one already and I agree they are so extreme now
I hope you manage a better day today x
I was 20 in 1976 and remember it very well. It started getting hot in May, and stayed hot until the end of September, but I don't remember it getting as hot as it has been for the last couple of years. I hope everyone just takes it easy in this weather.
So you would have been 6 years older than me
I said I have watched programs on that Summer in 1976 I think they ended up having to get water from those stand pipes they set up in streets
I cannot remember it been as hot as this maybe the difference is we don't seem to get it as long as then but when we do get it we know about it
I am staying indoors fans blowing away trying to stay cool
I hope you are keeping well and have a lovely day x
I remember the stand pipes (not everywhere, but in the most badly affected areas) - I think the hot weather lasted so long that we began to run out of water. I was a student at the time, and worked in a pub during the summer, and we kept running out of lager.
Out of all summers, this is the summer that I am finding myself struggling in terms of breathing. The heat can make the heart work faster in order to keep our bodies cool therefore, I wonder if this is having an impact on your chest pains?
I hope somebody comes along to offer their experience with a pacemaker and weather hotter weather causes that area to hurt or ache more on movement.
Hey..I've noticed that this is the first summer since my heart diagnosis that I have struggled. I to walk to the school run which is a 5min walk, I'm getting out of breath and chest hurting. My heart rate has been very high too. No pain near my ICD though. I have fans etc but once I go outside it's a struggle. Try take it easy I know it's hard xx
There is a lot of anticyclonic weather this year. Persistant High pressure so pollution gets stuck going in circles. You cannot see, smell or taste it, but it effects us badly. So until we get westerlies we will be same. Thunderstorms also create ozone that is very toxic. (PS I am a life long amateur meteorologist)
Thank you for your reply , I have started to struggle much more walking to the school than I used to , I’ve been fine walking the sane way for many years until the starting my cardiac symptoms then have always struggled after getting a pacemaker . I’ve questioned if it’s an age thing as I’m 50 this year , I see other people older than me that manage fine to walk up the hill . I’m waiting on the results of a cardio respiratory exercise test due to how I struggle with exertion . Take care
I'm 36 and get passed by the older generation. My heart works at 50% less than someone my age with a healthy heart. I know that from doing the exercise bike at the transplant clinic. Hopefully your results give you more answers x
Yes I have a pacemaker and other issyes. I experience similar. Try taking GTN spray before you go out and make sure you are hydrated.
Hi westie2012So sorry to hear of the pain your getting this weather can definitely do a number on us hearties Friday was the the worst day for me I think I got sun stroke I felt so tired and weak light headed, hot, shivery and my heart was all over the place affected my asthma aswell never done that before first time ever was not fun and on Monday got chest discomfort walking in the sun after about 10 minutes and got very out of breathe. Dosent sound good that it's affecting your pace maker maybe get in contact with your cardiologist and let them know or make an appointment at GP maybe. Hope it doesn't keep happening hun take care and keep well in this weather x
Thank you , sorry to hear you’re not feeling well , hopefully you can stay in today as it’s so hot again . I’m reluctant to call anyone as I think I’m now labelled as just anxious which some drs think is the cause of any problems . I have debated calling the devices clinic or pacing team but that means a trip to hospital on two buses when it’s too hot .
Aw im sorry that you feel that the doctors won't take you seriously it's so not fair you have a legitimate issue. I understand completely not wanting to go on busses in this weather. I will be going out to gym soon but luckily it's like 20 seconds away 😂. Hope you feel better soon and take care xx
I think it is really important you get some professional advice and suggest you ask for an urgent telephone appointment with your GP, who will assess whether or not you need to be seen. Do not worry about being labelled as anxious, you have a young child to look after who I am sure will be your utmost priority, so it is only normal to be anxious about your own health. I always use telephone GP appointments as my local Health Centre is not easily accessible.
I live in Spain and have a Pacemaker, I'm near Alicante and we can get 40C. I get the same pain and have been told it is tension. That I must make sure I breath properly and drink enough. I have to slow down during the heat as rushing makes the pain worse
Ah the summer of 76 as ABBA sang, I was young and sweet and only 17 😅wind the clock on its the beetles that are singing my song now! and instead of enjoying it and having fun I am hiding in the house, struggling to keep cool my bedroom is like a sauna. I haven't had too much aches and pains and I am drinking loads of water but any exertion I am feeling sick and light headed, us Scottish are definitely not used to this extreme weather, we are used to moaning about rain 😱 which I am now hoping for. Never happy. Take care everyone char
Hi Westie 2012,
I have a pacemaker, but have never experienced chest pains or pain around my pacemaker, even in the hottest weather. If you are really worried, then it would be a good idea to go to your GP or A&E - just to be on the safe side.
In this weather I find slightly upping my salt intake helps because I sweat so much out. If it's really bad and I feel sick with it I take a dose of dioralyte to replace what Iose with sweating
in hot or cold temperatures you heart has to work harder to help supply the energy needed by mechanisms which control your temperature, just like fridges and airconditioners which use more electricity when they work harder - so anyone with a heart condition is advised to be careful of exposing themselves to extreme temperatures
if you must be out in high or low temperature wear suitable clothing and adjust your activity levels to avoid making great demands on your heart
lifting your arms above your head is also known to make extra demands on your heart, which is why people are advise to avoid activities like pegging out laundry during recovery
I was living in Berlin germany in 76 pregnant with my daughter and it was 40. I passed out walking across the square 3 men had to carry me to the shade and get me water told I was low on sodium. Really embarassed
My partner (CABG in 2020 and COPD) has been struggling more in the last few days then in previous years. (He’s wheezy and out of breath.)
He’s pretty much stayed indoors to be honest. I’m a very well controlled asthmatic (no heart issues) and I’ve been wheezy too and the heat never normally bothers me.
I think it’s the suddenness of the heat, combined with the pollen and humidity and pollution.
Fingers crossed for something a bit cooler soon for everyone struggling.
Another hot day ,thought I’d be ok going to an air conditioned shopping centre , it was lovely and cool and all was ok until I went to get Father’s Day cards , it’s the first one since my dad passed away and started to feel upset so had to walk out the card shop empty handed , sending hubby to get his dad a card instead .