My new update after Ablation - British Heart Fou...

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My new update after Ablation

Donkster profile image
12 Replies

Hi folks

Just thought I would post how I’m feeling since my ablation for SVT as I found information like useful when I was waiting for my ablation .

Its two weeks tomorrow since I had my Ablation. In the last two weeks I’ve experienced tiredness mainly first week, then into the second week I started getting sharp pains in my chest in various places worse laying down and sometimes my left arm and top left back would be aching apparently all this is normal I’m told after an ablation. I even had itching on my back and chest that won’t go away.

However the feelings from my ectopics have gone and I feel so much better I have had very mild feelings like ectopics but they went pretty quickly I’ve been told it’s also normal after an ablation and to be honest they was very light.

This is the odd ball before my ablation every time after eating I always had discomfort, beating in my chest and always my stomach bloated to the maximum for years I’ve had to put up with this. Since my ablation all that has gone. I can now eat like everyone else who is gluten free- dairy free so pleased.

My leg were the catheter went in is very bruised it’s also expanded across and down nearly to my right knee all normal for ablation.

I hope this helps others to worry less by knowing what my experiences are knowledge is powerful.

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Donkster profile image
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12 Replies
Zena166 profile image

That’s great news. Glad it helped and you’re on the road to recovery. Sending hugs and positive thoughts for your continued improvement. Zena x

Riedenise profile image

Thank you Donkster for reporting back to us on how you are doing. I for one welcome it as I'm looking in the future at having it done for my svt.

Continue your great recovery and thank you again for sharing. Rie

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Riedenise

Will keep updating my recovery 😎

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Riedenise

Go for it it’s worth doing many benefits I’ll keep posting

Glad to hear it went well, chap! I was thinking about you yesterday and wondering if you’d had it done and how you were feeling.

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to

Hi Charlie

How’s things with you going did you settle down with verapamil

in reply to Donkster

Same old at my end - heart that occasionally goes bump in the night. And the morning. Afternoon. 😂 Good news is the verbal feedback a couple of weeks ago from the sonographer doing my echo suggests no structural issues. Review with cardio in the autumn, so I’ll just keep plodding on and continue to not worry about the palpitations.

Hope you’re completely back to fighting form soon. Was it as bad as you were worried it would be?

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to

Hi ya mate

No it wasn’t that bad it wasn’t a nice thing to do but well worth it. Did you know if you drink ice cold water 💦 that can stop palpitations very quickly

daisy2311 profile image

Hi Donkster, glad to here it went well. Please can you tell me how the SVT affected your life before the ablation in terms of how often you had symptoms etc...I'm interested as I also have SVT.

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to daisy2311

Hi Daisy 2311

You wanted to know my SVT symptoms I had before my ablation.

Years ago I would be out shopping and would come over very quickly feeling absolutely sick and hot the only thing to make me feel better was fresh air and cold water then it would just go.

My symptoms was a mix of being a coeliac and I also developed meningitis which made me super intolerant to foods I couldn’t cope with lights flickering affecting me in shops also couldn’t bare sun light on me.

I can’t remember just when my SVT started it just crept in mainly after eating I had a beating around my neck chest and at night on my pillow.

It just got worse over the years I would get a feeling like my heart just flipped over other times I had a feeling of just dred made me anxious couldn’t understand why I felt like that I found myself worrying about silly stuff if you knew me that comment would be amusing because I don’t take any shit of anybody.

So I would be out somewhere and feel my chest get heavy feel dizziness and be short of breath heart pounding tight throat lack of clear vision but I also had high blood pressure I was a mess.

Blood pressure tablets made me feel terrible tried all sorts

Heart tablets various types made my muscles ache and a dry mouth

Despite all of my symptoms I still used to work out just got on with it put up with the doctors lack of understanding.

But after having pneumonia with pleurisy I lost a lot of fitness then the SVT started getting worse finally after many trip to AE a cardiologist said what about ablation when anyone says that it’s deep thinking time.

Now since my ablation I can eat without getting bloated no more beating or dry throat.

A calmness is how I feel now no palpitations or fluttering just waking from a storm to a calm day.

Again this is some of my personal feelings I’ve posted just to help anyone that is going through the same go for your ablation it’s not that bad. Start living again ❌

Alison1960 profile image
Alison1960 in reply to Donkster

I’m really pleased it went so well for you! My SVTs always started if I had not slept well eg if my daughter had been ill during the night. Cardiologist always said to me if you can live with it then do, and assured me I wasn’t going to drop dead with it. After a few years it was happening more often and affecting my life eg not attending a family funeral in LA which is when we decided to go for the ablation. The rest is history - no more SVT!!!

Kendal137 profile image

Hi .i had a six hour ablation op for vt.already had heart failure and26% ef last Monday.bashed and bruised but consultant very happy with way things went.have icd fitted which fired first time but not second hence two blue light visits to A and E.op was a bit of a last resort for me really so just getting on with it.going for first walk this afternoon so fingers crossed.cant drive as license revoked for six months because of icd firing but need exercise. Am self employed so all sorts of problems but been advised to apply for pip.dont hold out much hope but we will see.anyone had any experience of luck to everyone with heart probs,keep fighting

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