Hello everyone, I was feeling so ill , liie dying for very long time . Then a chemist say I have high bp. Then she told doctors . And stupidly I say I will try garlic and other vits to lower my bp. So for 6 months I try , but then vits seem stop work. So then I go back to doctors , and say I wish to have bp meds now . And they change there mind and say my bp not high now. I'm in a real state , as my bp is horrifickly high , when I measure at home. In hospitals it has been high . It like a Curse . But doctors say it normal . It's not normal . What can I do .
High bp, then not high bp : Hello... - British Heart Fou...
High bp, then not high bp

Hi Goldengirl69
I’m sorry to hear about the issues you are having with your BP.
You need to be monitoring your BP at home, making a note of the readings and then present them to your doctor. If the doctor can see that your BP has been consistently high, they maybe more willing to put you on BP meds.
Often losing weight, making dietary changes, exercising regularly and reducing your salt in take may naturally lower your blood pressure. Some people find taking a warm shower or bath also helps.
If at any point your symptoms become worse, as high BP should not be taken lightly, please contact 111.
All the best.
Thankyou Tos 92 , I have registered my bp levels on the machine itself. I will take it in soon. I'm in so much pain , with severe ear infections, and laringitus. Have u heard this from high bp ? And severe headaches. But I don't know if it all from high bp or not. I have lessened my salt to. I saw an ent , and he gave me ear drops, nose drops and ppis . None have worked . Other than Omeprazole is working little , stopping stinking mucus coming out mouth. And it take pain body down , little.
Ask your GP if they can put you on a 24 hour blood pressure monitor to show them how high it goes. Also try sending in your own BP readings to the GP electronically, they'll be on record then. Your surgery should also calibrate your BP monitor against theirs.
What are you defining as horrifically high?
A lot of people have higher readings in hospital settings - white coat syndrome - but it's not usually drastic. Anxiety/stress tends to increase the blood pressure too, so when you're taking a reading, make sure you've been sitting calmly for a few minutes, maybe do some breathing exercises.
How are you monitoring your readings? Are you keeping a log or diary, to show the GP what a "normal" range is for you?
I'd second calling 111 if your symptoms are bad enough for you to say you feel like you're dying. Regardless of blood pressure, that's not good - although consistently high blood pressure definitely shouldn't be ignored.
Thankyou and hello Captain bird's-eye, I register on my bp machine. And I took it in to doctors , and am just ridiculed. The bp is there in black n white. My readings are . 164/ 97 166/ 111 156/ 133 170/90 . Also I went to hospital , and they say my bp is 160 / 78 . I keep beg them tell me it high , as they not tell me the rate. In the end they say it is high , and u need go back to gp and tell them. It ridiculous and wrong. I'm so scared. I got severe headaches constant, severe double ear infections, laringitus. And I read high bp can do all these things. I feel I'm in curse. I just did my bp now , it's 160 / 94 . I get severe stomache pain and toilets to.
You need to take readings at home if you’re not already, and keep a BP diary (most high street pharmacies will sell you one of the machines for around £20 - totally worth it).
Taking supplements to manage your health is a good thing, but you may also need some medication to properly manage your BP as well. Speak to your GP to get a program going, and remember that one of the best things for BP is actually exercise, because a stronger heart is a healthier heart. I can only manage walking everyday at the moment (my sciatica won’t allow anything more) but it’s important do something every day.
Get a home BP monitor. Sit down very quietly for 15 minutes before taking your BP. Do not eat or drink; just rest quietly. Write it down with the day and time. Do that 3 times a day for a week then take the results to your doctor. Ask him to explain to you why he thinks it's ok. BP varies a lot. Mine is always high in hospital or at the doctor's. You may be checking your bP wrongly. YOu sound very anxious which will always put your bP up.
Hello Qualipop , thanks. I'm not check my bp wrongly . U just put cuff on arm , put arm to height of heart rest on chair or table. Then press button. Thanks I will write it down and show doctor. Also all bp outcomes register on machine . I took machine into doctors once . Was just ignored and ridiculed. It's a cruel world. 😪😪
YOu may be doing it right but perhaps not being relaxed when you do it. IN any case themachine won't record the time of day so so write that list and take it in. NO doctor should be ridiculing you. If he still takes no notice ask for a monitor to record it properly for a full day. I had one once that I had to wear all day and night. The only trouble was that it beeped before it started which made me tense up.
I have read your bio and noted that you have an underactive thyroid, which you were trying to treat with vitamins and supplements as you have been doing with your blood pressure. If we have actual deficiencies, then supplementing will help our general health, but this will not cure our conditions. It seems as if you are anxious about taking medications, but anxiety and other symptoms you describe can be those of hypothyroidism, for which I assume you are not currently being treated, although I hope that you have since decided to take levothyoxine, which is actually a replacement hormone rather than a medication. Once your thyroid levels are optimal, you may well find that your anxiety lessens, therefore bringing your BP down naturally. Don't automatically dismiss medications in favour of supplements, as some can do more harm than good, especially if we do not actually need them.
Thankyou and hello Partner 20. Yes I an hypothyroid. Thanks for taking an interest in that. Oh no I'm certainly taking 75mg levothyroxine every day. But sometimes, I get this intuition feeling that I might need a higher dose. I don't know tho,maby I'm just looking for help , and think maby. But then I went to see ear doctor as I have ear infection and she say my thyroid is bit high. I was annoyed by this .as doctors don't tell me these things. I feel there's so much neglect in nhs these days. Also I'm seriously ill .with double ear infections, laringitus, severe body aches, severe stomach pain and toilets . Wee not come out properly. I'm confused , as to whether these things come on , on there own, ir 8s it from high bp. And no meds work fir the severe pain. I'm bedridden 90% of time . Have u heard of these things from high bp ? I feel I'm going to die. Due to go back to ENT soon. But I need be on ppis he gave me bit longer . Ear drops and nose drops do nothing. Feel I maby die. 😪😪