Feeling very ropey today. Started Tildiem Sunday morning. My BP has gradually lowered and today it’s 98/71. I was put on it for SVT’s , not so much high BP as I have a history of lower BP (& before this med my BP was normal). I’ve felt giddy, nauseas & exhausted (although I have other underlying health issues that cause fatigue) and not too well the last couple of days. Should I be concerned? Will it balance out or continue to stay low. My daughter is freaking out as I’m sleepy a lot today and coughing a bit (have coughed for weeks but it calmed down and since the drug coughing again - I have acid reflux too). So much fun 😏🥴😰.
Tildiem lowered BP concern - British Heart Fou...
Tildiem lowered BP concern

Are you taking any other medications?
Esomeprozole, mercaptopurine. allopurinol, Steroid inhaler and had to use gaviscon double action again after two weeks or more of not having to. It seems to have re-triggered acid reflux 😏, I had just started getting better with that too. So aggravating. It’s also not helping my shortness if breath. Which I read can be a side effect. It’s all a bit unpleasant, except at least my BPM has calmed down.
Ask your GP for a medicine review - you may be able to get it done on line if your GP has it available?
Hi, I had similar concerns about low BP but at the level you are saying its low but not too low, but I am not a doctor and I dont k ow your body weight mass etc, take some reassurance that if you go on the NHS blood pressure test page and insert those figures, the result will show that its optimum which always feels good to see and read, mine has been 105/59. the issue is if it is giving symptoms, mine isnt so they are not concerned. As .y doctor said to me just this morning, we get to concerned about the numbers, let's look at the symptoms and as such I am assuming g you will want to talk through symptoms with the GP.

It does sound somewhat like symptoms of hypotension. The levels you quote should not really cause symptoms but this could depend on BP pre medication and individual sensitivity. I do not know your dose but it may be a case of starting on a reduced dose and working up.
Spoke to my cardiologist this morning and he’s changing me to a very low dose Bisporol. He’s not happy at all that I feel unwell on Tildiem. It’s all worrying as I get such strong reactions. Praying this is better, but it has to be kept low due to my asthma. He’s urging me again to have the ablation, but it won’t be for some time yet. In the meantime I need something to prevent SVT’s.