I was diagnosed with high BP this time last year was 189/146 at the time. I was immediately put on Ramipril which only reduced it slightly then amlidipine was added but ankles & legs were swollen so was changed to doxasosin & ramipril but still wouldn't budge despite several increases, I am now on 10mg of Ramipril and 20mg of lercandipine but BP is still high at 165/115, pharmacist at GP surgery said to try this for another few weeks to see if this increase helps but she is at a loss what to do as every combination they do doesn't seem to help. Any idea what happens when they can't get it down?
Concern bp isn't coming down - British Heart Fou...
Concern bp isn't coming down

Members will know better than me but I would ask to speak with your Doctor if in a couple of weeks it has not gone down any more
There are all different strengths , blood pressure medications and I cannot see a reason why they should not be able to find the right combination to get it down
I hope in a couple of weeks your readings are a lot better
Let us know how you get on x
After a hypertensive crisis Nov. 2020 and with Ramapril and Amlodopine my BP didn't tumble until I eliminated caffeine and minimised alcohol, both can raise BP very significantly with some people especially caffeine in my case.
Yes, i have been doing slimming world for a few years so eat relatively healthy and burn between 550- 700 zone minutes a week on Fitbit. I rarely drink & don't smoke. I limit caffeine to 3 cups a tea a day.
Hi mumtochd, I will reply to your blood pressure concerns with my own experiences. I was on amlodipine for some years and my bp was well controlled and then I started to have very horrible side effects , was put on bendroflumezide and of course it has its own side effects. Fed up with side effects , I decided to commit to a complete overhaul of my lifestyle and excersice, my GP was ok with this,so I am now excercising 5 days a week, a mix of aerobics and strength excersice with dumbbells, I eat a complete wholefood diet. I cook everything I eat, no takeaways or processed food and I have never felt so good, my blood pressure is well under control, my GP is pleased with my progress. It is only 3 months since I started this, and my GP is saying give it a few more months if it continues to be good then we can start thinking about taking me of my medications all together and continue to monitor. So you have nothing to loose to try this approach and see what happens.
Hello, my husband’s high BP didn’t settle properly with ACE inhibitor & Betablocker until he added a diuretic at a low dose (spironolactone) which worked a treat.
I’d suggest phoning the BHF nurses and picking their brains as they’re brilliant at what they do. It was their suggestion to ask about Spironolactone that helped my husband.
Finally, everyone’s different so what worked for my husband may not be suitable for you. Hopefully you’ll soon find your own “magic cocktail”.
I thought to post as I have just been prescribed ramipril after being on amlodipine 10mg for a few years - 5mg for 13 years before that. I was told by my doctor to carry on taking amlodipine at the same time. In the first 3 days, there was no effect but on the fourth day a sudden improvement.
Typical readings before ramipril were taking readings at 5-minute intervals:
Systolic S 170 -- Diastolic D 88 -- Pulse P80
S 155 -- D 80 -- P75
S149 -- D77 -- P72
These poor readings happened quite quickly over a 3 month period. I've no idea why the decline occurred as my second systolic reading was an average of 133 taken 4 months earlier.
Fortunately, my readings have improved on day 5
S133 -- D68 -- P68
S116 -- D60 -- P62
S116 -- D62 -- P58
Usually, I go on a 5,000 metre walk in the evening. When my blood pressure was high I had no problems whatsoever. Now my blood pressure is much lower I felt more breathless and had to stop at 3,000 metres or so. Early days and I have a telephone appointment with my doctor next week. I will report back on how it goes from here.