can anyone give any advice on coming off 1.25 bisoprolol? I tried to taper off but got chest pain and faster heart rate so back at full dose as got scared
bisoprolol withdrawal: can anyone give... - British Heart Fou...
bisoprolol withdrawal

Hi chantelle.Was just thinking about bisoprol as I might be switched to this from verapamil by my cardiologist erm sorry can't assist aouyt coming of it but what side effects can I expect being put on it.
I didn’t have a lot of side effects coming on it, just really cold hands and feet, slight dizziness. What heart problems do you have? I’m still waiting to be seen by cardiology but been having fast heart rate and chest pain, feeling anxious too
Ah ok that's kind of what verapamil does for me at the moment so won't be too much of a change, I have congenital heart disease which caused bicuspid aortic valve, severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis, I had Coarctation repair when I was a day old, I have small restrictive perimembranous ventricular septal defect, ventricular Tachycardia. So quite alot 😅. Aw hope you havent been waiting too long. So the bisoprol is for your fast heart rate then? Yeah anxiety can play a big part in heart problems I suffer from that and depression, it's the constant uncertainty of it all so when you get some answers and reassurance from cardiology then that will help alot aswell. So your still waiting be diagnosed? So sorry! ❤️😔
Hi. I am coming off of bisoprolol 1.25mg as we speak. It is day 8 fir me. Yesterday I had tachycardia but today much better. I’ve had chest pain as well.
Have you been told to stop taking it? If so, trust the process. Each day it gets better.
hi are you tapering down? Reducing dose? Or are you day 8 of not taking any bit of tablet? How are you feeling? Do you have any anxiety? I had chest pain and a fast heart rate when I was day 9 of halfing the tablet and my bp went up slightly. I now feel really anxious and want to get off it asap. Please let me know how you are getting on, are you keeping an eye on your heart rate?
I have no energy and get breathless I think it’s from the bisoprolol so that’s why I wana get off it. Doctor said it’s ok, how come your coming off?
not tapering down just stopped taking it. Have had breathlessness and chest pain and cardiologist wants to see if bisoprolol was causing it. Definitely getting better day by day. Keeping an eye on my heart rate and it does go up to 130 ish really easily but also comes back down quickly. It can make you feel anxious as that’s what I was told by cardiologist. You can keep messaging me if you like to help you through this?
yes please I would love your support if it’s something you don’t mind, my anxiety is through the roof right now and want to come of it after reading how bad the withdrawal is, and the longer im onit the worse it will be, some people how side effects coming off months down the line apparently. 😩I still haven’t been seen by cardiology I’m still waiting 2 months later. I’m worried to stay on them incase of any long term damage, but I think they are making me have no energy, headaches, and breathlessness. How long was you on them for? How is your chest pain now? What is your heart resting at?
Have you discussed this with your doctor?
It's against forum rules to advise on medication changes...
yes they said I can just stop, but tried to taper off for a week and head fast heart rate and chest pain again so back at full dose. Now I feel anxiety is through the roof
That's to be expected when coming off a beta blocker... you become more sensitive to adrenaline (which the drug blocks from acting on the heart) so when you stop the dose you will feel the effects. Throw anxiety into the mix as well and the effect is increased.
Speak to your local pharmacist for advice on this... they are specialists in medicines and how they react in the body and may be able to offer solid advice. We can't advise on medication changes here unfortunately, and what worked for one person may not work for you.
thank you, are you on a beta blocker?
Sure am 🙂
what ones bisoprolol? Do you get on with them or planned to come off them?
I tolerate them just fine, but think I'm one of the lucky ones. Cold hands and a runny nose is about the worst of it.
I was switched from bisoprolol to high dose propranolol as I needed them for migraine prevention... but took propranolol years ago for anxiety so knew it was fine.
Hi,When you day you tried to taper off, are you doing this yourself or under GP supervision?? I would definitely mot advise coming off something like this on your own as it could be really dangerous for you.
Hi Chantelle and welcome to the forum.
Your bio doesn't tell us anything about you, so it is difficult for anyone to provide any meaningful answers to your question right now.
For example, it would be helpful to know what heart condition you have been diagnosed with and when that was; what drugs you are taking and what dose; how long you have been taking bisoprolol and whether you were originally taking a higher dose.
This would allow people with a similar condition and drug regime to share their experience, which is what the forum is about.
1.25mg of Bisoprolol per day is the lowest dose normally prescribed and this seems to reduce heart rate by around 10 bpm for many of us.
The highest normal dose is 10mg per day and at this level you would taper down over a period of time to come off the drug At only 1.25 mg, most would simply stop taking it unless advised otherwise.
However, we are all different and some are very sensitive to the drug. Some find it better to take it at night rather than in the morning and some split their dose between the two, although splitting that tiny 1.25mg pill must be a pain!
Let's hope that the forum is able to help you through your problems.
Best wishes,
hi I’m sorry, I haven’t been diagnosed with a heart condition, I was just having episodes of fast heart rate and chest pain doctors saying it’s anxiety/panic attacks. I since found out I have folcate deficency so think it’s that that was causing it. I’m still waiting to be seen by cardiologist it’s been 2 months of waiting so no tests have been done except ecg which they say is clear just fast high hr. I’ve been onit around 6ish weeks. I’m worried to stay onit incase of long term effects and I’m feeling breathless and no energy and I think it’s causing it. I halfed 1.25 for 8 days, day 7 I didn’t move off sofa had no energy to do anything. Day 8 could feel my heart racing, felt anxious, had chest discomfort and bp was raised, had ecg at doctors said ok. Then day 9 I went back to full dose of 1.25 as was scared and the chest discomfort is quite scary think it sets off anxiety, I’m now 5 days back at full dose and feeling anxious still. I’ve got a doctors appointment later on today I’m going to ask there advice, as one dovtor said I could just stop but clearly not
Thank you for the background information.
Folate deficiency can produce many of the symptoms that you've reported and requires prompt treatment, so I hope that the doctor's appointment today is positive for you.
Best wishes,
doctors appointment was useless, said nothing else they can do for me. They have referred me to cardiologist in April so just a waiting, doc told me to ring them so I did and I’ve spoke with secretary who is guna speak to consultant to hopefully get me seen sooner for scan. Doctor I seen today was not supportive I’ve never seen her before she didn’t understand. I asked if the low folcate can cause my symptoms she said she don’t think so as many people who have low folcate don’t even realise. That’s annoyed me as I feel so awful and I was never like this before. She didn’t care about my breathlessness or sats dropping at times, told her I think this ain’t helping and I wana wean off she said that’s upto me i can come off it in a few weeks of tapering but really she wanted me on a higher dose
This is exactly my situation. I have no heart issues just anaemia which made me suffer a very fast heart rate 130BPM.
I saw my cardiologist he said it could also be anxiety. Placed me on propanolol 20mg a day and Astyfer blood syrup. I started taking the medication and my life has never been thesame again. I get tired easily. The breathlesness and my anxiety level has increased.
I chose to taper down the medication by splitting it 10mg twice daily. I am currently on 10mg once a day. It's a very difficult drug to come off cos of bad withdrawal symptoms.
I have decided to keep taking 10mg a day till my body heals on its own.
what is your heart rate now you have been tapering down? How do you feel? Are you getting chest pain? I am and also strange body sensations, I’m sure these beta blocker make anxiety worse to come off. It’s such a struggling I feel like my heart aches too because of them.
My heart rate after tapering is 87BPM However it goes up after the 10mg wears off because of the adrenaline rush. I try to maintain calmness by relaxing till when my next dose is due. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. When I was on 20mg I could barely function. I couldn't stand properly or walk properly cos my body was shaky. I felt very faint. Tapering down to 10mg has enabled me to function better but the chest pains come back once the medication wears off. I believe one day my body will heal itself and I won't be needing the meds anymore. Crying helps me too to unburden.
I would be happy with that heart rate after tapering down, my was 143 last week a week after a halfed dose 😩 so went back to full dose next day as was scared. It’s the chest pain that’s a trigger too isn’t it, I hope our body’s do heal in time Once fully off them, all I’ve done is cry this week so I know the feeling 😢 when I try taper again I’m guna do it slower and and have have plus a quarter of that makes sense so 3/4
Following as I would love to come off bisoprolol also. I have found a few interesting pages online (no access now sorry) speaking of it’s not as easy as just halving and halving (aka it can take time for many to come off) and yes sadly many having withdrawals, doesn’t seem a health/safety issue apart from of course discomfort and patience… wishing you well
I was put on the same dose of bisopralol after my heart attack. I persevered for 3 months but it was dropping my BP so low I could barely get out of the chair so my GP tpld me to stop it and try Candesartan. I stopped immediately with no side effects at all. The Candesartan didn't suit me either so that was also stopped with no problems. We are all different with differing conditions so you really need to speak to your GP.
have they found a beta blocker to suit you now?
I was on Bisoprolol 1.25 wean your self off very very slowly.Now after4months on one quarter tablet.
what was you put on them for? Do you have anxiety? How do you cut tablet do you use a tablet cutter?
I had a triple bypass surgery.I used a very sharp knife.It took a while to cut it properly.
what was you on them for? And what heart condition do you have? How was it coming off cold turkey what happened? I don’t plan on yk cold turkey just interested what happened? Let me know how you get on with coming off I hope it goes ok for you
I was told yesterday I can come off them ... by my cardio rehab team from paramedics to general care - nursing to consultants my follow up in North Wales has been absolutely AMAZING I'm so very grateful and wish that was the case for everyone... I digress sorry. Bisoprolol I'm on 5mg a day, been taking that since early February.The advice was to wait until my GP is notified before and decrease and I've got 2.5 tablets in my possession!
It was made very clear it's vital to decrease slowly and monitor responses ... if all is well the dose will be decreased to 2.5 for a period of 8 days then a 1.25 dose for 8 days, I should then if all is well I will be able to nock them on the head.
My diagnosis was Takotsubo, potentially affected by adrenaline and bisoprolol is prescribed to combat those effects, so I have mixed feeling about my next few weeks ahead!
I think you could possibly speak to your pharmacist tho potentially for confirmation?
It's good to talk this stuff out here but remember (as previously mentioned) we are all unique, have very different conditions and medication...
this is just my 2p worth.
Best of luck x
let me know how you get on tapering off, I hope it goes well, I’m currently sat in a+e as my sats been dropping to high 80s I do feel sob too
oh no I’m sorry about that, glad your ok tho, and that your ok when you fully get off them, keep me updated, best of luck x
I had a STEMI November 2021. I was put on a cocktail of drugs with Bisoprolol being one of them. I was also prescribed Ramipril. I came off Ramipril as my BP was low at around 98/64. I started out on 10 mg daily of Bisoprolol which was gradually reduced to 1.25 daily as this was all I needed due to my BP and HR being normal. I have suffered with dizziness for the past 15 months or so and recently was told by my cardiologist to stop the Bisoprolol. After a couple of days I felt awful. I got angry easy and felt anxious. I then started with chest pains and pains down my arms. I ended up going to A & E where I had 3 ECGs and Blood done. All the tests came back good. I was told to start the Bisoprolol again which I did. I now feel better but I still get dizziness. I might try again or I might just live with the dizziness 😩
it’s not good Isit, do you get any chest pain or discomfort while on the bisoprolol? What was your heart rate when you come off it? And how was it back onit? I’m wondering if it would have got better with time being off it? I get dizziness at times too I’m sure it’s the bisoprolol
I forgot to mention that the cardiologist has recommended I have a nuclear stress test to check for blockages.
I was on bisoprolol 2.5mg for only 27 days. It was prescribed for high blood pressure. I suffered from numerous serious side effects which eventually ended in a trip to a&e with severe abdominal pain, violent shaking, nausea, pounding heart, arrhthmia and sleeplessness amongst others. They advised me to cease taking bisoprolol without tapering off the dose. I then suffered from huge surges of adrenalin and anxiety for several weeks, unable to to any activity without my heart racing. It was a very difficult time. I have been off the medication now for 3 months. I am still having periods of high adrenalin and am suffering with a lot of chest pain which is worse if I exercise. I have found the only way to get the adrenalin down to a tolerable level is to go for several short walks a day and put up with the pain. I have seen a cardiologist about the pain and had ECG and CT scan and all came back normal. Another trip to a&e with severe chest pain radiating up my neck, left shoulder, back and arm,and after chest x-ray and numerous blood tests which all came back normal i was accused of lying about my symptoms. I believe my case is quite extreme, as many have no problems on and getting off bisoprolol, but listen to your body. Your experience will be unique.
that is super scary, what is your heart rate? I don’t think this medication should be prescribed really
My heart rate is about 60 to 70 bpm. It was, and still is, very scary, especially having not been given any answers to what I'm experiencing. The initial adrenalin surges after coming off bisoprolol are recognised by some as being expected, and cardiologist suggested about 5 to 6 days, so if you decide to stop taking them again, you should expect to experience this. I would choose a time when you are able to do nothing but relax for a week. Short walks are good to relax the body and mind. Good luck.
I was suffering with this and a fast heart rate before I started on it, being on it is making me anxious I’m not sure what to for best
Only you can make that decision. It's your body and you need to be caring for it the best you can. All drugs have side effects. You need to weigh up whether you're able and willing to tolerate them against the improvement in your health that they give. Others experiences will be unique to them. It's what this drug is doing to and for YOU should help you decide if you want to keep taking them or not.
how you getting on? All good still I hope
Your age, sex, size or the length of time you've been on 1.25mg bisoprolol doesn't matter. It is a tiny dose. You really don't need to 'taper off' 1.25mg.
that’s great news glad it’s going well 😊
how are you now your off? Hope all is good 😊
how come you decided to stay on longer? I’ve started to taper again I took away just 1 quarter so I’m taking 3/4 of a 1.25
I’m glad it got better for you, I went to a quarter today and feel abit dizzy but going to keep going for a week then stop, hopefully it’s just guna keep improving in time as it comes out our body’s.
hello, did you came off biso?