Eight weeks ago I came off my 1.25mg dose of Bisoprolol, my heart rate and BP settled back to normal and most other side effects faded away except for the anxiety, it’s not there all the time but things that would normally not bother me too much cause waves of horrible anxiety. Has anyone else experienced this?
Bisoprolol withdrawal anxiety - British Heart Fou...
Bisoprolol withdrawal anxiety
Were you prescribed beta blockers for anxiety?
No, I have proximal atrial fibrillation with no underlying cause.

I have come off 2.5mg beta blockers twice with no ill effects, so, your anxiety does seem weird.
The Bisoprolol gave me anxiety, that was one of the many side effects I had from it.

Sounds even weirder! They are supposed to ease anxiety.

If your anxiety started on taking bisoprolol and you still have anxiety 8 weeks after stopping taking them I would look for another cause of your anxiety. See your GP.

I know how you feel.I have the same symptoms.
240's to 250's 😱
Great synopsis! I exercise based on how I feel - and use the 'rule' of being able to hold a conversation whether I'm jogging, walking or cycling. When it comes to swimming that seems to be a different matter as I do breastroke or crawl and put my head under the water! And although it can be frustrating because I had run a sub 2 hour half marathon before my first of two NSTEMI heart attacks, I now focus on what I can do and NOT on what I used to be able to do.
Going onto bisoprolol definitely eased a moderate level of anxiety I had been having. This was an unexpected bonus for me. Because of the way it works this is expected. So, coming off it as you are, it seems normal you might notice an increase in anxiety.

That's interesting
My OH, had a sudden onset of angina, ECG changes, slight troponin rise before his stent was inserted 11 years ago.
His angiogram showed his Left anterior descending LAD, coronary artery was nearly completely blocked.
He was not told he had had a heart attack.
What were your troponin blood levels?
I came off 1.25 mg and felt unwell on a stressful day at work. Cut the tablets in half for a couple of weeks and weaned myself off them. The guidance says not to stop taking suddenly.

My husband has been fine, thanks. He does now have Atrial fibrillation as well.
His attitude is that he lives a life he enjoys and was back at work within a few days.
He takes his medicine, tries to keep his weight under control, goes cycling and swimming.
He went skiing earlier in the year and caught c***d without any serious problems.
We both now eat less meat, more fish, fruit and vegetables.
Stress management is tricky, he has me to look after 😂
He had a stress echocardiogram test last year and everything was okay.
Interesting about your ECGs, I regularly have ST depressions and T wave inversions in 4 of the ECG leads, even thrown in ST elevations and small rises of troponin but have never been told I have had a heart attack, just coronary vasospasms.
I have had to up my dosage as my heartbeat was really beating fast. I am looking forward to coming off eventually but I am still having problems.
I came off bisopralol, same dose as you with absolutely no problems. I also suffer from anxiety but it had no effect at all.
Was on Bisoprolol 2.5mg after HA but was falling over dizzy 2 months later. Reduced to 1.25mg. A year later I underwent triple CABG and continued on the 1.25mg for a further 6 months. After that, cardiologist no.1 said that if I want to be around for another 2 or 3 decades I need to stay on them. Cardiologist no.2 said I needed to come off them now. Take your pick! I currently take one only if my BP rises too high. Resting pulse rate off them is about 50.

There is nothing like being able to speak face to face with a cardiac rehab nurse or exercise specialist.
Also just being in the room with other heart patients is really important.
There is a special camaraderie between people with a shared experience.
Hi.. I was mistakenly given a 10mg dosage for transient AF. After a few months was unable to walk, debilitating fatigue, liver and bloods all over the place.. and my GP told me to stop immediately. I was panicking in case I suffered effects from this but happy to say that none arose, and am now off them altogether and still fighting for and back in my allotment six hours a day.
Yep. Because of the restrictions in seeing docs I was left on bisoprolol, ramipril and a bunch of others. I couldn't breathe properly and was puffed after 4 stars. I cut it down to 2.5 and then none. Am back to running up stairs! To be fair, they didn't make a difference yo my heart rate anyway...
Yes I am also on bisoprolol and I get very anxious about silly things. I havebeen on it since Janauary before that I was on Digoxin which didn’t give me any side effects at all. I have to keep on this because it slows down my heart rate which has got very fast after my open heart surgery for valve replacement.
Have your magnesium checked-low Mg can cause anxiety and lots of other associated side effects regarding the heart

Good idea. I have some blood tests coming up I will ask for a magnesium one.

be careful of what vitamin supplements you take I was told this off an ambulance crew as I was taking magnesium and q10 and cod liver oil tablets as I heard magnesium was very important for us. So check with your doctor first as certain supplements can can clash with medication 👍
I use the Miller formula to calc max hr, it is supposed to be more accurate for those who are slightly older and fitter.
Formula is 217-(0.85*age)+4 the +4 is for a male (can't remember what it was for female).
There is also a formula that UK Researchers came up with which gives the same results as Miller 202-(0.55*age).
Both of these increase my recommended max HR by approx. 10bpm, which seems to be much nearer to what my RPE tells me.
Edit: Should add that I am slightly older and was very fit prior to my event, I was also told to use RPE and not my HR when exercising, I am also on a Beta Blocker.
I agree, but as a guide for someone who is older/fitter, they do seem to give truer numbers, I did find it useful during recovery period, mostly as a gauge of fitness improvement.
As I said, I use RPE and using the 220-age formula I would frequently be at more than 110% max HR!
Rate of perceived exertion
RPE Levels of Perceived Exertion
Level 1: I'm watching TV and eating bonbons
Level 2: I'm comfortable and could maintain this pace all day long
Level 3: I'm still comfortable, but am breathing a bit harder
Level 4: I'm sweating a little, but feel good and can carry on a conversation effortlessly
Level 5: I'm just above comfortable, am sweating more and can still talk easily
Level 6: I can still talk, but am slightly breathless
Level 7: I can still talk, but I don't really want to. I'm sweating like a pig
Level 8: I can grunt in response to your questions and can only keep this pace for a short time period
Level 9: I am probably going to die
Level 10: I am dead
Which from what you’ve said is probably about where you should be, level 6 for me is about 80% and I think that is max you should be aiming for for a little while.
Hi , I’m in the same dose for menopause related symptoms , palpitations , anxiety and panic attacks , my symptoms are much more manageable especially after reading about other methods of managing anxiety eg meditation , tapping and qigong . I also take ashwagandha which helps with anxiety , it may be worth you trying something similar .
Yes yes, I am struggling severely with bisoprolol withdrawal and would love to chat with you about it.
Are you ok now? How long it took?

Thank you for asking. It's been almost 3 years since my valve replacement and I am still bedridden. The meds really made a mess with me and I really don't think that I am going to make it. I stopped using this platform as another member was quite abusive towards me and what I was experiencing in the valve replacement group. I really appreciate your asking. Thank you and I hope that you are doing well.
It’s been a year since my heart attack and I’m still fine tuning my bosoprolol I was on 10 in a morning and ten in an afternoon.
I had a word with my cardiologist at the chest pain clinic and I was taken off ticagrelor which was replaced with clopidogrel once in the morning but my bisoprolol was halved which was too much too soon and my heart rate and anxiety flew up which resulted in an ambulance visit after palpitations or another mild heart attack that’s how it felt. My ecg’s have always been good and they only knew I had my first heart attack by my troponin levels back when I had my first after I couldn’t walk far I looked online and realised it was angina which took a turn for worst very fast over the next week I had difficulty after nipping to toilet and back it was a horrible feeling of impending doom I darnt move any further.
I take 7.5mg bisoprolol in the morning now and 6.25 in the afternoon as of today after speaking to doc yesterday and have gone on a statin holiday for 2 weeks as my chest feels bruised inside and was having spasms and sharp pains in my chest and neck every afternoon and night. I was also getting cramps in my back when on toilet trying to wipe.
Scared to death in all honesty I’m 51 and was thinking about writing my will.
I have hypertension, heart desease, unstable angina and suffer with generalised anxiety disorder with depression
I was having a feeling of electricity running through my body on a nighttime before sleep.
But when I do sleep I sleep pretty well and was walking nearly 5 miles some days taking my friends dog for a walk, the bisoprolol is beta blocker and helped my get out it took the edge off my anxiety I’d not had that in years only alcohol ever helped in the past. And I had a sweet spot from morning until around 1pm where I could function in not too much distress.
However after that afternoons and nighttime’s I have chest spasms nipping pains and pressure also pins and needles in the left aside back of my head and recently was having a numb feeling in my left arm and a sensation of loosing my legs while walking out through the drop in bisoprolol which gave me panic attacks n I thought I’d pass out and not get home it was terrifying.
It’s a constant battle it’s draining, on good days or moments I’m optimistic and feel happy and in the bad times I wonder how long I’ve got left it’s awful.
It’s about fine tuning your medication and seeing your cardiologist as your doctor isnt one. Your gp won’t alter your meds too much but they can contact your cardiologist. And find out who’s your best GP at your practice and stick to that one only or youl get different answers to the same problems.
I wish you well and hope this helps who reads.