I was placed on Bisoprolol three months ago after my HR shot up in Spain. They did tests and found no AF (and all ECGs since have been normal) but the Spanish doc put me on the drug anyway. I had a nightmare on the drug but I'm having even more of a nightmare getting off. I'm now 5 weeks without taking any (after weaning from 1.25mg over 4 weeks) and struggling with elevated HR. My resting pulse is between 75-85 which is 10-15bpm higher than it was before the drugs. But it shoots up rapidly to 125-140 when I walk, with even slight movement. It’s worse in the morning (by about 6pm my HR settles to about 70-80). I have adrenaline surges, insomnia and anxiety from the adrenaline. I also have wobbly legs from time to time and tremors and shakes. Weirdly I have a few half decent days them it hits me all over again. I've read so many accounts from others struggling with the same. Has anyone else experienced Bisoprolol withdrawal? I need some hope that this will eventually ease and hoping someone who’s been through it can provide that hope. The GP is phoning me again today but I don't think they understand how hellish this drug withdrawal is. I run my own business and haven't been able to work for three months! Hardly left the house as HR shoots up when walking. I hope you withdrawal doesn't last long. When I cut down from 2.5mg to 1.25mg it lasted about a week. Then settled again. But I struggled to breathe when on betas as I'm asthmatic and the doc said I didn't need them. I wish I'd never been prescribed these drugs. I know they’re fantastic for those who need them, but they've ruined my life. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Bisoprolol withdrawal : I was placed on... - British Heart Fou...
Bisoprolol withdrawal

even I could not tolerate Bisoprolol, feel sorry for you & hope you get better slowly but surely
I’m going through the same. I’m going to buy some weighing scales and reduce slowly over the period of 6 months try and ween myself off. I’ve been on them approaching 5 years in Dec. Definitely not correct when they advise ut takes 1 week to come off of them.
I'm coming off them after 7 years on them at various doses due to SVT. I wont bore you with the long story but the short story is a couple of weeks ago I came off them. I weaned down from 2.5mg to 1.25mg for a month and then came off completely. Earlier this week was a bit rough, I felt a bit wobbly and exhausted. Sleep has been a bit up and down but settled now. I think at the moment I am getting away lightly, I tolerated the drug quite well over the years. But the withdrawal can be quite problematic and perhaps I have worse to come. If you are worried about your heartrate,and it is affecting your life so much that you can't work, I would suggest going to see a cardiologist privately. For the sake of around £200 for a consultation, you might get some answers. The reality is GPs are overworked and won't be able to give you the time that you need to sort this out.
Relating my own experiences, following the treadmill stress test, It was found that I had AF, then was started on Bisoprolol, low dose 1.25mg/night. I have not heard of any breathing problems on this medication and it has worked well with me, so far! This medication is particularly well known to reduce BP, HR and AF.
I was on 2.5mg of bisoprolol which was split into 2 x 1.25mg twice a day,then I reduced it to 1.25mg a day then after 3-4 weeks,cut 1.25mg in half and took another 2 weeks,then did alternate days for week then stopped,I had no problems coming off them,but their job is to reduce heart rate so if yours going up still perhaps need alternative
Sorry, I just realised that you did not need Bisoprolol in the first place! You are in a different category altogether, I think the best way out of this is with your GPs advice.
I spoke to my GP on Thursday. She told me to sit it out. That it can take a couple of months for the body to get back to normal. She also thinks the sensitivity to the betas may have triggered POTS, but I'm really hoping that isn't the case and it’s just withdrawal.
Thankfully yesterday and today haven't been too bad. But I've had this behore, where I’ve felt ok then I get hit with the symptoms all over again. It’s been 5 weeks now so fingers crossed it will ease. I seem to have so much adrenaline today, I’m in constant flight or fight mode. But I did manage to walk 2km so I'm pleased with that progress.
It's a good job that I contacted you again! I have had a very unusual change in my heart activity this week! Since Saturday my heart rate gone well out of its's normal beats, I mentioned in earlier post that since starting Bisoprolol it's been down to 40 beats/minute, it remained so until yesterday and now it's gone up to 73! I have been monitoring almost every hour since yesterday, it has never gone below 60!
Also my systolic was normally 130s i s now gone down to 100s, whilst the diastolic has remained the same. I fear I may also have now gone onto the POTs route? I will try and speak to my GP this week, perhaps to cutting down my Bisoprolol by half. (In reality the GP might increase the doage!)This is my first true encounter of this medication, after 4 months use!
I had no real issues with HR going up while on Bisoprolol. If anything it took my heart rate too low. It was after stopping the drug and weaning off that the tachycardia started. Hope you can get sorted. Take care.
So I continued monitoring my HR since Saturdayinto Sunday and Monday. Evertime the same result, with potential to go below 90, sytolic, fainting and nausea possibilities! I contacted NHS 111 They called me in for consultation and chat with GP. It was decided that my Amlodipine could be put back to 2.5mg (half tablet). For now it its working and my HR is better, approaching 120 systolic and my HR has gone up, and remains a healthy 60 (previously 40).
I stayed on bisoprolol for 1 year where my highest dose was 7.5. For high blood pressure. I had many side effects that the doctors ruled out, until I reached a point of sleep deprivation and depression. And after a reduction it was still almost abrupt because at the time I had no knowledge of gradual weaning. Today, after 8 months, I still don't feel well, and with many ups and downs, there may also be some mental factor here that could be tormenting me, but however, I still can't physically perform as well as I did, when walking, running or doing anything. physical activity.
I’m sorry to hear you’re still struggling. I’m now 7 weeks off the Biso (I was only on it for 8 weeks!) and my HR is only just starting to lower. Is still bad in the mornings jumping up when move but during the day it’s around 75-90 at rest. I managed a 2.5km walk yesterday but very breathless and HR was around 115-125 which is higher than it was pre betas when doing a gentle walk. Today I had random tremors, felt like my insides were shaking! I’m hoping I don’t get any more bad waves but from what I’ve read from others this withdrawal comes in waves and windows, so I may be experiencing a window. Keeping everything crossed that another bad wave doesn’t hit. I hope you feel better soon. Why don’t doctors understand this withdrawal process more is beyond me.
Of course, each person varies in terms of symptoms and duration, but even after this time I have had many ups and downs. and if we are too anxious to overcome this phase, it seems that we become worse off. After this time I still have tremors, palpitations, pulsating tinnitus and now a kind of fluttering which is starting to worry me.
I would get back in touch with your doctor. I spoke a little too soon yesterday as today I have some of the symptoms back…pulsatile tinnitus, higher HR and adrenaline surges. It really is a drawn out and frightening withdrawal.
I know what that is. I'm desperate to find a solution. I've already tried supplements, I'm going to talk to the cardiologist again next Tuesday to see a strategy. I can't even sleep again, I don't know if it's the anxiety of what I'm going through or even the bisoprolol. Strength on that side. let's talk and exchange experiences
How are you feeling now?
Palps 24/7 can’t sleep and a strange feeling linked to the stomach, it even feels like adrenaline in the stomach but with a sloped beat
I’m now 8 weeks off Bisoprolol. Heart rate when resting is hitting low 60s again in the evening. Daytime is still normally 80s. But walking takes it up to 130s still. Pounding heartbeat in my ears is a little quieter but still there. I get a feeling sometimes like my stomach is dropping, like I’ve just been given bad news. A weird feeling. And my anxiety is still pretty high. I think I’m slowly improving but sometimes it’s hard to tell, esp when a bad wave happens. Keep chatting as I think it’s good to talk about it as doctors don’t seem to understand despite hundreds of people on online patient forums going through the same withdrawal symptoms.