I have been feeling like a zombie for months now along with digestive problems which interfere with sleep. Meds were Bisoprolol 2.5mg clopidogrel 75mg atorvastatin 80mg, rivaroxaban 2.5mg lansoprazole.
Prescribed after a heart attack (STEMI) last August.
My cardiologist (actually 2 of them) looked at an angiogram done a month ago along with the results of a stress echo and recommended coming off the Bisoprolol gradually and changing the Lansoprazole to Famotidine.
I changed the atorvastatin and lansoprazole immediately, and initially halved the Bisoprolol. All seemed OK, then I started taking the BS one 1.25 every other day.
Well digestion now OK, but I just don't feel OK. Pulse now 85-90 resting, and rockets up if I do anything. pulse is irregular from time to time, and I have slight chest pains.
I have read that there are significant withdrawal symptoms with BS. If that's the case I can put up with them, but how do I find out whether it's withdrawal of something more sinister?