Hi, I'm Beater,
I'm 11 months out from aortic valve replacement and bypass. I was on metoprolol then bisoprolol then I stopped for 5 days as I was very faint. Went back on and the reinstating caused severe symptoms. Family Dr. put me on carvedilol for 1 day and that was worse so then atenlol for 1 day and that was even worse. Then finally my cardiologist called after months and said that I have lost too much weight and to stop 1.25 and BP meds immediately cold turkey. Now I'm having some terrible side effects and just wondering if it's normal and how long they last. Has anyone else experienced this and what were the symptoms. My BP is slightly elevated and hr is good but I am very lightheaded and weak. The bisoprolol also caused many issues ie: back, chest, sternum, ribs, shoulder, breast and armpits pain. The pain is starting to wane on day 4 but I am still feeling very weak. Thank you.