Morning all
Please help me pick the bones out of this one.
Just wondered if anyone on here had their Phrenic nerve damaged during their open heart surgery? I saw my Thoracic surgeon yesterday, and he said it was quite common, but I've never heard anyone talking about it on here. It causes paralysis of the diaphragm, which in turn causes it to push high on the lung, reducing breathing capacity. It's not a great feeling.
I have to make the decision in the next few months what to do.
I can have nerve repair surgery, which is 60-70% successful and my diaphragm would work properly again.
I could have a plication where they pull the diaphragm down and tie it in place creating lung space but the diaphragm would never work properly.
I could pay $30k - $65k to have a pacemaker fitted on my diaphragm. (!!!) (They did the damage, shouldn't they pay for it??!)
You might think this isn't a hard decision but:
I had severe blood clots (saddle PE) after my CABGX3 which nearly ended it all.
I'Ve had numerous tests to find out why I had the clots after surgery but nothing in my blood works is showing so obviously they can't prepare for what happened before other than the normal protocols. They're not sure this would prevent clots in the future but have no idea how to deal with me.
My CABGX3 FAILED as soon as it was done. I had internal bleeding for hours after surgery which they had to stop with blood clotting drugs. My Thoracic surgeon thinks this is why my grafts got blocked straight away but NOT why I had PEs.
I therefore had to have 4 long stents a few months after surgery. It was an intense, hard procedure which took over 3 hours.
If I leave the problem my lung capacity could deteriorate over time making me dependent on Oxygen for life.
I've been told i have a much higher chance of having a HA, stroke or PE's on the operating table than most because of my history amd obviously only i can make the decision to go ahead.
I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I'm getting really random chest and throat pains. Is it anxiety or are my stents now failing too? I feel in such a mess.
On top of this news I had to have my precious dog put to sleep this week. #heartbroken. 💔 Not coping well, Barney was such a blessing to our family, especially throughout my illness.
Struggling to cope with what the last 8 months has thrown at me. Feeling low. I really don't know what's going on in my body. I've told the medics/GP how I feel but I don't think they've ever come across anyone with so many complications as I've had and they don't really know how to deal with me.
Try to be brave and just get on with things but its hard.😪
On the plus side I'm pushing to walk 3 miles per day and eating well but I feel its not going to be long before I crumble in a big heap. I can't have any drugs to help with my anxieties because of my health problems.
Sorry for the the ramble.
Love Susie x