Impending Heart By-Pass Surgery. I'm ... - British Heart Fou...

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Impending Heart By-Pass Surgery. I'm Scared as Hell!

Synergiii profile image
26 Replies

Following some chest pains had a few months ago, recently had angiogram at St. Barts Hospital, which found 2 very reduced L ventricles restricting blood flow to my heart, I was strongly advised to stay in hospital and prepare myself for two long stents, or by-pass surgery (given 2 options) in the following days.

I could not do this. I couldn’t make such a decision at that time, and so giving myself time enough to research and understand what is happening to me, to make such a life-changing decision.

I know I have to, and will make a decision soon, though would like to hear from anyone in the same position, and others who have been through by pass surgery for connection, better understanding and support.

Would love to hear from anyone in similar situation, or has been through the surgery.

Thanks, and look forward to connecting.

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Synergiii profile image
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26 Replies
Chinkoflight profile image

Hi Synergii, I have had serious life threatening heart treatment choices, including giving consent to stents during an angiogram, so I fully understand your shock and fear. (I didn't subsequently need the stents as the angiogram was unexpectedly clear but later had an ICD implant)

But the real life changing decision would be to do nothing while at the same time increasing your anxiety and stress.

You have had the best treatment advice available from expert trained cardiologists. By declining treatment it's possible you will now only qualify for elective lists having given up your emergency slot.

As a matter of priority I would be checking when the earliest available slot is for your procedure.

My understanding of the procedures is they are to improve your health and the benefits outweigh the risks.

Perhaps talk to a BHF nurse on their help lines.

Synergiii profile image
Synergiii in reply toChinkoflight

Thank you for sharing. I hear you. Have heard many say the same, which I so appreciate.

Have a much more clearer understanding, and lessened fear.

Have had so many responses saying similar, hard to reply to all. Thank you.

Cabgx2 profile image

I was in a similar predicament and if you want to on meds for the rest of your life then go with stents. Otherwise it's bypass surgery just like me.

18 months later I am cycling 2hrs every day and I am as fit as I was in my twentys.

You need to change your lifestyle or your just kicking the can down the road.

By refusing treatment you are playing Russian roulette with your life but rather you than me.

I do not regret bypass surgery one bit and know cardiac Rehab colleagues who had 2nd heart attack after having stents fitted.

APC65 profile image

Hi, if it's still available read my first post from Feb 2023.... I was in a very similar situation to yourself and terrified! The fear is natural as open heart surgery is daunting - but nearly 2 years on from CABG X3 and it has been both a life saver and changer.... didn't realise how slow and ill I had become. I had no risk factors to suggest I had CHD, so the shock was enormous and took longer to recover from than the surgery itself. CABG is a very common surgery now so trust your cardiac team and look forward to a new you for 2025.

Traveldreams profile image

of course you’re worried. It’s a shock to most of us. BUT you’ll also see most of us moaning about how worse it gets the longer you wait. Best of luck, keep in touch and next year pay it forward by giving advice to a future person because you will know that you’ve done the right thing xx

Sd26 profile image

Good morning

Post heart attack, I also had my angio at St Barts and was initially told by the Cardiologist that the next step was surgery. It was not what I had expected and I declined to sign the consent form. While being an in-patient I spoke to a surgeon, the stenting specialist Cardiologist and the Cardiologist who performed the angio.

Ultimately I asked for my case to be assessed at their MDT to see if the consensus view was that stenting was viable. In fact, the consensus was that it was preferable and so I had angioplasty and one stent that day.

I fully admit that I am not as brave as others on this forum in terms of the surgical option and so I went for a minimally invasive option.

It's only been six months and I don’t know if it was the right decision in the long term. I have my Cardiology appointment next month so will learn more but I am feeling good and working out regularly.

If you are still uncertain, ask for your case to be considered at Barts MDT. But don't wait around. Get yourself sorted soon. Please.

Mancunian1 profile image

hi. I was in the exact same position in the summer when diagnosed with a severe blockage and for a minute did think I’d cope without surgery. But in reality it wasn’t much more than a minute before realising the do nothing outcome was not one to contemplate.

I opted for surgery even though as yourself I was very scared but I knew it was the correct thing to do for myself and more importantly for my family.

The surgeons and the rest of the team involved are brilliant at what they do, doing it day in and day out and your in the best of hands. Yes there will be some difficult days afterwards at the beginning but they soon pass and I don’t regret it for one minute, it’s given me a second chance at life.

Pollypuss profile image

Nearly five years ago I didn’t have the choice. It had to be a triple bypass. It was handled so well by the very positive medical staff that I - who can be very neurotic about my health and the thought of hospital horrified me - can honestly say I was prepared so well by the medical team that I never felt truly scared. You will feel so much better when you have healed and the real you is back to normal.

devonian186 profile image

I knew something was wrong and via the GP presented myself at hospital for assessment. After various tests the Cardiology team said I needed a quad bypass. I asked what the alternatives were and was told "there are alternatives, but they are very stupid ones" (or words to that effect.)

I can't know your exact circumstances but I didn't even consider the stupid alternatives but remained in hospital as an inpatient.

I was told that as an outpatient you would likely be passed over or forgotten or just not get the same degree of priority as someone sitting up in bed staring at the hospital team.

The operation was not so bad. However you need to prepare for coming home as depending on your age/health and circumstances that was much tougher than being in hospital, mentally and physically.

This year I went with my wife to Zermatt and lay in bed with my wife in a nice hotel watching the sun tinge the Matterhorn pink.

I suspect that if I had chosen one of the "stupid" alternatives, I would not be around to have done that. Good luck.

Cee-Cee1 profile image

Hi Synergiii - on the 18th February 2025 it will be the 3 year anniversary of my triple-bypass. (65yr-old female). On the 10th January 2022 I was taken to hospital with chest pains and in A&E after numerous tests, it was discovered that I was suffering from a NStemi heart attack. I was admitted to hospital, and after an angiogram, was told that a triple bypass was necessary as stents wouldn't help with my condition. I'd to stay in hospital as it wouldn't have been safe to send me home, and had the bypass five weeks later.

Each and every one of us has different diagnoses, feelings, outcomes and tales to tell, but I have to say, that for me, having that operation was the best thing that I've ever done. I'd been putting the tiredness and aches & pains I'd been feeling over the previous couple of years down to part of the normal aging process and it was only during recovery a couple of months after the op that I realised I'd been ill all along and just how much better I felt.

Yes, it's extremely scary to hear you need the bypass, and yes, it would be wrong to say that it isn't a big op, but the surgeons, doctors and their teams are superb. They're doing these ops every single day of the year and are the ultimate professionals.

As I say, we're all different, but I was discharged from hospital just 4 days after the op and back at work (part-time staged return) 4 months later. I live alone, by the way, but my brother & sister popped in every day for a couple of weeks after I was discharged to make sure I'd everything I needed and they looked after me very well. ☺️ That first night home sleeping in my own bed after over 5 weeks in hospital felt like heaven!☺️

There were a few tweaks of medication during the following months until everything settled down and, at this stage, I can honestly repeat that it's one of the best things I've ever done. I lead a completely normal life with some dietary changes (less cream buns!🤣) and a bit more exercise (more walking, less driving!), and just live in hope that my boss doesn't notice how healthy I am these days and wants me back to full-time working as I'm still loving the part-time hours!😂

I wish you good luck with your decision (I know what mine would be), but please stay in touch and let us all know how you get on. There are lots of lovely, knowledgeable people on the site who will be more than happy to offer advice and help whatever you decide. Best Regards, Carol

stevetheadi profile image

Good morning

I had a triple bypass about 5 months ago.

Originally I was going to have stents during an angioplasty procedure but the blockages were too severe. I remember the person carrying out the angioplasty casually saying to me 'you're going to need surgery mate' and wandering off.

To say I was shocked would be to put it mildly. I was very scared and in denial - maybe I could refuse surgery and take some tablets? Maybe another surgeon would insert a stent instead? I don't want an operation......

When I met my cardiologist a few weeks later I asked him what if I don't have this operation. He told me, very bluntly, what would happen if I didn't.

He also said that while for me it was a big deal and very scary (everyone is scared of operations) for him and his team it was their everyday job. They do bypass operations every day and driving to the hospital was more risky and having a bypass. There was only a 2% chance of complications and they have a plan for everything that can go wrong.

I remained scared.

In the end, it was ok. I'm not going to lie, there were some difficult moments but for me most of them occurred after I came home. In the hospital the staff were amazing and looked after me like they would a member of their own family. I was never in pain that couldn't be managed with paracetamol and was discharged in a week.

When I got home I felt down and very sad for a while. But now I feel great. I go to the gym, walk up steep hills (I couldn't do that six months ago) and generally enjoy my new lease of life.

Bottom line: If they say you need a bypass, you need a bypass. When it's done you'll realise there was no need to feel scared.

Feel free to contact me if you want a chat.

Larneybuds profile image

I don't think anybody faced with open heart surgery has felt easy about it and it is a scary prospect. I had to wait 9 months for mine due to cancellations with my heart problem worsening over that time. Thinking about the surgery is the fear of the unknown but the wonderful people who do it and the teams that work with them are amazing and you are in the best hands. This type of operation and the one I had are performed on a daily regular basis and to the skilled surgeons it's just the norm . There are concerns with any surgery. A friend of mine has just had a new knee....usually a very short stay in hospital. Her first knee and out, up walking and back to normal very quickly...this second time...infection, bad reaction to antibiotics and still in hospital a week later. Any operation has risks but the chances of you recovering from your heart surgery are far greater than not recovering. I'm sure most people will tell you it's the thinking about it that's the worst. Once you are in hospital then care is fantastic and the operation seems like a click of the fingers, in fact when I woke up I thought I was still waiting to go into theatre, it seemed that quick. My personal fear was the consequences of not having it done. Yes you will hear the odd story with not so good news but I'm sure on the forum you will hear more about the absolute positives of having it done and also about people leading normal healthy lives post surgery who are so grateful for having been given that chance and to also be still with their loved ones. I hope you get some inspiration from your replies that might make you feel easier about making a decision. Xx

Knavesmire27 profile image

I am so sorry for what you going through. I can relate. Though I had different surgery I have had a couple of years of hospital stays and procedures and eventually had mitral valve replacement and Pacemaker fitted only a few weeks ago. I totally get your fear. It's a hard decision to make but it is the right decision. I met some amazing people in hospital, all with different heart conditions and and all felt exactly what you feeling. I also met the most amazing staff and experts in their field who "held my hand" through the whole process. You will be given the best care by dedicated people whose job is to make you well again. If you can, please put your trust in them and let them help you get better. Good luck, my thoughts are with you.

selfrising profile image

1 year to the day exactly my husband came home after triple heart bypass surgery.

As others have said “ a very fit 65 year old” no previous symptom, not on any medication. Healthy eater, rarely drank, low cholesterol. Like many who have undergone this surgery.

Just happened to say to me,he had had a strange sensation, no pain of any sort just a strange feeling.

Straight to A&E where he was told he had had a heart attack and whisked to Castle Hill at Hull.

He knew straight away when he had the angiogram that they could not sent, because they started looking at the veins in his legs.

No option for him. They advised him to stay in which he did and 3 weeks later he had the operation.

Shock is an understatement both for him and the family.

Even now he says “ it was a nightmare “

Without it at some point he would need intervention so the earliest you can get sorted is the best.

Too long to dwell is not good for your mental health.

The team around you are the best. They would not say you need something if you don’t

It is a not an easy ride initially, especially for someone who felt well before, but we say daily “how lucky we are to be given the chance of a longer life”

I wish you well on this journey, trust the professionals, they know what they are doing, we as a family will be eternally grateful to them.

DoctorZchivago profile image


What can I say that hasn’t already been said!

This forum has been so supportive these past few weeks for me.

Yes agreed very scary. Alternatives not the right answer, only temporary fixes . I had a stent this time last year, that then it subsequently failed since last June, quality of life going downhill, my solution was either meds long term would help or as my surgeons explained classical mammary bypass no question. After three days in intensive care, total of one week in hospital and now just one month later post op at home. On road to recovery, a few teaks to meds to come I suspect, follow up appt at beginning of January. Yes there have been moments and still more to come no doubt, but I know I have been one of the very lucky ones. Yes scar and breasts still painful but managing with just paracetamol. Thankfully having a mammary bypass, my leg vein was not needed, so I don’t have the lag scar to cope with as well- unlike my husband who had a triple bypass 11 years ago. He has been amazing I hasten to add, supporting me in my recovery. As the surgeons pointed out after my op, they had done their bit the rest is up to me! So I’m getting on with the recovery, going as I’m told, breathing exercises, resting when I need to, no heavy lifting, running around, walking a little further each day. Christmas is now next week and I do wonder without surgery how many would I have seen after this year!

The BHF nurses have been a lifeline too- just when you need someone to talk to who is independent to your situation - call them now for a chat, some reassurance.

Wishing you come to terms with it all quickly and find the courage to proceed. As others have said the alternative is not the best answer in my opinion, but that is not understanding your full situation, so please do your research and go forward from there. Good luck!!


DWizza profile image

I had nstemi heart attack in July 2023, angiogram showed 3 blocked arteries . Thought I was going to have stents. The doc performing the angiogram said “it’s CABG for you , no stents “ I had no idea what he meant , I said I liked cabbage and broccoli 🤦🏼🤣.. then he explained that I would need open heart bypass surgery . The shock of the heart attack diagnose day before then being told I’d need triply bypass surgery really knocked me!

I cried like a baby after my family visited me in hospital.

I’m so grateful I had it done though , I was treated as an assessed emergency case. Transferred to St Thomas’s from Maidstone and had surgery cancelled twice 🤦🏼 but was discharged 10 days later having had quadruple bypass ! Love my rebirth and focus on keeping my new pipes clear and enjoy life . I’m glad I was An assessed emergency case , i had heard of patients waiting months for to get appointments and surgery. I was certainly in the best place and treated brilliantly.

Wishing well on your journey .

momander profile image

Hi Synergi,I had a double CABG 2 years ago and I've never looked back. It was the best decision I ever made. I had 2 stents but sadly they collapsed so the only real option left was the bypass. I was kept in hospital as I was having alot of angina attacks. The physical recovery is quick, but the emotional recovery takes longer. I would say after a year you will really see a difference. It is a very anxious time and a scary thought, but I would definitely take this opportunity if I were you.

MountainGoat52 profile image

Hi Synergill,

After my heart attack, when I had two stents inserted in my right coronary artery), I was referred for surgery. I met with the surgeon and was offered further stents in the blood vessels on the left side or a triple bypass operation which would include bypassing the stents that had been inserted my RCA.

When I met the surgeon he suggested that I would probably need further intervention after 10 years with stents, but it would be at least 25 years with an op. I went with the op and now 6 years on aged almost 73, I am still climbing mountains in Scotland.

I fully understanding your worries about having an operation and it is not a decision made lightly. It is a big operation and even for someone as fit as I was, recovery took time, but by taking it steady and keeping positive, I got through it. I was back walking the hills and mountains 6 months after my op and haven't looked back since.

I hope that you can settle on making a decision soon.

All the best for the future,


sjs1me profile image

Can't speak for stents, I didn't get the choice. In March this year whilst on the angiogram table the cardiologist lent over and said, 'Do you want to be referred to Southampton or the Brompton?' early in June I had CABG x 4.When I was woken in CICU the following day my heart pain had gone, yes it was replaced by different pains but they were temporary. I felt a bit battered and bruised but home on 4th day post surgery. 12,000 steps a day within a couple of weeks and independently walking my dog after 4. Driving at 6 weeks (my choice because of insurance jitters.) Rehab started at 7 weeks and signed off by the cardiologist at 14 weeks.

It was not as bad as I imagined.

Johnspurs profile image

I had a stent fitted at St Barts and have been well now for 8 years. I would advise you to get it done asap as per Dr request as delay can have a serious outcome!

Zerohere profile image

Can fully concur with your position, it’s taken over 2 years to get me to where I am now like you apart from the original episode I experienced then I’ve regarded myself fit and healthy and at the time I only felt a discomfort in my chest, no pain and to be honest I thought it was a chest infection.

To the now and present mid January I’m being scheduled for bypass surgery, was it a shock when the case manager told me you bet, did I receive the information well no is the honest answer, was I mentally prepared no, I was expecting him to tell me I was going to be stented and to be honest I tried arguing my case and this after it had been put to a panel of cardiologist, surgeon, and other health care professionals and they had decided that stents would either not take or fail very quickly.

And was there another twist in the story after being told after my angiogram that only one side of my heart arteries were narrowing when I asked how many bypasses I was told 3 which I was not again prepared for.

I can only advise go with the experts you may not like what you hear but do your own research be prepared and as I always say keep an open mind.

Also carry on your life as normal, I’ve just met with with my case manager for the pre op I was candid and open with her and when we discussed a date for the op I told her I was travelling to Spain for the New Year, I put her mind at rest by telling her I had obtained a specialist insurance to cover me which I have and she has planned my admission date around my return in mid January.

Jedi14 profile image

I think my experiences may be of help to you, as I have seen both! In my wifes case there was no choice as they had already spoken about and decided on a triple bypass. This is conditional, I think on a few factors: 1) Do you have a loved one , I was there for her throughout this operation from start to finish. The post op period of several weeks is also very important. 2) This is a longer time based recovery.

In my own case I was ear marked for bypass surgery but with the help of my cardiologist, I opted for stents, with a much shorter recovery time. So if you have a loved one by your side go for the bypass surgery.

Synergiii profile image


Thank you all who responded, sharing your personal stories and experiences of bypass surgery and stinting, promted by my own fears , and recent diagnosis.

I’ve been overwhelmed by the immediacy and number of responses in such a short space of time.

Every story shared has been of encouragement as well as bravery. This has allayed many of the fears I have. Though it’s the “surgery” part which remains.

I know from the time I was told it would have be done (2 x bypass) I just knew it couldn’t be then and there, or at least within those following days. It was all about timing. I knew nothing at all about anything of the things you guys have shared, and would’ve gone in complete ignorant of what was to happen. I am happy with the choice I made, though am aware of the possible consequences my decision might have, by not staying in hospital for surgery at the time.

I have a follow up appointment January 8th, and will be in a much better informed position to make the choice to have surgery. When exactly that time will be? I do not know. Yet what I do know is, I have been empowered and embraced by every experienced shared here.

Thank you.

Carsry profile image


I had a double bypass in January this year - no choice offered. I was 54, type 1 diabetic with 90% narrowing in my LAD!

Please feel free to ask any questions about my journey to Recovery!

Womble3 profile image

I would have stayed and had treatment I had triple bypass in jan they did not offer stents if stents can do it go for that if it avoids major surgery

Doing nothing risks you having the possibility of further complications

Since my triple bypass I was home within 5 days had problems with getting up and needed help from my wife

After a year besides taking a lot of pills and taking it steady I am ok

So do not be afraid go for it

Synergiii profile image
Synergiii in reply toWomble3

Thank you for sharing. I hear you. Have heard many say the same, which I so appreciate.

Have a much more clearer understanding, and lessened fear.

Have had so many responses saying similar, hard to reply to all. Thank you.

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