Tuesday we held my dads funeral , it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions since we were told he only had a few days to live . Since Thursday I’ve been having lots of fluttering feelings , every time I’m walking around at home I feel more breathless than normal , very tight almost painful chest . I just don’t feel well . I do have a cardiac history since having a pacemaker n 2020. Should I see how things go the next few days or get checked over
Tight sensation in chest , palpitatio... - British Heart Fou...
Tight sensation in chest , palpitations and feeling more breathless than usual

I'm so sorry for your loss of your dad. Such a difficult time for you.
If I were you, I'd get checked over as soon as possible. It may just be an overload of anxiety because of what's been going on, but as a survivor of Takotsubo, which in very simple terms is a form of heart failure caused by a surge of adrenaline and which causes similar symptoms, I wouldn't hesitate to go to A&E.
Also, given you already have a cardiac history, all the more reason to get checked out.
Best wishes.
Hi Westie
I’m so sorry for your loss; what a shock it must’ve been for you all.
I’m no medical professional but I think you should at the very least call 111 or do an online assessment. Given you have a cardiac history, I wouldn’t take the chance.
It could be the emotional stress that you’re going through but getting checked over will likely give you invaluable peace of mind.
Let us know how you get on, take care!
Best wishes
I am so sorry for you loss this will be such an emotional time for you and you will no doubt be finding hard to process what has happened
But back to you and how you are feeling it could be down to everything you have and are still going through but I would still get it checked out
Please let us know how you get on x

Thank you , emotions are running high st the moment . I’ve had to wait until today when hubby is at home to be with our 10yr old daughter as I know I’ll be in for a long wait at hospital and it would be upsetting for her seeing me have blood tests etc., she is a very anxious child and after needing a week in paediatric hdu she has a fear of hospitals . I have we trying to convince myself I don’t need to go but felt quite strong fluttering last night , still more breathless on occasion too . I just feel like I’d be wasting the hospitals time .
Please do not ever feel you would be wasting the Hospitals tome they would rather you go than stay at home and something not be right
You are important and if you feel something is not as it should be then please let them check you out
Keep us updated how you are x

thank you again , I did debate whether to just call gp but on a previous gp phone appt they told me to go to hospital if they think it’s been anything that could be cardiac
Yes we have a telephone message on ours saying more or less the same thing
Keep in touch with us though and let us know how you are doing x
I’m sorry to hear about the passing of your dad. I imagine it’s a really difficult time for you at the moment.
The sensations you are feeling may be due to anxiety and stress however, as heart patients, they may also mask angina pains.
As it’s been a couple of days already, and you are still experiencing the same types of sensations, I would give 111 a call and explain your previous heart history to them and your current symptoms. If the breathlessness or chest pain gets worse, please call 999.
Let us know how you get on.
Thank you , I’ve had to wait until today as hubby has today off so he can be with our 10 yr old as I know she wouldn’t cope with sitting around with me for however many hours I’d have to wait . She is very anxious and is scared of hospitals after being admitted for a week herself .
Hi, sorry it’s been a bad time for you.
Although stress can play a great part in our health it’s still best to get it checked out. You are a “ hearty” with concerning symptoms and you “ just don’t feel well””. Give 101 a phone and let them decide! don’t wait until Monday. I think by just posting you already know that you should. Don't let embarrassment or “wasting their time” hold you back. Let us know how you get on.
So sorry for your loss 💔😔. As everyone else has suggested definitely get checked out, it could easily be overwhelming grief and anxiety but it could also be heart related. Please get checked out 😉.
I’m sorey for your loss, I have lost both my parents very suddenly so I know the terrible pain you’re going through.
That said, as cardiac patient myself, I’d get checked over right away if I had experienced those symptoms.
Please keep us updated on your well-being x
Have you checked your BP and heart rate. It is hardly sur[rising the recent events should stress you out. A call to 111 would seem a useful thing to do
You must seek medical attention as soon as possible. It is possibly Takotsubo cardiomyopathy which can occur after severe stress. (I've had four episodes.) The heart usually recovers in a few weeks/months, but sometimes symptoms can last longer than that. Best wishes.
So sorry for you - it is such a difficult time. Please get checked tho. My Mother died very suddenly( I found her) - coped very well that day and then the following morning just went into panic attack mode and was taken to hospital to be checked out as my heart rate and BP were high. So glad to be cared for and reassured - it was what I needed! Take care
Hi , I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. You have had a lot of stress recently and all of that has probably helped to co tribute to the way you ate feeling. With your history of heart problems I think it would be best ro get this checked out as soon as possible. Better to be safe than sorry.
I'm so very sorry for your loss Westie, you and the family, must be feeling devastated. As to not feeling well - stress, such as what you must be feeling now, can do all sorts of things to our systems and I really think a health check-up is needed as soon as you can. Even a call to 111 for guidance would be helpful. As I'm sure you already know, the medics always tell us 'hearties' that we're better being safe than sorry and they much prefer us to get in touch with any concerns. Carol
Thank you everyone for your replies and advice . I’m ok until I’m awake then the tightness starts , having all sorts of odd left sided twinges , I had a sudden electric shock kind of pain in my left arm but it was only once , as soon as I’m out of bed I get episodes of fluttering feeling and a bit more breathless than usual . My blood oxygen and pulse are fine during these episodes . Two of my girls had a bit of an argument this morning and me telling them off made me feel worse . I’m still trying to convince myself that it’s just anxiety . Thank you all again
I am so sorry for your loss! Grief and sorrow are so hard on us mentally and physically. Some of your flutters may be due to your grief. You likely are not eating right—maybe not eating enough—and you may not be sleeping well—and all of this affects us physically.
I’m not a medical doctor, but with your heart history and this major event in your life, I would suggest seeing or talking with your doctor. It certainly can’t hurt to have everything checked out.
Take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I think you should get checked out, you’ve been through a lot.
Since having my pacemaker, I believe that I can directly contact the cardiac unit at any time. With the tight chest and all that you're experiencing, although probably brought on by the tragedy of your dad's funeral, I'd still recommend going and getting checked out. Death of a close relative is one of the 3 biggest killer stresses. Better safe than sorry.
thank you , I didn’t know stress could be so serious . I walked the dogs yesterday as was fine doing that but later at home I was only putting a cover on the sofa and the effort of reaching to do that made me quite breathless , not for long but just little things at home that I normally can do without problems cause a few seconds of feeling out of breath . So tired today too .
Back from hospital , everything was ok which is a relief but still having horrible episodes of symptoms and when it happens I feel really unwell . Told to go back if it continues .