I haven't posted a question for quite a while. I have been prescribed Amitriptyline to reduce the neuropathic pain in my left leg as I was refused surgery to restore the circulation to my legs, on grounds of an unacceptable risk level. I take 20mg nightly as at that level the usual side effects are okay and there is a 75% pain reduction so I get more sleep. A few weeks after starting the tablets I started to get a sharp pain above my navel shortly after eating. At first this was thought to be excess acid and the dose of my proton pump inhibitor was increased from 30 to 80mg but no improvement. My pancreas, liver, kidneys and stomach have all been checked. This additional pain is debilitating and I wondered if could it be due to the tablets? Any information would be most welcome.
Amitriptyline: could abdominal pain b... - British Heart Fou...
Amitriptyline: could abdominal pain be a side effect?

Different tablets can give each of us different side effects and I have stomach issues on the meds I take which one is the cause I am not sure but if this started after the new med was introduced it could be the cause of your pain you ar getting
I would speak with your Doctor about it and if let us know how you get on x

Thank you Bekind. I will go back to my doctor and suggest the pain might be due to the tablets and try to discuss alternatives.
I don't know about abdominal pain, but Amitriptyline for nerve pain caused an episode of atrial fibrillation for me some years ago. I have avoided it like the plague ever since. Perhaps there is an alternative for your neuropathy?
Thank you for your reply. Your comment on AF is interesting.I have found that my resting heart rate has increased by around 10 beats/ minute, rising steeply on mild exertion, in the past few months, probably since I started the tablets, but I have persisted with them because of the nerve pain improvement. I will go back to my doctor and ask if there is an alternative that might suit me better in the hope that it might also stop the abdominal pain.
Hi. I take exactly the same dose and have, thankfully, had no side-effects whatsoever! For me, they have made my Severe Leg (Calf) Pain completely disappear I suffered with it for Weeks before taking them. Why not check with a Pharmacist to see if they could be causing any problems because of the Pump and other possible Tablets that you take. If you cannot stick the side effects, if it is the cause obviously, you need to review it with your Doctor
Thank you for your advice. I did check with the medical centre pharmacist when first prescribed the tablets as the included leaflet seem to point to several contraindications, with both my heart condition and other medications, but was told that at low dosage this wouldn't be a problem. I think I may need a second opinion. I'm pleased to hear that they work so we'll for you. I would be happy to continue using them as they have made my constant pain manageable. I'm just trying to find the cause of my recently aquired abdominal pain as my GP seems to have run out of ideas after submitting me to multiple tests as well as emailing my cardiologist and vascular consultant. No one has yet suggested a possible link with the Amitriptyline so I wondered whether this is worth pursuing. I will try another pharmacist ' s opinion. Thank you again.
Hi I have IBS and diverticular disease and was started on Amitryptaline for nerve pain in that area it took a good 4 months to show any improvement. It did give me headaches to start with and a dry mouth.
Thank you for the useful information which seems to suggest the Amitriptyline is unlikely to be the culprit, although we don't all respond similarly and it may be a problem with a combination of Amitriptyline and my other medications. I had wondered whether my symptoms could be the result of something like diverticulitis or other problem with my intestines as this aspect has also not yet been investigated. I too get a dry mouth and take 2 glasses of water to bed to compensate. I hope you continue to get relief for your conditions and thank you again for your input.
Yes can be.I took 10mg amitriptyline for 10 weeks and since then I started to have some abdominal pain.
Now I stopped it and I have flu symptoms after 4 days since I stopped.
Thank you for your reply. My GP is doubtful regarding the amitriptyline as the cause. So far I've had ultrasound scans for liver, gall bladder and kidney damage, an endoscopy investigation of my stomach and a blood test to check pancreas function all are negative. Got a slightly dicky kidney apparently, but not likely to cause the pain. Also my CT scans taken last year have been checked for mesenteric arteries blockage and my cardiologist and vascular consultant' s opinions sought. No evidence of it being vascular in origin. I'm now waiting for a colonoscopy. All this has been on the NHS since I wrote my post. I feel very fortunate and somewhat guilty when nothing shows up. Perhaps if the last test is also negative my GP will reconsider the amitriptyline option. I take many other medications for my heart and circulation so it could be some kind of interaction.I do hope your flu symptoms settle soon.