If I give a little information could someone please give me some advice? 3 weeks ago I had a very scary episode of chest and back pain (severe pain) It started slow but built quickly until it was unbearable and I couldn’t breathe or move. Called an ambulance but by the time they arrived the pain had gone. They did an ecg which they said was normal. No follow up required but they weren’t sure what it was.
Yesterday the same happened again but this time I had nausea and the pain was worse and lasted longer. After about 20 minutes and whilst on the phone to 999 I was sick and then the pain disappeared again. An ambulance came and they took an egg which was normal. They did get me checked out at the hospital this time where another ecg was normal as was the blood tests they did.
The hospital have sent me back to my gp for a heart monitor so I will follow up.
I have been under the gp for a while for fatigue and dizzy spells too (I also have low iron and high cholesterol but have been eating wfpb for the last 2 months and have lost a little weight) I also suffer with anxiety after a breakdown last year so they tend to fob me off because of this. As you can imagine my anxiety is now through the roof waiting for this pain to come back especially as the second episode was worse and I know it wasn’t just a one off now.
Should I be worried? Would the ecg only pick something up if it was actually happening at the same time? I have an Apple Watch which I haven’t worn for a while but wondered if that might pick anything up.