Hi , I am Adam and 51 years old. I had a cough and shortness of breath that started in March this year. Got referred to a cardiologist, had an echocardiogram which showed slight leaking aortic valve. I also had a positive stress test indicating a blockage. I was put on monomil XL 30mg , ranexa 350mg twice a day, aspirin 75mg, bisoprolol 1.25mg and GTN spray. I had an angiogram in August which showed a blockage where the blue arrow on the picture is. I was told it was too tricky to put a stent in at that time. Went back in this Friday to have a stent fitted , procedure was slightly different as I believe I was given something as I was told I would get breathless and I could barely breathe. Again I was told it was difficult to do and they didn't want to cause further complications. Cardiologist said something about the blood flow being positive but the other was negative? Not sure what that meant. Anyway sent away with more medication Nicorandil 10mg twice a day.
Will see consultant in about 4 weeks time. He spoke about possibly doing angioplasty but not putting the stent in. I have been off work since August and he will no give me the ok to return yet.
Does anyone have any explanation or experience as to what he said and why he wouldn't fit a stent.
Many thanks