Hi everyone,
I am new to this community. I had a stent fitted 5 weeks ago following an angina attack. This is my second stent. The 1st ( which is still good) was fitted in 2006 in a different artery and was found following abnormal stress test during a company medical. Fortunately I've never had a heart attack. I am 69 retired and have been pretty active. Gym twice a week and golf twice a week prior the angina attack. My cardiologist says I can return to the gym and golf after 6 weeks which is week after next. Looking for a bit of advice with regard to what routine to follow as apprehensive about overdoing it but at the sometime want to do something meaningful.I am generally feeling Ok with the odd twinge but told this is normal and have been walking for about 40 mins every day without any issues.
Appreciate any suggestions.