I live on the South Coast of the UK. I live in a very hot flat - 28.4 at the moment, usually above 26. I have read that heat/hot weather is not good for heart failure patients. I am originally Scottish and am wondering if moving back to cooler weather might be better for me
Weather: I live on the South Coast of... - British Heart Fou...
You may well feel better in a cooler place . But it will not affectyour diagnosis. It will be related to how you feel in terms of well being. I lived in the Middle East for years and felt very under the weather a lot of the time. This improved dramatically when I returned to the uk.
My thinking was that I have read that in hot weather it is harder for the heart to pump blood around. Though I think it is also said too cold has the same effect
I would say move to NE England. It can be several degrees cooler here, and it is a far superior place to live 😀. My house has never got as hot as 24 C.
If I move, there are other considerations.
Hiya I’m in Scotland my ef is 40 so I’m boarder line heart failure I think ? It’s warm today and I live n a sun trap it’s horrendous, I sleep with two fans , I have three fans in the living room and my living room window has a massive shade over it . I’m sure feeling anyway but I have found it’s harder n the summer . I think if you are more careful of the weather and so as much as possible to stay cool you don’t need to move
Thank you for that. All my life I wanted hot weather. Egypt and India both fantastic for that. Now I have health to think about lol. I like where I live. I'm on the coast and part of my view includes the sea. Staying is a preference
I’m in Ayrshire and live right on the beach so I get that , but as you will probably know our beaches here and a little colder 😂😂 so you would probably love it . Also yano maybe you actually really want to move up here and if that’s the case , go for it !! You only live once xxx
I seem to remember freezing rather than colder
😂 Some years ago I was threatened with violence by some family members. Family don't talk to me, haven't for many years (over 60 years for one brother when he was 30 and I was 8) so that is in my thoughts too as partly why not to move where any family could reach me too easily
Absolutely go for it !! You only live once

Jealous much, I live in Johnstone and have always wanted to live down the coast

There's a huge difference between hot weather in one country and in another. What normally knocks people out is the humidity. I could easily tolerate temps above 100f in California and hot weather in Germany because it's a dry heat. It only has to get to 20c here and i'm totally lacking energy. My dad was absolutely fine in East AFrica but even warm summers here left him limp.
It took me a few months...
I'm from Scotland. I'll understand very well 😉
Hi, I found the high humidity with temp over 30 is a real problem for me. A week ago when it topped out at 33 I stupidly went a walk, came back and felt sick, lost all appetite, didn't want to drink, then the tiredness, fatigue kicked in. 2 days later as it cooled I was fine.I am 70 yrs old, Heart attack 4 yrs ago, heart disease, take my medication , weights good and I am fit. Whether its the medication or what I don't know but in future, when weather is like that I stay in shade, drink plenty. Hate getting older.
I have osteoarthritis which is causing me problems with my legs giving way sometimes so unfortunately I can't walk as much as I did and want to but I do have stupid moments sitting in the sun a little too long lol. Getting older I don't mind it's the crap that it brings with it. Something new every day it seems

Perhaps a cheaper and simpler option would be to use a fan to cool you down and carry on enjoying the view. Take care Brian
I have 2 ceiling fans going. I lived in India for 6 years. Fans move air, they do not really cool people or spaces down. Prices of energy being as they are using a cooler is not an option. I live in rented accommodation so A/C is not an option either

I accept the electricity prices are going to be a problem for everyone. Perhaps try a fan closer to you. To keep you cool and turn the ceiling fans off. .Hope it cools down soon and helps to solve your problem. Brian
Thank you for helping and advice by the way, I should have started with that first. Ceiling fans are much cheaper per hour so they are using a lot less electricity.

Freeze as big a block of ice as you can ....Stand it upright in a dish / bowl ( big enough to collect melt water ) and put it in front of a fan blowing in your direction. Very effective.

No worries. Just hope it goes cooler or you solve the problem. It's easier when it's cold you just put a jumper on. Take care

Fans don't cool the air, they move it and cool people down by causing the perspiration to evaporate quicker which then cools the skin
I understand how you feel about the warm weather. My flat in Brighton was like a conservatory! But I find the same with the cold, too. I now live in a stone house in the north east, and I have to go outside to get warm! I’d say there are other important considerations too. Like your friendship group, support network, medical facilities etc. moving is also stressful in itself. I wish you luck and cooler days.
I live in East Anglia and when it’s hotter it most definitely affects me but as others have said there has to be other considerations about whether you should move.
Thank you to everyone who responded. I will discuss the issue with doctors and consultants before making a decision
I live right on the South coast too. I don’t find it all that warm and in the winter it still gets very cold. I’m originally from Liverpool and don’t find all that much difference in the climate when I go back to visit.
I rarely go outside. 3.5 years ago I was in hospital for about 3 months. Basically everything changed after that. Including temperature regulation I suspect
Well I too live in the south coast and have a daughter living near North Berwick. As much as I love Scotland very much I don’t think I could tolerate the times of extreme cold for long there. Also the heating bills will be even higher this year. A doctor friend told me not to do anything strenuous in the sun while we are having this very hot weather. Have you considered more fans in your apartment . When it gets very hot I find they help. I had a heart bypass . It was very very cold in Scotland at Christmas this year and I really felt it
I live in the Scottish Borders, previous to that 23 years in South africa. I find the climate is perfect, never too hot, cold but never unbearable cold. Going to be spending 5 weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia from October, looking forward to the trip but not the the high humidity. I'm 77
Fans are too expensive to run. That is why I have 2 ceiling fans. I live in a studio so one is in the lounge and the other over my bed.
Why not look for another apartment local to where you are now, but a cooler aspect ? If you are prepared to move to Scotland it shouldn't be to difficult to find something local, this will allow you to keep continuity with health care etc. !!
I am 75 and live in the South West and find it a better climate than when I lived in Aberdeen. Also I don't think there is a great deal of difference in the energy bill when it is keeping warm or keeping cool.
That is another option too. But again so is the cost of moving. Ceiling fans are the cheapest option. I live in a retirement block of flats (local council) and luckily the heating is communal in this block
As you will know Ceiling Fans are the option of choice in most Hot countries, when we lived in Singapore and then Mississippi we used ceiling fans rather than the A/C. Not for cost but quieter and my OH used to find then soothing ! Hope you get a good outcome !!
I lived in India for 6 years so I that's where I got the idea from, and it was a lot hotter there