Hi,I had a echocardiogram stress test on Monday but I have been reading not to have any food before hand no one told me not to eat,I had something to eat about an hour before will this effect results.
Food before echocardiogram - British Heart Fou...
Food before echocardiogram

I had one a couple of years ago - nobody mentioned not eating beforehand, so please don't worry about that!If I recall correctly, there may be some medications you have to stop beforehand (possibly beta-blockers), but you would have been told 8f that was necessary.
I have had three, and nobody has ever told me not to eat beforehand.
I've not had a Stress Echo myself, but, a family member has, and was told not to eat for a couple of hours beforehand.

Thanks, I now know that there is 2 kinds of echocardiograms.
Aye, if you had a conventional Echo, you can eat and drink to yours hearts content...
I’ve had 2 echocardiograms and recently my children have both had to have one. No mention of food for any of us.
I wasn't told not to eat and got the results ok.
Thankyou every one after the treadmill test the technician said my heart is ok but my gp has not got results yet because I have not heard from him and I am still taking heart meds,I have stopped clopidogrel on my own but am still taking isosorbide mononitrate 25mg and atorvastatin 10mgs don't know whether to stop them on my own because of my hiatus hernia.
Maybe just the stress part. Similar to it's not a good idea to eat straight before exercise?
I had one just before Christmas. No restrictions on food at all.
I had an echo stress a few months ago and I was told not to eat. I asked the technician about it. She said it was so I would not get sick. I would have felt better if I had eaten 😬.
we did a stress one - just told not to eat "a big meal" right before, just like you wouldn't pre exercise in case it makes you feel a bit sick with all the running etc